redbpf 0.3.1

eBPF build and runtime library
//! # RedBPF
//! This crate provides a build-load-run workflow for eBPF modules. If the
//! `build` cargo feature is enabled, build-specific functionality is available.
//! You may want to use the `redbpf` crate like so:
//! ```toml
//! [build-dependencies]
//! redbpf = { version = "0.1", features = ["build"] }
//! [dependencies]
//! redbpf = "0.1"
//! ````
//! For more information about build-specific examples, look at the
//! documentation for the `build` module.
//! ## ELF object expectations
//! The ELF sections loaded by RedBPF should follow the following naming convention:
//!  * `maps/name` for maps
//!  * `kprobe/function_name` for entry probes for `function_name`
//!  * `kretprobe/function_name` for return probes for `function_name`
//!  * `xdp/name` for XDP probes. Names can be anything.
//!  * `socketfilter/name` for socket filters. Names can be anything.
//! Additionally, as per convention, the following sections should be present in
//! the ELF object:
//! ```c
//! __u32 _version SEC("version") = 0xFFFFFFFE;
//! char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";
//! ```
//! If the license is not GPL, some in-kernel functionality is not available for eBPF modules.
//! The magic version number is compatible with GoBPF's convention: during
//! loading it is replaced with the currently running kernel's internal version,
//! as returned by `uname()`.

#[cfg(feature = "build")]
extern crate lazy_static;
#[cfg(feature = "build")]
extern crate serde_derive;

#[cfg(feature = "build")]
pub mod build;
pub mod cpus;
mod error;
mod perf;
pub mod sys;
pub use bpf_sys::uname;

use bpf_sys::{bpf_insn, bpf_map_def};
use goblin::elf::{section_header as hdr, Elf, SectionHeader, Sym,

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;

pub use crate::error::{LoadError, Result};
pub use crate::perf::*;
use crate::uname::get_kernel_internal_version;

pub type VoidPtr = *mut std::os::raw::c_void;

pub struct Module {
    pub programs: Vec<Program>,
    pub maps: Vec<Map>,
    pub license: String,
    pub version: u32,

/// You can load an eBPF module, and all the programs in it like so:
/// ```rust
/// use redbpf::Module;
/// let mut module = Module::parse(&vec![]).unwrap();
/// for prog in module.programs.iter_mut() {
///     prog.load(module.version, module.license.clone()).unwrap();
/// }
/// ```
/// Note that during the parsing the ELF file all BPF maps are automatically
/// initialised.
/// You can attach kprobes like very easily:
/// ```rust
/// use redbpf::Module;
/// use redbpf::ProgramKind::*;
/// let code = std::fs::read("bpf.elf").unwrap();
/// let mut module = Module::parse(&code).unwrap();
/// for prog in module
///     .programs
///     .iter_mut()
///     .filter(|p| p.kind == Kprobe || p.kind == Kretprobe)
/// {
///     prog.attach_probe().unwrap();
/// }
/// ```
/// XDP and socket filters additionally require an interface to attach to.
/// Note that in case of XDP, the driver needs to support XDP probes, so, for
/// example, network bridges may not work out of the box.
/// ```rust
/// use redbpf::Module;
/// use redbpf::ProgramKind::*;
/// let code = std::fs::read("bpf.elf").unwrap();
/// let mut module = Module::parse(&code).unwrap();
/// for prog in module
///     .programs
///     .iter_mut()
///     .filter(|p| p.kind == XDP)
/// {
///     prog.attach_xdp("eth0").unwrap();
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Program {
    pfd: Option<RawFd>,
    fd: Option<RawFd>,
    pub kind: ProgramKind,
    pub name: String,
    code: Vec<bpf_insn>,
    code_bytes: i32,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ProgramKind {

/// Maps are loaded automatically, so you normally do not have to do anything to
/// initialise them after loading an ELF file.
/// The Map structure provides a safe wrapper around the native calls, but do
/// take and return `VoidPtr` arguments.
/// On top of this, maps do not need to be mutable to be mutated, since the
/// underlying code does not require such guarrantees.
/// This design makes it easier to deal with maps, and keeps them versatile for
/// sharing data between the kernel and userspace, however, it remains a foot
/// cannon. In the future, this might need more work.
pub struct Map {
    pub name: String,
    pub kind: u32,
    fd: RawFd,

pub struct Rel {
    shndx: usize,
    target: usize,
    offset: u64,
    sym: usize,

