rbm 0.1.3

A command line bookmark management app written in Rust!
rbm-0.1.3 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: rbm-0.1.1


A command line bookmark management app written in Rust!


Cargo install

$ cargo install rbm


$ rbm -h

Add bookmark with add subcommand.
Bookmark is stored in ~/rbm-bookmarks.toml.

  • Title: bookmark title
  • URL: bookmark URL
  • Tag: bookmark tags (If there are multiple, separate them with commas)
$ rbm add
Title> Google
URL> https://google.com
Tag> Google,Search

List bookmarks with list subcommand.
You can do an ambiguous search by title and tags.
Select a bookmark to open it in your browser (Only for macOS function).

$ rbm list

You can change the location of rbm-bookmarks.toml by changing the path of the ~/rbm-config.toml.

path = '/Users/urawa72/rbm-bookmarks.toml'