repr_offset 0.2.2

Offsets of fields for types with a stable layout.
mod for_permutations;

macro_rules! _priv_offset_of {
    ( $instance:ident, $field:tt, $alignment:ident ) => {
        unsafe {
            let field_ptr = $crate::_priv_address_of!($alignment, $instance.$field);
            let struct_ptr = $crate::_priv_address_of!(aligned, $instance);
            field_ptr - struct_ptr

#[cfg(not(feature = "priv_raw_ref"))]
macro_rules! _priv_address_of {
    ( aligned, $($expr:tt)* ) => ( & ($($expr)*) as *const _ as usize );

#[cfg(feature = "priv_raw_ref")]
macro_rules! _priv_address_of {
    ( aligned, $($expr:tt)* ) => ( & ($($expr)*) as *const _ as usize );
    ( packed, $($expr:tt)* ) => ( &raw const ($($expr)*) as usize );

macro_rules! _priv_run_with_types {
        type_constructors $type_constructors:tt,
            ($e0:expr, $e1:expr, $e2:expr, $e3:expr $(,)?)
            ($f0:expr, $f1:expr, $f2:expr, $f3:expr $(,)?)
                $variable:ident , $other:ident,
                $off0:ident, $off1:ident, $off2:ident, $off3:ident
        ),* $(,)?
                type_constructors $type_constructors,
                    ($e0, $f0, $off0)
                    ($e1, $f1, $off1)
                    ($e2, $f2, $off2)
                    ($e3, $f3, $off3)
                type_constructors $type_constructors,
                    ($e3, $f3, $off3)
                    ($e2, $f2, $off2)
                    ($e1, $f1, $off1)
                    ($e0, $f0, $off0)
                type_constructors $type_constructors,
                    ($e2, $f2, $off2)
                    ($e3, $f3, $off3)
                    ($e0, $f0, $off0)
                    ($e1, $f1, $off1)
        type_constructors[ $($types:ident),* $(,)? ],
                type_constructor = $types,
        type_constructor = $type:ident,
            ($ea:expr, $fa:expr, $a_off:ident)
            ($eb:expr, $fb:expr, $b_off:ident)
            ($ec:expr, $fc:expr, $c_off:ident)
            ($ed:expr, $fd:expr, $d_off:ident)
        fn function(){
            let make_variable = || $type{a:$ea, b:$eb, c:$ec, d:$ed };
            let make_other = || $type{a:$fa, b:$fb, c:$fc, d:$fd };
            let $a_off = $type::OFFSET_A;
            let $b_off = $type::OFFSET_B;
            let $c_off = $type::OFFSET_C;
            let $d_off = $type::OFFSET_D;
                let mut $variable = make_variable();
                let mut $other = make_other();

macro_rules! _priv_swap_tests {
        get_with = $get_with:expr,
        variables($var0:ident, $var1:ident)
        values($val0:expr, $val1:expr)
    ) => {{
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var0), $val0);
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var1), $val1);

        // Testing the identity swap
            let ptr: *mut _ = &mut $var0;
            $offset.swap(ptr, ptr);
            assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var0), $val0);

        $offset.swap(&mut $var0, &mut $var1);
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var0), $val1);
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var1), $val0);

        $offset.swap_nonoverlapping(&mut $var0, &mut $var1);
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var0), $val0);
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var1), $val1);

        $offset.swap_mut(&mut $var0, &mut $var1);
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var0), $val1);
        assert_eq!($get_with($offset, &$var1), $val0);

        $offset.swap_mut(&mut $var0, &mut $var1);

macro_rules! _priv_copy_tests {
        get_with = $get_with:expr,
        variables($var0:ident, $var1:ident)
        values($($val:expr),* $(,)?)
    ) => {{
            assert_ne!( $get_with($offset,&$var0), $val );
            assert_ne!( $get_with($offset,&$var1), $val );
            $offset.write(&mut $var0, $val);
                let ptr: *mut _ = &mut $var0;
                $offset.copy(ptr, ptr);
            $offset.copy(&$var0, &mut $var1);
            assert_eq!( $get_with($offset,&$var0), $val );
            assert_eq!( $get_with($offset,&$var1), $val );
            assert_ne!( $get_with($offset,&$var0), $val );
            assert_ne!( $get_with($offset,&$var1), $val );
            $offset.write(&mut $var0, $val);
            $offset.copy_nonoverlapping(&$var0, &mut $var1);
            assert_eq!( $get_with($offset,&$var0), $val );
            assert_eq!( $get_with($offset,&$var1), $val );
