repr_offset 0.2.2

Offsets of fields for types with a stable layout.
name = "repr_offset"
version = "0.2.2"
authors = ["rodrimati1992 <>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Zlib"
description = "Offsets of fields for types with a stable layout."
documentation = ""
keywords = ["offset_of","mem","offsetof","offset","no-std"]
categories = ["no-std"]
repository = ""
include = [

travis-ci = { repository =  "rodrimati1992/repr_offset_crates/" }

default = []

# Enables the for_examples module, with types used in examples.
for_examples = []

derive = ["repr_offset_derive"]

testing = [
    # "priv_expensive_test",

priv_expensive_test = []

priv_raw_ref = []

docsrs = []

# To run tests in nightly Rust.
test_nightly = ["testing","priv_raw_ref"]

repr_offset_derive = {version = "=0.2.0", path = "../repr_offset_derive", optional = true}

version = "0.2"

repr_offset_derive = {version = "=0.2.0", path = "../repr_offset_derive"}

features = ["docsrs", "for_examples", "derive"]