rapier2d 0.5.0

2-dimensional physics engine in Rust.
use crate::data::arena::Arena;
use crate::data::pubsub::PubSub;
use crate::dynamics::{RigidBodyHandle, RigidBodySet};
use crate::geometry::Collider;
use parry::partitioning::IndexedData;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};

/// The unique identifier of a collider added to a collider set.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialize", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct ColliderHandle(pub(crate) crate::data::arena::Index);

impl ColliderHandle {
    /// Converts this handle into its (index, generation) components.
    pub fn into_raw_parts(self) -> (usize, u64) {

    /// Reconstructs an handle from its (index, generation) components.
    pub fn from_raw_parts(id: usize, generation: u64) -> Self {
        Self(crate::data::arena::Index::from_raw_parts(id, generation))

    /// An always-invalid collider handle.
    pub fn invalid() -> Self {

impl IndexedData for ColliderHandle {
    fn default() -> Self {

    fn index(&self) -> usize {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialize", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub(crate) struct RemovedCollider {
    pub handle: ColliderHandle,
    pub(crate) proxy_index: usize,

#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialize", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
/// A set of colliders that can be handled by a physics `World`.
pub struct ColliderSet {
    pub(crate) removed_colliders: PubSub<RemovedCollider>,
    pub(crate) colliders: Arena<Collider>,

impl ColliderSet {
    /// Create a new empty set of colliders.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        ColliderSet {
            removed_colliders: PubSub::new(),
            colliders: Arena::new(),

    /// An always-invalid collider handle.
    pub fn invalid_handle() -> ColliderHandle {
        ColliderHandle::from_raw_parts(crate::INVALID_USIZE, crate::INVALID_U64)

    /// Iterate through all the colliders on this set.
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (ColliderHandle, &Collider)> {
        self.colliders.iter().map(|(h, c)| (ColliderHandle(h), c))

    /// The number of colliders on this set.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Is this collider handle valid?
    pub fn contains(&self, handle: ColliderHandle) -> bool {

    /// Inserts a new collider to this set and retrieve its handle.
    pub fn insert(
        &mut self,
        mut coll: Collider,
        parent_handle: RigidBodyHandle,
        bodies: &mut RigidBodySet,
    ) -> ColliderHandle {
        // Make sure the internal links are reset, they may not be
        // if this rigid-body was obtained by cloning another one.

        coll.parent = parent_handle;

        // NOTE: we use `get_mut` instead of `get_mut_internal` so that the
        // modification flag is updated properly.
        let parent = bodies
            .expect("Parent rigid body not found.");
        coll.position = parent.position * coll.delta;
        coll.predicted_position = parent.predicted_position * coll.delta;
        let handle = ColliderHandle(self.colliders.insert(coll));
        let coll = self.colliders.get(handle.0).unwrap();
        parent.add_collider(handle, &coll);

    /// Remove a collider from this set and update its parent accordingly.
    /// If `wake_up` is `true`, the rigid-body the removed collider is attached to
    /// will be woken up.
    pub fn remove(
        &mut self,
        handle: ColliderHandle,
        bodies: &mut RigidBodySet,
        wake_up: bool,
    ) -> Option<Collider> {
        let collider = self.colliders.remove(handle.0)?;

         * Delete the collider from its parent body.
        // NOTE: we use `get_mut` instead of `get_mut_internal` so that the
        // modification flag is updated properly.
        if let Some(parent) = bodies.get_mut(collider.parent) {
            parent.remove_collider_internal(handle, &collider);

            if wake_up {
                bodies.wake_up(collider.parent, true);

         * Publish removal.
        let message = RemovedCollider {
            proxy_index: collider.proxy_index,



    /// Gets the collider with the given handle without a known generation.
    /// This is useful when you know you want the collider at position `i` but
    /// don't know what is its current generation number. Generation numbers are
    /// used to protect from the ABA problem because the collider position `i`
    /// are recycled between two insertion and a removal.
    /// Using this is discouraged in favor of `self.get(handle)` which does not
    /// suffer form the ABA problem.
    pub fn get_unknown_gen(&self, i: usize) -> Option<(&Collider, ColliderHandle)> {
            .map(|(c, h)| (c, ColliderHandle(h)))

    /// Gets a mutable reference to the collider with the given handle without a known generation.
    /// This is useful when you know you want the collider at position `i` but
    /// don't know what is its current generation number. Generation numbers are
    /// used to protect from the ABA problem because the collider position `i`
    /// are recycled between two insertion and a removal.
    /// Using this is discouraged in favor of `self.get_mut(handle)` which does not
    /// suffer form the ABA problem.
    pub fn get_unknown_gen_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> Option<(&mut Collider, ColliderHandle)> {
            .map(|(c, h)| (c, ColliderHandle(h)))

    /// Get the collider with the given handle.
    pub fn get(&self, handle: ColliderHandle) -> Option<&Collider> {

    /// Gets a mutable reference to the collider with the given handle.
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, handle: ColliderHandle) -> Option<&mut Collider> {

    // pub(crate) fn get2_mut_internal(
    //     &mut self,
    //     h1: ColliderHandle,
    //     h2: ColliderHandle,
    // ) -> (Option<&mut Collider>, Option<&mut Collider>) {
    //     self.colliders.get2_mut(h1, h2)
    // }

    // pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ColliderHandle, ColliderMut)> {
    //     //        let sender = &self.activation_channel_sender;
    //     self.colliders.iter_mut().map(move |(h, rb)| {
    //         (h, ColliderMut::new(h, rb /*sender.clone()*/))
    //     })
    // }

    //    pub(crate) fn iter_mut_internal(
    //        &mut self,
    //    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ColliderHandle, &mut Collider)> {
    //        self.colliders.iter_mut()
    //    }

impl Index<ColliderHandle> for ColliderSet {
    type Output = Collider;

    fn index(&self, index: ColliderHandle) -> &Collider {

impl IndexMut<ColliderHandle> for ColliderSet {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: ColliderHandle) -> &mut Collider {
        &mut self.colliders[index.0]