redis-async-pool 0.1.0

Deadpool manager for asynchronous Redis connections

Deadpool manager for asynchronous Redis connections

redis-async-pool implements a deadpool manager for asynchronous connections of the redis crate. Pooled connections can be used as regular redis::aio::Connection.


  • runtime agnostic (tested with tokio or async-std)
  • optional check of connection on recycle
  • optional ttl on connections


use redis::AsyncCommands;
use redis_async_pool::{RedisConnectionManager, RedisPool};

// Create a pool of maximum 5, checked on reuse without ttl.
let pool = RedisPool::new(
RedisConnectionManager::new(redis::Client::open("redis://localhost:6379")?, true, None),

// get a connection with the get() asyncc method and use it as regular redis connection
let mut con = pool.get().await?;
con.set(b"key", b"value").await?;
let value: Vec<u8> = con.get(b"key").await?;
assert_eq!(value, b"value");

You can set a ttl for each created connection by the pool, this helps avoiding huge memory consumption when keeping many connections open during a too long time.