rarbg_api 0.5.0

A Rust wrapper for RARBG TorrentAPI
<h3 align="center">RARBG TorrentAPI</h3>
<p align="center">
    A Rust wrapper for RARBG TorrentAPI
    <a href="https://github.com/baptistecdr/rarbg_api/issues/new">Report bug</a>
    <a href="https://github.com/baptistecdr/rarbg_api/issues/new">Request feature</a>

## Table of contents
- [Quick start]#quick-start
    - [Examples]#examples
    - [Documentation]#documentation
- [Bugs and feature requests]#bugs-and-feature-requests
- [Contributing]#contributing
- [Contributors]#contributors

## Description
This Rust module allows easy interaction with RARBG TorrentAPI.

In particular, it allows to list or search torrents and to export them to a magnet file.

## Quick start

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
rarbg_api = "0.4.1"
### Examples
extern crate rarbg_api;

use rarbg_api::api_parameters_builder::ApiParametersBuilder;
use rarbg_api::category::Category;
use rarbg_api::limit::Limit;
use rarbg_api::RarBgApi;
use rarbg_api::sort_by::SortBy;

fn main() {
    let mut api = RarBgApi::new("my_app_id");
    let parameters = ApiParametersBuilder::new()
        .categories(vec![Category::TvUhdEpisodes, Category::TvHdEpisodes, Category::TvEpisodes])
    let result = api.list(Some(&parameters));
    match result {
        // Export all torrents found in the current directory.
        // Each file contains a magnet link that can be add in your Bittorrent client.
        Ok(result) => result.torrents().iter().for_each(|t| println!("Torrent exported to '{}'.", t.export(".").unwrap())),
        Err(reason) => println!("{}", reason.error())
extern crate rarbg_api;

use rarbg_api::api_parameters_builder::ApiParametersBuilder;
use rarbg_api::category::Category;
use rarbg_api::limit::Limit;
use rarbg_api::RarBgApi;
use rarbg_api::sort_by::SortBy;

fn main() {
    let mut api = RarBgApi::new("my_app_id");
    let parameters = ApiParametersBuilder::new()
        .categories(vec![Category::TvUhdEpisodes, Category::TvHdEpisodes, Category::TvEpisodes])
    let result = api.search("Rick and Morty", Some(&parameters));
    match result {
        // Export first torrent found in the current directory.
        // The file contains a magnet link that can be add in your Bittorrent client.
        Ok(result) => result.torrents().iter().take(1).for_each(|t| println!("Torrent exported to '{}'.", t.export(".").unwrap())),
        Err(reason) => println!("{}", reason.error())

## Documentation

Documentation is available [here](https://docs.rs/rarbg_api).

## Bugs and feature requests
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, [please open a new issue](https://github.com/baptistecdr/rarbg_api/issues).

## Contributing
Contributions are welcome!

## Contributors
* [Orestis]https://github.com/omalaspinas for his feedback

## Disclaimer

Downloading content that you (don't) have might be illegal in your country.

This is an unofficial rust package.