raw-syscall-base 0.7.6

Low-level raw system call base.
# raw-syscall-base
Low level system calls.

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## Usage
Add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:
raw-syscall-base = "0.7.6"

## Supported Platforms
* x86_64-linux

## Purpose
This crate is limited to providing basic functionality necessary to perform system calls on the target platform.

All functions are marked unsafe, and no validation is done on arguments or return values.

All arguments and return values use the most basic possible types, for example everything is `usize` on `x86_64-linux`. All arguments must be converted to this type, and it's up to the caller to determine whether the result represents a pointer or error code or whatever.

The intention is to provide a minimal stable base with no unnecessary overhead on which to build a higher-level library.

## x86_64-linux Example
    use raw_syscall_base::{syscall, syscall_nr};
    // attempts to write "hello" to STDOUT
    pub unsafe fn hello() -> usize {
        syscall(1, &[1, b"hello" as *const u8 as usize, 5])

    // exits the program with a success code 
    pub unsafe fn exit_success() -> ! {
        syscall_nr(231, &[0])