render-to-texture 0.13.0

Render to a texture using Bevy and optionally retrieve the contents in the Main World.
# Bevy Procedural: Render to Texture

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Render to a texture using Bevy and optionally retrieve the contents in the Main World. See "examples" for usage.

Run the editor example using `cargo watch -w editor/src -w src -x "run -p editor"`.


This repository is still in an early stage and the API is subject to change. Also, expected tons of bugs and missing features.

We highly encourage contributions to enrich the project!

## License

The bevy-procedural packages are free, open source and permissively licensed. Except where noted (below and/or in individual files), all code in these repositories is dual-licensed, allowing you the flexibility to choose between:

 - The MIT License (LICENSE-MIT or
 - The Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or