rapier2d 0.8.0

2-dimensional physics engine in Rust.
use crate::dynamics::RigidBodySet;
use crate::geometry::{
    Collider, ColliderHandle, ColliderSet, InteractionGroups, PointProjection, Ray,
    RayIntersection, SimdQuadTree, AABB,
use crate::math::{Isometry, Point, Real, Vector};
use parry::query::details::{
    NonlinearTOICompositeShapeShapeBestFirstVisitor, PointCompositeShapeProjBestFirstVisitor,
    RayCompositeShapeToiAndNormalBestFirstVisitor, RayCompositeShapeToiBestFirstVisitor,
use parry::query::visitors::{
    BoundingVolumeIntersectionsVisitor, PointIntersectionsVisitor, RayIntersectionsVisitor,
use parry::query::{DefaultQueryDispatcher, NonlinearRigidMotion, QueryDispatcher, TOI};
use parry::shape::{FeatureId, Shape, TypedSimdCompositeShape};
use std::sync::Arc;

/// A pipeline for performing queries on all the colliders of a scene.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialize", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct QueryPipeline {
        feature = "serde-serialize",
        serde(skip, default = "crate::geometry::default_query_dispatcher")
    query_dispatcher: Arc<dyn QueryDispatcher>,
    quadtree: SimdQuadTree<ColliderHandle>,
    tree_built: bool,
    dilation_factor: Real,

struct QueryPipelineAsCompositeShape<'a> {
    query_pipeline: &'a QueryPipeline,
    colliders: &'a ColliderSet,
    query_groups: InteractionGroups,
    filter: Option<&'a dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,

/// Indicates how the colliders position should be taken into account when
/// updating the query pipeline.
pub enum QueryPipelineMode {
    /// The `Collider::position` is taken into account.
    /// The `RigidBody::next_position * Collider::position_wrt_parent` is taken into account for
    /// the colliders positions.
    /// The `RigidBody::predict_position_using_velocity_and_forces * Collider::position_wrt_parent`
    /// is taken into account for the colliders position.
    SweepTestWithPredictedPosition {
        /// The time used to integrate the rigid-body's velocity and acceleration.
        dt: Real,

impl<'a> TypedSimdCompositeShape for QueryPipelineAsCompositeShape<'a> {
    type PartShape = dyn Shape;
    type PartId = ColliderHandle;

    fn map_typed_part_at(
        shape_id: Self::PartId,
        mut f: impl FnMut(Option<&Isometry<Real>>, &Self::PartShape),
    ) {
        if let Some(collider) = self.colliders.get(shape_id) {
            if collider.collision_groups.test(self.query_groups)
                && self.filter.map(|f| f(shape_id, collider)).unwrap_or(true)
                f(Some(collider.position()), collider.shape())

    fn map_untyped_part_at(
        shape_id: Self::PartId,
        f: impl FnMut(Option<&Isometry<Real>>, &Self::PartShape),
    ) {
        self.map_typed_part_at(shape_id, f);

    fn typed_quadtree(&self) -> &SimdQuadTree<ColliderHandle> {

impl Default for QueryPipeline {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl QueryPipeline {
    /// Initializes an empty query pipeline.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    fn as_composite_shape<'a>(
        &'a self,
        colliders: &'a ColliderSet,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&'a dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> QueryPipelineAsCompositeShape<'a> {
        QueryPipelineAsCompositeShape {
            query_pipeline: self,

    /// Initializes an empty query pipeline with a custom `QueryDispatcher`.
    /// Use this constructor in order to use a custom `QueryDispatcher` that is
    /// aware of your own user-defined shapes.
    pub fn with_query_dispatcher<D>(d: D) -> Self
        D: 'static + QueryDispatcher,
        Self {
            query_dispatcher: Arc::new(d),
            quadtree: SimdQuadTree::new(),
            tree_built: false,
            dilation_factor: 0.01,

    /// The query dispatcher used by this query pipeline for running scene queries.
    pub fn query_dispatcher(&self) -> &dyn QueryDispatcher {

    /// Update the acceleration structure on the query pipeline.
    pub fn update(&mut self, bodies: &RigidBodySet, colliders: &ColliderSet) {
        self.update_with_mode(bodies, colliders, QueryPipelineMode::CurrentPosition)

