redis-lua 0.3.0

Redis Lua scripting helper

redis-lua is a Lua scripting helper for redis-rs

redis-lua allows to insert Redis Lua scripts in Rust code in safer manner. The key features of redis-lua are:

  • Compile-time lint for Redis Lua scripts.
  • Capturing Rust variables in Lua scripts.
  • Safe argument substitution.
  • Safely joining multiple Lua scripts.

Invoke a Lua script

[lua][] macro allows to create the Lua script. The script object implements [Script][] trait. The return value from the script can be converted to any types which implement [redis::FromRedisValue][].

use redis_lua::lua;

# fn main() {
let mut cli = redis::Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap();

let script = lua!(return 1 + 2);
let num: usize = script.invoke(&mut cli).unwrap();
assert_eq!(num, 3);
# }

Any Lua syntax supported by Redis Lua is usable.

  • if-else
# use redis_lua::lua;
# fn main() {
# let mut cli = redis::Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap();
# let script =
if 3 > 1 then
return 3
return 1
# let num: usize = script.invoke(&mut cli).unwrap();
# assert_eq!(num, 3);
# }
  • for-loop
# use redis_lua::lua;
# fn main() {
# let mut cli = redis::Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap();
# let script =
local sum = 0
for i=1,10 do
sum = sum + i
return sum
# let num: usize = script.invoke(&mut cli).unwrap();
# assert_eq!(num, 55);
# }

Error reporting

Errors in Lua scripts (such as undefined variables) are detected at compile time.

# use redis_lua::lua;
# fn main() {
# let mut cli = redis::Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap();
# let script =
return a + 1
# let num: usize = script.invoke(&mut cli).unwrap();
# assert_eq!(num, 55);
# }
error: in lua: `a` is not defined (undefined_variable)
--> src/
10 |   return a + 1
|          ^

error: aborting due to previous error

Capturing a variable

@ with an identifier allows to capture a Rust variable in the script. It allows to capture any types which implement [serde::Serialize][].

# use redis_lua::lua;
# fn main() {
# let mut cli = redis::Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap();
let x = 10;

let script = lua!(return @x + 2);
let num: usize = script.invoke(&mut cli).unwrap();
assert_eq!(num, 12);
# }

Argument substitution

$ with an identifier allows to substitute a variable before actually running the script. Same as @, any types which implement [serde::Serialize][] can be substituted.

# use redis_lua::lua;
# fn main() {
# let mut cli = redis::Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap();
let script = lua!(return $x + 2);
let num: usize = script.x(30).invoke(&mut cli).unwrap();
assert_eq!(num, 32);
# }

The difference from @ is that the same script can be called multiple times with different values.

# use redis_lua::lua;
# fn main() {
# let mut cli = redis::Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap();
let script = lua!(return $x + 2);

for i in 0..10 {
let num: usize = script.clone().x(i).invoke(&mut cli).unwrap();
assert_eq!(num, i + 2);
# }

The script object is clonable if all the variables it captures are clonable or it captures no variables.

Type conversion

@ and $ allow to pass Rust variables to Lua scripts. Primitive types and strings are converted to the corresponding primitive types/strings in Lua scripts. Non-empty byte sequences (e.g. Vec<u8>, &[u8]) are converted to a Lua string. If the sequence is empty, it's converted to an empty table.

Complicated types such as structs, tuples, maps and non-u8 vectors are converted to Lua tables. The name of struct members become the key of tables.


  • The comment -- is available only in nightly.
  • The warnings are available only in nightly. All the warnings are treated as errors in stable.