rawsql 0.1.0

A rust library for reusing SQL


A rust library for using and reusing SQL.

Build Status

is heavily influenced by yesql (many thanks @krisajenkins)



You can integrate rawsql into your project through the releases on crates.io:

# Cargo.toml
rawsql = "0.1.0"


You need to write SQL and you need to reuse it. You don't want to duplicate the queries all over the code. This lib is for you.

This lib does not execute any sql in the DB.


The basic idea is that put all the sql code in their sql files and then this libs parse this files and get all the queries. The sql file need to be with this format :

-- name: insert-person
INSERT INTO "person" (name, data) VALUES ($1, $2);

-- name: select-persons
SELECT id, name, data FROM person;

Note the comment with the **-- name: ** , it will be the key value for get each query. Also is necessary at the end of the query the ";".

extern crate rawsql;

use rawsql::Loader;

fn main() {

    let queries = Loader::get_queries_from("examples/postgre.sql").unwrap().queries;

    //Insert query
    let q-ìnsert = queries.get("insert-person").unwrap();

    println!("{}", q-insert);

    //Select query
    let q-select = queries.get("select-persons").unwrap();
    println!("{}", q-select);


See the full example here


Copyright © 2015 Manuel Alonso

MIT License

Why not execute SQL this lib?

In rust there is not yet a general driver like JDBC or go's database/sql so I decide to abstract first the parser of sql files to use directly with the libs already exists for each DB.