rcublas-sys 0.5.0

FFI bindings to cuBLAS
use pkg_config;
use std::env;

fn main() {
    let lib_dir = env::var("CUBLAS_LIB_DIR").ok();
    let include_dir = env::var("CUBLAS_INCLUDE_DIR").ok();

    if lib_dir.is_none() && include_dir.is_none() {
        if let Ok(info) = pkg_config::find_library("cudart") {
            // avoid empty include paths as they are not supported by GCC
            if !info.include_paths.is_empty() {
                let paths = env::join_paths(info.include_paths).unwrap();
                println!("cargo:include={}", paths.to_str().unwrap());
        if let Ok(info) = pkg_config::find_library("cuda") {
            // avoid empty include paths as they are not supported by GCC
            if !info.include_paths.is_empty() {
                let paths = env::join_paths(info.include_paths).unwrap();
                println!("cargo:include={}", paths.to_str().unwrap());
        if let Ok(info) = pkg_config::find_library("cublas") {
            // avoid empty include paths as they are not supported by GCC
            if !info.include_paths.is_empty() {
                let paths = env::join_paths(info.include_paths).unwrap();
                println!("cargo:include={}", paths.to_str().unwrap());

    let libs_env = env::var("CUBLAS_LIBS").ok();
    let libs = match libs_env {
        Some(ref v) => v.split(':').collect(),
        None => vec!["cublas"],

    let mode = if env::var_os("CUBLAS_STATIC").is_some() {
    } else {

    if let Some(lib_dir) = lib_dir {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", lib_dir);

    for lib in libs {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}", mode, lib);

    if let Some(include_dir) = include_dir.clone() {
        println!("cargo:include={}", include_dir);


    #[cfg(feature = "generate")]
        println!("cargo:warning=Running bindgen(cublas-sys), make sure to have all required host libs installed!");

        use std::path::PathBuf;

        let include_dir = include_dir.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("/usr/include/cuda"));

        let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
//! Defines the FFI for CUDA cuBLAS.
            .expect("Unable to generate bindings");

        let out_path = PathBuf::from("src").join("generated.rs");
            .expect("Couldn't write bindings!");