redis-parser 0.1.2

A zero-copy parser for the RESP2 and RESP3 protocols, used by Redis

Redis Protocol Parser Docs Run Tests

This library provides a high-performance, zero-copy parser for the RESP2 and RESP3 protocols.


There are two simple parse functions depending on the protocol you want. This library uses the nom parsing library and is built around streaming data into the parser.

use redis_parser::resp2::{parse as parse2, Resp2Type};
use redis_parser::resp3::{parse as parse3, Resp3Type};

assert_eq!(parse2("+test\r\n".as_bytes()), Ok((&b""[..], Resp2Type::String("test"))));
assert_eq!(parse3("#f\r\n".as_bytes()), Ok((&b""[..], Resp3Type::Boolean(false))));