    /// Update the acceleration structure on the query pipeline.
    pub fn update_with_mode(
        &mut self,
        bodies: &RigidBodySet,
        colliders: &ColliderSet,
        mode: QueryPipelineMode,
    ) {
        if !self.tree_built {
            match mode {
                QueryPipelineMode::CurrentPosition => {
                    let data = colliders.iter().map(|(h, c)| (h, c.compute_aabb()));
                    self.quadtree.clear_and_rebuild(data, self.dilation_factor);
                QueryPipelineMode::SweepTestWithNextPosition => {
                    let data = colliders.iter().map(|(h, c)| {
                        let next_position =
                            bodies[c.parent()].next_position * c.position_wrt_parent();
                        (h, c.compute_swept_aabb(&next_position))
                    self.quadtree.clear_and_rebuild(data, self.dilation_factor);
                QueryPipelineMode::SweepTestWithPredictedPosition { dt } => {
                    let data = colliders.iter().map(|(h, c)| {
                        let next_position = bodies[c.parent()]
                            * c.position_wrt_parent();
                        (h, c.compute_swept_aabb(&next_position))
                    self.quadtree.clear_and_rebuild(data, self.dilation_factor);

            // FIXME: uncomment this once we handle insertion/removals properly.
            // self.tree_built = true;

        for (_, body) in bodies
            for handle in &body.colliders {

        match mode {
            QueryPipelineMode::CurrentPosition => {
                    |handle| colliders[*handle].compute_aabb(),
            QueryPipelineMode::SweepTestWithNextPosition => {
                    |handle| {
                        let co = &colliders[*handle];
                        let next_position =
                            bodies[co.parent()].next_position * co.position_wrt_parent();
            QueryPipelineMode::SweepTestWithPredictedPosition { dt } => {
                    |handle| {
                        let co = &colliders[*handle];
                        let next_position = bodies[co.parent()]
                            * co.position_wrt_parent();

    /// Find the closest intersection between a ray and a set of collider.
    /// # Parameters
    /// - `position`: the position of this shape.
    /// - `ray`: the ray to cast.
    /// - `max_toi`: the maximum time-of-impact that can be reported by this cast. This effectively
    ///   limits the length of the ray to `ray.dir.norm() * max_toi`. Use `Real::MAX` for an unbounded ray.
    /// - `solid`: if this is `true` an impact at time 0.0 (i.e. at the ray origin) is returned if
    ///            it starts inside of a shape. If this `false` then the ray will hit the shape's boundary
    ///            even if its starts inside of it.
    /// - `query_groups`: the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// - `filter`: a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    pub fn cast_ray(
        colliders: &ColliderSet,
        ray: &Ray,
        max_toi: Real,
        solid: bool,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> Option<(ColliderHandle, Real)> {
        let pipeline_shape = self.as_composite_shape(colliders, query_groups, filter);
        let mut visitor =
            RayCompositeShapeToiBestFirstVisitor::new(&pipeline_shape, ray, max_toi, solid);

        self.quadtree.traverse_best_first(&mut visitor).map(|h| h.1)

    /// Find the closest intersection between a ray and a set of collider.
    /// # Parameters
    /// - `position`: the position of this shape.
    /// - `ray`: the ray to cast.
    /// - `max_toi`: the maximum time-of-impact that can be reported by this cast. This effectively
    ///   limits the length of the ray to `ray.dir.norm() * max_toi`. Use `Real::MAX` for an unbounded ray.
    /// - `solid`: if this is `true` an impact at time 0.0 (i.e. at the ray origin) is returned if
    ///            it starts inside of a shape. If this `false` then the ray will hit the shape's boundary
    ///            even if its starts inside of it.
    /// - `query_groups`: the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// - `filter`: a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    pub fn cast_ray_and_get_normal(
        colliders: &ColliderSet,
        ray: &Ray,
        max_toi: Real,
        solid: bool,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> Option<(ColliderHandle, RayIntersection)> {
        let pipeline_shape = self.as_composite_shape(colliders, query_groups, filter);
        let mut visitor = RayCompositeShapeToiAndNormalBestFirstVisitor::new(

        self.quadtree.traverse_best_first(&mut visitor).map(|h| h.1)

    /// Find the all intersections between a ray and a set of collider and passes them to a callback.
    /// # Parameters
    /// - `position`: the position of this shape.
    /// - `ray`: the ray to cast.
    /// - `max_toi`: the maximum time-of-impact that can be reported by this cast. This effectively
    ///   limits the length of the ray to `ray.dir.norm() * max_toi`. Use `Real::MAX` for an unbounded ray.
    /// - `solid`: if this is `true` an impact at time 0.0 (i.e. at the ray origin) is returned if
    ///            it starts inside of a shape. If this `false` then the ray will hit the shape's boundary
    ///            even if its starts inside of it.
    /// - `query_groups`: the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// - `filter`: a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    /// - `callback`: function executed on each collider for which a ray intersection has been found.
    ///               There is no guarantees on the order the results will be yielded. If this callback returns `false`,
    ///               this method will exit early, ignore any further raycast.
    pub fn intersections_with_ray<'a>(
        colliders: &'a ColliderSet,
        ray: &Ray,
        max_toi: Real,
        solid: bool,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
        mut callback: impl FnMut(ColliderHandle, &'a Collider, RayIntersection) -> bool,
    ) {
        let mut leaf_callback = &mut |handle: &ColliderHandle| {
            if let Some(coll) = colliders.get(*handle) {
                if coll.collision_groups.test(query_groups)
                    && filter.map(|f| f(*handle, coll)).unwrap_or(true)
                    if let Some(hit) =
                            .cast_ray_and_get_normal(coll.position(), ray, max_toi, solid)
                        return callback(*handle, coll, hit);


        let mut visitor = RayIntersectionsVisitor::new(ray, max_toi, &mut leaf_callback);
        self.quadtree.traverse_depth_first(&mut visitor);

