renderdoc-api 0.1.0

High-level bindings to the renderdoc API
extern crate renderdoc_api_sys as sys;
extern crate libc;
extern crate kernel32;
extern crate winapi;

use std::mem;

use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_char};

pub struct Context {
    table: &'static sys::RENDERDOC_API_1_1_1,

impl Context {
    pub fn new() -> Option<Self> {
        let entry = unsafe {
            let lib = libc::dlopen(b"\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char,
            if lib.is_null() { return None; }
            let entry = libc::dlsym(lib, b"RENDERDOC_GetAPI\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char);
            if entry.is_null() { return None; }
            mem::transmute::<_, sys::pRENDERDOC_GetAPI>(entry).unwrap()

        let entry = unsafe {
            // No drop needed here
            let module = kernel32::GetModuleHandleA(b"renderdoc.dll\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char);
            if module.is_null() { return None; }
            let entry = kernel32::GetProcAddress(module, b"RENDERDOC_GetAPI\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char);
            if entry.is_null() { return None; }
            mem::transmute::<_, sys::pRENDERDOC_GetAPI>(entry).unwrap()

        unsafe {
            let mut table: *mut sys::RENDERDOC_API_1_1_1 = mem::uninitialized();
            let status = entry(sys::eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_1_1, &mut table as *mut _ as *mut _);
            if status == 0 { return None; }
            Some(Context { table: &*table })

    pub fn get_api_version(&self) -> (c_int, c_int, c_int) {
        unsafe {
            let mut result: (c_int, c_int, c_int) = mem::uninitialized();
            self.table.GetAPIVersion.unwrap()(&mut result.0, &mut result.1, &mut result.2);

    /// Immediately begin a frame capture
    /// # Safety
    /// `device` and `window` must be pointers supported by renderdoc for their respective types, or null.
    pub unsafe fn start_frame_capture(&self, device: sys::RENDERDOC_DevicePointer, window: sys::RENDERDOC_WindowHandle) {
        self.table.StartFrameCapture.unwrap()(device, window);

    pub fn is_frame_capturing(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.table.IsFrameCapturing.unwrap()() != 0 } }

    /// Complete a frame capture began with `start_frame_capture`
    /// # Safety
    /// `device` and `window` must be pointers supported by renderdoc for their respective types, or null.
    pub unsafe fn end_frame_capture(&self, device: sys::RENDERDOC_DevicePointer, window: sys::RENDERDOC_WindowHandle) {
        self.table.EndFrameCapture.unwrap()(device, window);