rhai-autodocs 0.1.7

Custom documentation generator for the Rhai scripting language


Generate Markdown documentation from a rhai::Engine instance.

generated documentation


  • Output Rhai documentation as Markdown w/ HTML.
  • Function ordering.
  • Rust docs 'sections' format with default Markdown format or displayed using tabs.

How to use

This library can be imported as a build dependency into your build script. A typical documentation generation workflow would look like this:

// -- build.rs
fn main() {
    // Specify an environment variable that points to the directory
    // where the documentation will be generated.
    if let Ok(docs_path) = std::env::var("DOCS_DIR") {
        let mut engine = rhai::Engine::new();

        // register custom functions and types ...

        let docs = rhai_autodocs::options()
            .expect("failed to generate documentation");

        // Write the documentation in a file, or output to stdout, etc.

You need to import the styles/default.css file and src/tabs.js script for everything to work correctly. (You can of course override the styles and javascript code if you wish) The generated markdown / HTML works best with mdbook. See the mdbook example for more details.