    /// Gets the handle of up to one collider intersecting the given shape.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `colliders` - The set of colliders taking part in this pipeline.
    /// * `shape_pos` - The position of the shape used for the intersection test.
    /// * `shape` - The shape used for the intersection test.
    /// * `query_groups` - the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// * `filter` - a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    pub fn intersection_with_shape(
        colliders: &ColliderSet,
        shape_pos: &Isometry<Real>,
        shape: &dyn Shape,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> Option<ColliderHandle> {
        let pipeline_shape = self.as_composite_shape(colliders, query_groups, filter);
        let mut visitor = IntersectionCompositeShapeShapeBestFirstVisitor::new(

            .traverse_best_first(&mut visitor)
            .map(|h| (h.1 .0))

    /// Find the projection of a point on the closest collider.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `colliders` - The set of colliders taking part in this pipeline.
    /// * `point` - The point to project.
    /// * `solid` - If this is set to `true` then the collider shapes are considered to
    ///   be plain (if the point is located inside of a plain shape, its projection is the point
    ///   itself). If it is set to `false` the collider shapes are considered to be hollow
    ///   (if the point is located inside of an hollow shape, it is projected on the shape's
    ///   boundary).
    /// * `query_groups` - the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// * `filter` - a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    pub fn project_point(
        colliders: &ColliderSet,
        point: &Point<Real>,
        solid: bool,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> Option<(ColliderHandle, PointProjection)> {
        let pipeline_shape = self.as_composite_shape(colliders, query_groups, filter);
        let mut visitor =
            PointCompositeShapeProjBestFirstVisitor::new(&pipeline_shape, point, solid);

            .traverse_best_first(&mut visitor)
            .map(|h| (h.1 .1, h.1 .0))

    /// Find all the colliders containing the given point.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `colliders` - The set of colliders taking part in this pipeline.
    /// * `point` - The point used for the containment test.
    /// * `query_groups` - the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// * `filter` - a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    /// * `callback` - A function called with each collider with a shape
    ///                containing the `point`.
    pub fn intersections_with_point<'a>(
        colliders: &'a ColliderSet,
        point: &Point<Real>,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
        mut callback: impl FnMut(ColliderHandle, &'a Collider) -> bool,
    ) {
        let mut leaf_callback = &mut |handle: &ColliderHandle| {
            if let Some(coll) = colliders.get(*handle) {
                if coll.collision_groups.test(query_groups)
                    && filter.map(|f| f(*handle, coll)).unwrap_or(true)
                    && coll.shape().contains_point(coll.position(), point)
                    return callback(*handle, coll);


        let mut visitor = PointIntersectionsVisitor::new(point, &mut leaf_callback);

        self.quadtree.traverse_depth_first(&mut visitor);

    /// Find the projection of a point on the closest collider.
    /// The results include the ID of the feature hit by the point.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `colliders` - The set of colliders taking part in this pipeline.
    /// * `point` - The point to project.
    /// * `solid` - If this is set to `true` then the collider shapes are considered to
    ///   be plain (if the point is located inside of a plain shape, its projection is the point
    ///   itself). If it is set to `false` the collider shapes are considered to be hollow
    ///   (if the point is located inside of an hollow shape, it is projected on the shape's
    ///   boundary).
    /// * `query_groups` - the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// * `filter` - a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    pub fn project_point_and_get_feature(
        colliders: &ColliderSet,
        point: &Point<Real>,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> Option<(ColliderHandle, PointProjection, FeatureId)> {
        let pipeline_shape = self.as_composite_shape(colliders, query_groups, filter);
        let mut visitor =
            PointCompositeShapeProjWithFeatureBestFirstVisitor::new(&pipeline_shape, point, false);
            .traverse_best_first(&mut visitor)
            .map(|h| (h.1 .1 .0, h.1 .0, h.1 .1 .1))

    /// Finds all handles of all the colliders with an AABB intersecting the given AABB.
    pub fn colliders_with_aabb_intersecting_aabb(
        aabb: &AABB,
        mut callback: impl FnMut(&ColliderHandle) -> bool,
    ) {
        let mut visitor = BoundingVolumeIntersectionsVisitor::new(aabb, &mut callback);
        self.quadtree.traverse_depth_first(&mut visitor);

