rftrace-frontend 0.1.0

Rftracer frontend for writing uftrace compatible traces.
use crate::interface::*;
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, prelude::*};

extern "C" {
    fn rftrace_backend_enable();
    fn rftrace_backend_disable();
    fn rftrace_backend_init(bufptr: *mut Event, len: usize, overwriting: bool);
    fn rftrace_backend_get_events() -> *const Event;
    fn rftrace_backend_get_events_index() -> usize;

/// Enables tracing in the backend.
pub fn enable() {
    unsafe { rftrace_backend_enable() }

/// Disables tracing in the backend.
pub fn disable() {
    unsafe { rftrace_backend_disable() }

/// Used to keep track of event buffer given to the staticlib
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Events {
    ptr: *mut Event,
    len: usize,
    cap: usize,

fn get_events(events: &mut Events) -> (Vec<Event>, usize) {
    // Tell backend to not use the current buffer anymore.
    let ptr = unsafe { rftrace_backend_get_events() };
    println!("{:?}, {:?}", ptr, events);
    assert!(ptr == events.ptr, "Event buffer pointer mismatch!");

    let eventvec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(events.ptr, events.len, events.cap) };

    let idx = unsafe { rftrace_backend_get_events_index() };
    (eventvec, idx)

/// Initializes a new event buffer.
/// Allocs a new buffer of size `max_event_count` and passes it to the backend.
/// If `overwriting`, treats it as a ring-buffer, keeping only the most-recent entries, otherwise it stopps logging once it is full.
/// `max_event_count` will not be filled completely, since space is left for the returns of hooked functions.
/// Currently, the maximum stack-depth is 1000. Consequently, `max_event_count` has to be greater than 1000.
pub fn init(max_event_count: usize, overwriting: bool) -> &'static mut Events {
        max_event_count > MAX_STACK_HEIGHT,
        "Event buffer has to be larger than maximum stack height!"
    let buf = vec![Event::Empty; max_event_count];
    unsafe {
        // intentionally leak here! stacks have to live until end of application.
        let (ptr, len, cap) = buf.into_raw_parts();
        rftrace_backend_init(ptr, cap, overwriting);
        // TODO: free this leaked box somewhere. Create a drop() function or similar?
        return Box::leak(Box::new(Events { ptr, len, cap }));

/// Dumps the traces with some faked metadata into the given folder. Uses the same format as uftrace, which should be used to parse them.
/// Will NOT generate symbols! You can generate them with `nm -n $BINARY > binary_name.sym`
/// # Arguments
/// * `events` - Events buffer to write, returned by `init()`
/// * `out_dir` - folder into which the resulting trace is dumped. Has to exist.
/// * `binary_name` - only relevant for this symbol file. Generated metadata instructs uftrace where to look for it.
/// * `linux` - if true, don't fake the memory map, copy it from /proc/self/maps.
pub fn dump_full_uftrace(
    events: &mut Events,
    out_dir: &str,
    binary_name: &str,
    linux: bool,
) -> io::Result<()> {
    // arbitrary values for pid and sid
    let pid = 42;
    let sid = "00";

    // First lets create all traces.
    let tids = dump_traces(events, out_dir, false)?;

    if tids.len() == 0 {
        println!("Trace is empty!");
        return Ok(());

    println!("Creating fake uftrace data dir at {}..", out_dir);
    println!("  Creating ./info");
    let mut info: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();

    // /info HEADER
    // magic
    // version. we are using version 4 of fileformat
        .expect("Write interrupted");
    // header size. 0x28 == 40 bytes
        .expect("Write interrupted");
    // endinaness = 1
    // elf_ident[EI_CLASS]. always 2 for 64bit
    // feature flags
    println!("    feats = TASK_SESSION | SYM_REL_ADDR");
    const TASK_SESSION: u64 = 1 << 1; // needed.
    const SYM_REL_ADDR: u64 = 1 << 5; // enable symbol relocation (important for ASLR on linux)
    info.write_u64::<LittleEndian>(TASK_SESSION | SYM_REL_ADDR)
        .expect("Write interrupted");
    // info flags
    println!("    info = CMDLINE | TASKINFO");
    const CMDLINE: u64 = 1 << 3; // needed, else --dump chrome outputs invalid json.
    const TASKINFO: u64 = 1 << 7; // needed, since uftrace uses this to determine how to interpret task.txt
    info.write_u64::<LittleEndian>(CMDLINE | TASKINFO)
        .expect("Write interrupted");
    // mstack. disable in feature flags, so 0
        .expect("Write interrupted");
    // reserved
        .expect("Write interrupted");
        .expect("Write interrupted");
        .expect("Write interrupted");
    // /info END OF HEADER