impl ProgramKind {
    pub fn to_prog_type(&self) -> bpf_sys::bpf_prog_type {
        use crate::ProgramKind::*;
        match self {
            Kprobe | Kretprobe => bpf_sys::bpf_prog_type_BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE,
            XDP => bpf_sys::bpf_prog_type_BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP,
            SocketFilter => bpf_sys::bpf_prog_type_BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER,
            Tracepoint => bpf_sys::bpf_prog_type_BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT,

    pub fn to_attach_type(&self) -> bpf_sys::bpf_probe_attach_type {
        use crate::ProgramKind::*;
        match self {
            Kprobe => bpf_sys::bpf_probe_attach_type_BPF_PROBE_ENTRY,
            Kretprobe => bpf_sys::bpf_probe_attach_type_BPF_PROBE_RETURN,
            a @ Tracepoint => panic!("Program type cannot be used with attach(): {:?}", a),
            a @ SocketFilter => panic!("Program type cannot be used with attach(): {:?}", a),
            a @ XDP => panic!("Program type cannot be used with attach(): {:?}", a),

    pub fn from_section(section: &str) -> Result<ProgramKind> {
        use crate::ProgramKind::*;
        match section {
            "kretprobe" => Ok(Kretprobe),
            "kprobe" => Ok(Kprobe),
            "xdp" => Ok(XDP),
            "socketfilter" => Ok(SocketFilter),
            "tracepoint" => Ok(Tracepoint),
            sec => Err(LoadError::Section(sec.to_string())),

impl Program {
    pub fn new(kind: &str, name: &str, code: &[u8]) -> Result<Program> {
        let code_bytes = code.len() as i32;
        let code = zero::read_array(code).to_vec();
        let name = name.to_string();
        let kind = ProgramKind::from_section(kind)?;

        Ok(Program {
            pfd: None,
            fd: None,

    pub fn is_loaded(&self) -> bool {

    pub fn is_attached(&self) -> bool {

    pub fn load(&mut self, kernel_version: u32, license: String) -> Result<RawFd> {
        let clicense = CString::new(license)?;
        let cname = CString::new(;
        let log_buffer: *mut i8 =
            unsafe { libc::malloc(mem::size_of::<i8>() * 16 * 65535) as *mut i8 };
        let buf_size = 64 * 65535 as u32;

        let fd = unsafe {
                cname.as_ptr() as *const i8,
                clicense.as_ptr() as *const i8,
                kernel_version as u32,
                0 as i32,

        if fd < 0 {
        } else {
            self.fd = Some(fd);

    pub fn attach_probe(&mut self) -> Result<RawFd> {

    pub fn attach_probe_to_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<RawFd> {
        let ev_name = CString::new(format!("{}{}", name, self.kind.to_attach_type())).unwrap();
        let cname = CString::new(name).unwrap();
        let pfd = unsafe {

        if pfd < 0 {
        } else {
            self.pfd = Some(pfd);

    pub fn attach_tracepoint(&mut self, category: &str, name: &str) -> Result<RawFd> {
        let category = CString::new(category)?;
        let name = CString::new(name)?;
        let res = unsafe {

        if res < 0 {
        } else {

    pub fn attach_xdp(&mut self, iface: &str) -> Result<()> {
        let ciface = CString::new(iface).unwrap();
        let res = unsafe { bpf_sys::bpf_attach_xdp(ciface.as_ptr(), self.fd.unwrap(), 0) };

        if res < 0 {
        } else {

    pub fn attach_socketfilter(&mut self, iface: &str) -> Result<RawFd> {
        let ciface = CString::new(iface).unwrap();
        let sfd = unsafe { bpf_sys::bpf_open_raw_sock(ciface.as_ptr()) };

        if sfd < 0 {
            return Err(LoadError::IO(io::Error::last_os_error()));

        match unsafe { bpf_sys::bpf_attach_socket(sfd, self.fd.ok_or(LoadError::BPF)?) } {
            0 => {
                self.pfd = Some(sfd);
            _ => Err(LoadError::IO(io::Error::last_os_error())),

impl Module {
    pub fn parse(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Module> {
        let object = Elf::parse(&bytes[..])?;
        let symtab = object.syms.to_vec();
        let shdr_relocs = &object.shdr_relocs;

        let mut rels = vec![];
        let mut programs = HashMap::new();
        let mut maps = HashMap::new();

        let mut license = String::new();
        let mut version = 0u32;

