[][src]Crate revent

Mutable aliasing free event system for Rust.

What is an event system?

An event system is a system where an object can create an event, and any other object (including the one generating the event itself) can listen and react to this event and update its state.

Why do we want this?

It allows us to decouple objects that need to uphold some invariant with respect to each other.

Take for instance a video player. If it loads a video then it should probably update the run-time of that video in the GUI. So the video loader can emit an event of the type VideoLoaded which the GUI listens to and updates its state.

The alternative is to somehow encode this ad-hoc, by calling an update function for the GUI inside the video loader. This becomes unwieldy in large programs.

Example of basic usage

use revent::{Event, Ignore, Notifiable};

struct X;

impl Notifiable for X {
    fn event(&mut self, _event: &dyn Event, _system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        println!("An event has been received!");
        // From here, call `event` on all direct children in X

        // _event: Actual event we're being called with, can be downcasted to a concrete event
        // or checked for a `type_id()`

        // _system: Contains all event receivers excluding `self` and its children

let mut x = X;

// Notify invokes `fn event` of both `this` and the given system.
    &"This is an event, almost anything can be an event", // The event object itself, only
    // needs to satisfy `Any` bounds.
    &mut Ignore, // System to send the event to and to send self-generated events to.
    // Since we can't hold both `x` and a struct containing `x` we need to feed in 2 variables:
    // `&mut self`, and `&mut Ignore`. If `&mut self` calls `self.notify` from within its own
    // event handler then it can use the provided system. This allows for recursive event
    // calls.
    // `Ignore` is a `Notifiable` that just ignores all events.

Usage like this is not typical. We'll soon see how we can use revent in big data structures with more complex relationships.

The Notifiable wrapper

This section is a preamble to the next section. It is here due to the next sections verbosity.

To avoid Rc<RefCell<_>> and other dynamic allocation / borrow checking we use something called a Notifier to wrap our Notifiables. This ensures that a notifiable called from its parent notifiable is able to propagate its events upwards.

Upward propagation is implemented by splitting the Notifiable out of the struct and considering the parent struct as just another system while we operate on the split out struct directly.

use revent::{Event, Ignore, Notifiable, Notifier};

struct X {
    y: Notifier<Y>,
struct Y;

impl Notifiable for X {
    fn event(&mut self, event: &dyn Event, _system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        println!("{:?} arrived in X", event.as_any());

impl Notifiable for Y {
    fn event(&mut self, event: &dyn Event, _system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        println!("{:?} arrived in Y", event.as_any());

// ---

let mut x = Notifier::new(X { y: Notifier::new(Y) });

// The root system, it's empty because we have nowhere to send events to
let system = &mut Ignore;

// This removes `y` from the tree temporarily so it can be accessed while it's being given a
// system that contains `x`, thus allowing `y` to send events to `x`.
let mut guard = Notifier::guard(
    &mut x,       // Variable to extract a notifier from
    |x| &mut x.y, // Path inside the variable to the notifier
    system        // Previous system to add to the variable which we extract from
let (y, system) = guard.split(); // System contains both x and the previous system
y.notify(&"Hello world", system);

drop(guard); // As the guard is dropped the split-out `y` is reinserted into the tree

Nested structures

When dealing with nested structures, we want to send our notifications to every Notifiable object. Because of Rust's mutable aliasing restriction this is not as straighforward as just putting the object in a list.

Instead what we do is we move a notifier out of the structure tree and consider the rest of the tree as one single Notifier. This way, the structure that was split out can call self.notify with the rest of the tree as the system - causing all notifiables to be updated.

use revent::{down, Event, Ignore, Notifiable, Notifier};

// We make 3 classes as exemplified by the video player introduction above

struct Client {
    gui: Notifier<Gui>,
    video: Notifier<Video>,

// Contains data we use to draw visual elements to the screen
struct Gui {
    pub running_time: u32,

struct Video; // Contains the video loader, decoder, and so on

// Make all these notifiable

impl Notifiable for Client {
    fn event(&mut self, event: &dyn Event, system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        println!("Client got an event");
        self.gui.event(event, system);
        self.video.event(event, system);

impl Notifiable for Gui {
    fn event(&mut self, event: &dyn Event, system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        println!("Gui got an event");
        if let Some(VideoChanged { new_time }) = down(event) {
            self.running_time = *new_time;

impl Notifiable for Video {
    fn event(&mut self, event: &dyn Event, system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        println!("Video got an event");

// Add some functions that do work

impl Client {
    fn client_work(&mut self, system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        // Let's load a new video, as per the introductory paragraph
        let mut guard = Notifier::guard(self, |x| &mut x.video, system);
        let (video, system) = guard.split();

impl Gui {
    fn gui_work(&mut self, system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {

impl Video {
    fn video_work(&mut self, system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        // Do some loading work...
        let new_time = 123;
        self.notify(&VideoChanged { new_time }, system);

// A message that Video can send
struct VideoChanged {
    pub new_time: u32,

// Create a client
let mut client = Client { gui: Notifier::new(Gui { running_time: 0 }), video: Notifier::new(Video) };

// By making the root system `Ignore` we're essentially saying that the events stop here, we
// have nowhere to send them to in this context (in `fn main`)
let root_system = &mut Ignore;

// Let's make sure the Gui's running time starts at 0
assert_eq!(client.gui.running_time, 0);

// To simulate the introductory paragraph, let's load a new video

// Because we loaded a new video, the Gui's event handler should have updated its own state
// accordingly

assert_eq!(client.gui.running_time, 123);

Run order of recursive events

When you call Notifiable::notify, the following happens:

This example is not tested
self.event(event, system);
system.event(event, self)

Meaning that the current struct will exhaust its own events first. After this has happened the system events will run. One can play around with the following snippet (more details in the order example cargo run --example order) to see how this works.

use revent::{down, Event, Notifiable};

struct Dummy(u32);

impl Notifiable for Dummy {
    fn event(&mut self, event: &dyn Event, system: &mut dyn Notifiable) {
        println!("Dummy({}): {:?}", self.0, event.type_id());
        if let Some(number) = down::<i32>(event) {
            self.notify(&"Response event", system);

let mut this = Dummy(0);
let mut system = Dummy(1);

this.notify(&0i32, &mut system);



Notifiable that ignores all notifications. Useful as a root system.


Wrapper structure for notifiers.


A guard for acquiring a notifier and restoring the notifier into a tree after dropping.



A generic event. Implemented for almost all types.


Main trait of this crate to implement on structures.



Shorthand version for downcasting an Event.