    /// Casts a shape at a constant linear velocity and retrieve the first collider it hits.
    /// This is similar to ray-casting except that we are casting a whole shape instead of
    /// just a point (the ray origin).
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `colliders` - The set of colliders taking part in this pipeline.
    /// * `shape_pos` - The initial position of the shape to cast.
    /// * `shape_vel` - The constant velocity of the shape to cast (i.e. the cast direction).
    /// * `shape` - The shape to cast.
    /// * `max_toi` - The maximum time-of-impact that can be reported by this cast. This effectively
    ///   limits the distance traveled by the shape to `shapeVel.norm() * maxToi`.
    /// * `query_groups` - the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// * `filter` - a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    pub fn cast_shape<'a>(
        colliders: &'a ColliderSet,
        shape_pos: &Isometry<Real>,
        shape_vel: &Vector<Real>,
        shape: &dyn Shape,
        max_toi: Real,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> Option<(ColliderHandle, TOI)> {
        let pipeline_shape = self.as_composite_shape(colliders, query_groups, filter);
        let mut visitor = TOICompositeShapeShapeBestFirstVisitor::new(
        self.quadtree.traverse_best_first(&mut visitor).map(|h| h.1)

    /// Casts a shape with an arbitrary continuous motion and retrieve the first collider it hits.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `colliders` - The set of colliders taking part in this pipeline.
    /// * `shape_motion` - The motion of the shape.
    /// * `shape` - The shape to cast.
    /// * `start_time` - The starting time of the interval where the motion takes place.
    /// * `end_time` - The end time of the interval where the motion takes place.
    /// * `stop_at_penetration` - If the casted shape starts in a penetration state with any
    ///    collider, two results are possible. If `stop_at_penetration` is `true` then, the
    ///    result will have a `toi` equal to `start_time`. If `stop_at_penetration` is `false`
    ///    then the nonlinear shape-casting will see if further motion wrt. the penetration normal
    ///    would result in tunnelling. If it does not (i.e. we have a separating velocity along
    ///    that normal) then the nonlinear shape-casting will attempt to find another impact,
    ///    at a time `> start_time` that could result in tunnelling.
    /// * `query_groups` - the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// * `filter` - a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    pub fn nonlinear_cast_shape(
        colliders: &ColliderSet,
        shape_motion: &NonlinearRigidMotion,
        shape: &dyn Shape,
        start_time: Real,
        end_time: Real,
        stop_at_penetration: bool,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
    ) -> Option<(ColliderHandle, TOI)> {
        let pipeline_shape = self.as_composite_shape(colliders, query_groups, filter);
        let pipeline_motion = NonlinearRigidMotion::identity();
        let mut visitor = NonlinearTOICompositeShapeShapeBestFirstVisitor::new(
        self.quadtree.traverse_best_first(&mut visitor).map(|h| h.1)

    /// Retrieve all the colliders intersecting the given shape.
    /// # Parameters
    /// * `colliders` - The set of colliders taking part in this pipeline.
    /// * `shapePos` - The position of the shape to test.
    /// * `shapeRot` - The orientation of the shape to test.
    /// * `shape` - The shape to test.
    /// * `query_groups` - the interaction groups which will be tested against the collider's `contact_group`
    ///                   to determine if it should be taken into account by this query.
    /// * `filter` - a more fine-grained filter. A collider is taken into account by this query if
    ///             its `contact_group` is compatible with the `query_groups`, and if this `filter`
    ///             is either `None` or returns `true`.
    /// * `callback` - A function called with the handles of each collider intersecting the `shape`.
    pub fn intersections_with_shape<'a>(
        colliders: &'a ColliderSet,
        shape_pos: &Isometry<Real>,
        shape: &dyn Shape,
        query_groups: InteractionGroups,
        filter: Option<&dyn Fn(ColliderHandle, &Collider) -> bool>,
        mut callback: impl FnMut(ColliderHandle, &'a Collider) -> bool,
    ) {
        let dispatcher = &*self.query_dispatcher;
        let inv_shape_pos = shape_pos.inverse();

        let mut leaf_callback = &mut |handle: &ColliderHandle| {
            if let Some(coll) = colliders.get(*handle) {
                if coll.collision_groups.test(query_groups)
                    && filter.map(|f| f(*handle, coll)).unwrap_or(true)
                    let pos12 = inv_shape_pos * coll.position();

                    if dispatcher.intersection_test(&pos12, shape, coll.shape()) == Ok(true) {
                        return callback(*handle, coll);


        let shape_aabb = shape.compute_aabb(shape_pos);
        let mut visitor = BoundingVolumeIntersectionsVisitor::new(&shape_aabb, &mut leaf_callback);

        self.quadtree.traverse_depth_first(&mut visitor);