    // cmdline
    println!("    cmdline = 'fakeuftrace'");
    write!(info, "cmdline:fakeuftrace\n")?;
    // taskinfo
    println!("    tid = {:?}", tids);
    write!(info, "taskinfo:lines=2\n")?;
    write!(info, "taskinfo:nr_tid={}\n", tids.len())?;
    write!(info, "taskinfo:tids={}", tids[0])?;
    for tid in &tids[1..] {
        write!(info, ",{}", tid)?;
    write!(info, "\n")?;

    let infofile = format!("{}/info", out_dir);
    let mut infofile = File::create(infofile)?;

    println!("  Creating ./task.txt");
    let taskfile = format!("{}/task.txt", out_dir);
    let mut taskfile = File::create(taskfile)?;
    println!("    pid = {}", pid);
    println!("    sid = {}", sid);
    println!("    exe = {}", binary_name);
        "SESS timestamp=0.0 pid={} sid={} exename=\"{}\"\n",
        pid, sid, binary_name
    for tid in tids {
        write!(taskfile, "TASK timestamp=0.0 tid={} pid={}\n", tid, pid)?;

    let mapfilename = format!("{}/sid-{}.map", out_dir, sid);
    let mut mapfile = File::create(mapfilename)?;
    if linux {
        // see uftrace's record_proc_maps(..)
        // TODO: implement section-merging
            "  Creating (incorrect) ./sid-{}.map by copying /proc/self/maps",
        let mut procfile = File::open("/proc/self/maps")?;
        io::copy(&mut procfile, &mut mapfile)?;
    } else {
        println!("  Creating ./sid-{}.map fake memory map file", sid);

            "000000000000-ffffffffffff r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          {}\n",
            "ffffffffffff-ffffffffffff rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]\n"

    if linux {
            "\nYou should generate symbols with `nm -n $BINARY > {}/$BINARY.sym`",
            "INFO: Linux mode is NOT fully supported yet! To get symbols working, you have to"
        println!("      edit the sid-00.map and merge the section for each binary, so that it only occurs once.");
        println!("      Needs to contain at least [stack] and the binaries you want symbols of.");
    } else {
            "\nYou should generate symbols with `nm -n $BINARY > {}/{}.sym`",
            out_dir, binary_name


/// Dumps only the trace file to disk, without additional metadata.
/// `events` is the Events buffer as returned by `init`.
/// outfile is the file into which the output trace is written.
/// The trace itself has the same format as uftrace, but is not directly parsable due to the missing metadata.
/// # Format
/// Packed array of uftrace_record structs
/// ```c
/// struct uftrace_record {
///     uint64_t time;
///     uint64_t type:   2;
///     uint64_t more:   1;
///     uint64_t magic:  3;
///     uint64_t depth:  10;
///     uint64_t addr:   48; /* child ip or uftrace_event_id */
/// };
pub fn dump_trace(events: &mut Events, outfile: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
    dump_traces(events, outfile, true)?;

fn dump_traces(events: &mut Events, outpath: &str, singlefile: bool) -> io::Result<Vec<u64>> {
    // Uftraces trace format: a bunch of 64-bit fields, See https://github.com/namhyung/uftrace/wiki/Data-Format
    // Array of 2x64 bit unsigned long: `[{time: u64, address: u64}, ...]`
    // Since addresses are (currently) only using the low 48 bits, metadata (mainly funciton entry/exit) is saved in the remaining 16 bits.

    /* struct uftrace_record {
        uint64_t time;
        uint64_t type:   2;
        uint64_t more:   1;
        uint64_t magic:  3;
        uint64_t depth:  10;
        uint64_t addr:   48; /* child ip or uftrace_event_id */
    }; */

    // TODO: create enable lock, to ensure no mcount() happens while we read the events array.
    println!("Saving traces to disk...!");

    let (events, cidx) = get_events(events);
    let cidx = cidx % events.len();

    // The following is somewhat inefficient, but is intended to solve two constraints:
    // - don't use too much memory. Here we have ~2x trace array.
    // - don't have multiple files open at once

    // To avoid to many reallocs, use array with maximum size for all traces.
    let mut out = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(16 * events.len());

    // Gather all tids so we can assemble metadata
    let mut tids: Vec<Option<core::num::NonZeroU64>> = Vec::new();
    for e in events[cidx..].iter().chain(events[..cidx].iter()) {
        match e {
            Event::Exit(e) => {
                if !tids.contains(&e.tid) {
            Event::Entry(e) => {
                if !tids.contains(&e.tid) {
            Event::Empty => {}

    // For each TID, loop through the events array and save only the relevant items to disk
    for current_tid in &tids {
        // clear out vec in case it contains entries from previous tid

        let tid = current_tid.map_or(0, |tid| tid.get());

        println!("  Parsing TID {:?}...!", tid);
        for e in events[cidx..].iter().chain(events[..cidx].iter()) {
            match e {
                Event::Exit(e) => {
                    if !singlefile && current_tid != &e.tid {
                    write_event(&mut out, e.time, e.from, 1);
                Event::Entry(e) => {
                    if !singlefile && current_tid != &e.tid {
                    write_event(&mut out, e.time, e.to, 0);
                Event::Empty => {

        if !out.is_empty() {
            let filename = if singlefile {
            } else {
                let file = format!("{}.dat", tid);
                format!("{}/{}", outpath, file)

                "  Writing to disk: {} events, {} bytes ({})",
                out.len() / 16,
            let mut file = File::create(filename)?;
    println!("  Parsed all events!");

    // Remove the options from the tids, using 0 for None
        .map(|tid| tid.map_or(0, |tid| tid.get()))

fn write_event(out: &mut Vec<u8>, time: u64, addr: *const usize, kind: u64) {
        .expect("Write interrupted");

    let mut merged: u64 = 0;
    merged |= (kind & 0b11) << 0; // type = UFTRACE_EXIT / UFTRACE_ENTRY
    merged |= 0 << 2; // more, always 0
    merged |= 0b101 << 3; // magic, always 0b101
    merged |= (0 & ((1 << 10) - 1)) << 6; // depth
    merged |= (addr as u64 & ((1 << 48) - 1)) << 16; // actual address, limited to 48 bit.
        .expect("Write interrupted");