        for (shndx, shdr) in object.section_headers.iter().enumerate() {
            let (kind, name) = get_split_section_name(&object, &shdr, shndx)?;

            let section_type = shdr.sh_type;
            let content = data(&bytes, &shdr);

            match (section_type, kind, name) {
                (hdr::SHT_REL, _, _) => add_rel(&mut rels, shndx, &shdr, shdr_relocs),
                (hdr::SHT_PROGBITS, Some("version"), _) => version = get_version(&content),
                (hdr::SHT_PROGBITS, Some("license"), _) => {
                    license = zero::read_str(content).to_string()
                (hdr::SHT_PROGBITS, Some("maps"), Some(name)) => {
                    // Maps are immediately bcc_create_map'd
                    maps.insert(shndx, Map::load(name, &content)?);
                (hdr::SHT_PROGBITS, Some(kind @ "kprobe"), Some(name))
                | (hdr::SHT_PROGBITS, Some(kind @ "kretprobe"), Some(name))
                | (hdr::SHT_PROGBITS, Some(kind @ "xdp"), Some(name))
                | (hdr::SHT_PROGBITS, Some(kind @ "socketfilter"), Some(name)) => {
                    programs.insert(shndx, Program::new(kind, name, &content)?);
                _ => {}

        // Rewrite programs with relocation data
        for rel in rels.iter() {
            if programs.contains_key(& {
                rel.apply(&mut programs, &maps, &symtab)?;

        let programs = programs.drain().map(|(_, v)| v).collect();
        let maps = maps.drain().map(|(_, v)| v).collect();
        Ok(Module {

fn get_split_section_name<'o>(
    object: &'o Elf<'_>,
    shdr: &'o SectionHeader,
    shndx: usize,
) -> Result<(Option<&'o str>, Option<&'o str>)> {
    let name = object
        .ok_or_else(|| LoadError::Section(format!(
            "Section name not found: {}",

    let mut names = name.splitn(2, '/');

    let kind =;
    let name =;

    Ok((kind, name))

impl Rel {
    pub fn apply(
        programs: &mut HashMap<usize, Program>,
        maps: &HashMap<usize, Map>,
        symtab: &[Sym],
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let prog = programs.get_mut(&;
        let map = maps
        let insn_idx = (self.offset / std::mem::size_of::<bpf_insn>() as u64) as usize;

        prog.code[insn_idx].set_src_reg(bpf_sys::BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD as u8);
        prog.code[insn_idx].imm = map.fd;


impl Map {
    pub fn load(name: &str, code: &[u8]) -> Result<Map> {
        let config: &bpf_map_def = zero::read(code);
        let cname = CString::new(name.to_owned())?;
        let fd = unsafe {
                config.key_size as i32,
                config.value_size as i32,
                config.max_entries as i32,
                config.map_flags as i32,
        if fd < 0 {
            return Err(LoadError::Map);

        Ok(Map {
            name: name.to_string(),
            kind: config.kind,
    pub fn set(&self, key: VoidPtr, value: VoidPtr) {
        unsafe {
            bpf_sys::bpf_update_elem(self.fd, key, value, 0);

    pub fn get(&self, key: VoidPtr, value: VoidPtr) {
        unsafe {
            bpf_sys::bpf_lookup_elem(self.fd, key, value);

    pub fn delete(&self, key: VoidPtr) {
        unsafe {
            bpf_sys::bpf_delete_elem(self.fd, key);
fn add_rel(
    rels: &mut Vec<Rel>,
    shndx: usize,
    shdr: &SectionHeader,
    shdr_relocs: &[(usize, RelocSection<'_>)],
) {
    // if unwrap blows up, something's really bad
    let section_rels = &shdr_relocs.iter().find(|(idx, _)| idx == &shndx).unwrap().1;
    rels.extend(section_rels.iter().map(|rel| Rel {
        target: shdr.sh_info as usize,
        sym: rel.r_sym,
        offset: rel.r_offset,

fn get_version(bytes: &[u8]) -> u32 {
    let version = zero::read::<u32>(bytes);
    match version {
        0xFFFF_FFFE => get_kernel_internal_version().unwrap(),
        _ => *version,

fn data<'d>(bytes: &'d [u8], shdr: &SectionHeader) -> &'d [u8] {
    let offset = shdr.sh_offset as usize;
    let end = (shdr.sh_offset + shdr.sh_size) as usize;
