ranged_integers 0.7.0

An integer restricted to a compile-time defined bounds driven by const generics
//! # Ranged integers [nightly only]
//! The crate provides [an integer type](struct.Ranged.html) restricted to a compile time defined range with
//! automatic data size selection, automatic bounds calulation for arithmetics and the possibility
//! of fixed-size array indexing and range iteration.
//! # Prerequisites
//! The library usage requires the following Rust features enabled in the user crate or application:
//! ```
//! // Without this rustc generates errors and sometimes panics.
//! #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)]
//! ```
//! # Usage and examples
//! ## Ranged semantics
//! Use `Ranged<MIN, MAX>` type to be sure of the value range:
//! ```
//! # use ranged_integers::*;
//! fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {
//!     let x : i32 = dice_roll.into(); // Conversion is allowed, i32 can store 1..=6
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Contents
//! * [Data layout paradigm](#data-layout-paradigm)
//! * [Ranged and integer primitives](#ranged-and-integer-primitives)
//!    - [Creation of Ranged at compile time](#creation-of-ranged-at-compile-time)
//!    - [Ranged -> Ranged conversion](#ranged---ranged-conversion)
//!    - [int -> Ranged conversion](#int---ranged-conversion)
//!    - [Ranged -> int conversion](#ranged---int-conversion)
//! * [Array indexing, slicing and iteration](#array-indexing-slicing-and-iteration)
//! * [Comparison](#comparison)
//! * [Arithmetics](#arithmetics)
//! * [Pattern matching](#pattern-matching)
//! ## Data layout paradigm
//! The [Ranged] automatically chooses the smallest size possible according
//! to `MIN..=MAX` range.
//! It supports i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64 and i128 layouts (u128 is not supported),
//! and a special zero-size layout for "constant" values with `MIN==MAX`.
//! ```
//! # use ranged_integers::*; fn main(){
//! use core::mem::size_of;
//! assert_eq!(size_of::< Ranged<42, 42> >(), 0); // It's always 42, no need to store it
//! assert_eq!(size_of::< Ranged<-1, 127> >(), 1); // Fits i8
//! assert_eq!(size_of::< Ranged<0,  200> >(), 1); // Fits u8
//! assert_eq!(size_of::< Ranged<-1, 200> >(), 2); // Fits i16, doesn't fit i8 or u8
//! assert_eq!(size_of::< Ranged<0, 90000> >(),  4); // The range fits i32
//! # }
//! ```
//! The implementation heavily relies on the optimizer.
//! ## Ranged and integer primitives
//! ### Creation of `Ranged` at compile time
//! The [`Ranged::create_const`] can be used to create a 
//! [`Ranged`] value checking it at compile time.
//! The macro [`r!`] does the same but a bit shorter.
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! // Way 1: specify the bounds explicitly
//! move_player(Ranged::<1,6>::create_const::<4>());
//! move_player(r!([1 6] 4));  // Same thing
//! // Way 2: do not specify the bounds when possible
//! move_player(Ranged::create_const::<4>());
//! move_player(r!([] 4));  // Same thing
//! let x: Ranged::<0, 100> = Ranged::create_const::<42>();
//! let y: Ranged::<0, 100> = r!([] 42);  // Same thing
//! // Way 3: a special case with the single possible value
//! let x = Ranged::<4, 4>::create_const::<4>();
//! let y = r!(4);  // Same thing
//! ```
//! It fails if the bounds are corrupted:
//! ```compile_fail
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! move_player(r!([] 7)); // Error: Can't store 7 in [1 6] inverval
//! ```
//! ```compile_fail
//! move_player(r!([1 7] 7)); // Error: type mismatch, move_player() requires Ranged<1, 6>
//! ```
//! ### `Ranged` -> `Ranged` conversion
//! The `Ranged` can be converted to the type with different bounds using 
//! [`expand()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.expand) generic method (compile-time check)
//! and the methods [`fit()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.fit), [`fit_min()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.fit_min),
//! [`fit_max()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.fit_max) for runtime check.
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let expandable: Ranged<4, 5> = r!([] 5);  // Fits Ranged<1,6> accepted by move_player
//! let overlapping: Ranged<4, 9> = r!([] 5);  // Doesn't fit, but the value 5 is acceptable
//! move_player(expandable.expand());
//! move_player(overlapping.fit().unwrap());
//! ```
//! Shrinking with `expand()` is forbidden:
//! ```compile_fail
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! # let overlapping: Ranged<4, 9> = r!([] 5);
//! move_player(overlapping.expand());  // Error: the bounds 4..=9 can't fit in 1..=6
//! ```
//! ### `int` -> `Ranged` conversion
//! Way 1: ensure the bounds with [`Ranged::new(i128) -> Option<Ranged>`](struct.Ranged.html#method.new) function
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let some_int = 4;
//! let some_wrong_int = 8;
//! assert!(Ranged::<0, 6>::new(some_int) == Some(r!([0 6] 4)));
//! assert!(Ranged::<0, 6>::new(some_wrong_int) == None);
//! move_player(Ranged::new(some_int).unwrap());
//! ```
//! Way 2: use the [`Remainder operation`](struct.Ranged.html#impl-Rem<Ranged<VAL%2C%20VAL>>) with the "const" divisor
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let x: Ranged<-9, 9> = 15_i32 % r!(10);
//! let y: Ranged<0, 9> = 15_u32 % r!(10);
//! assert!(x == r!(5));
//! assert!(y == r!(5));
//! ```
//! Way 3: Convert the primitive types to `Ranged` with their native bounds using [`AsRanged`]
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! use ranged_integers::AsRanged;
//! let x = 15_u8.as_ranged();  // Ranged<0, 255>
//! let y = 15_i16.as_ranged(); // Ranged<-32768, 32767>
//! ```
//! ### `Ranged` -> `int` conversion
//! `int::From` trait is implemented when the value is proved to
//! fit into the result type:
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*;
//! let x = r!([0 200] 20);
//! let y: u8 = x.into();  // 0..=200 fits u8
//! ```
//! ```compile_fail
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*;
//! let x = r!([0 200] 20);
//! let y: i8 = x.into();  // 0..=200 doesn't fit i8
//! ```
//! `From` and `Into` operations can't be used in const context.
//! A set of [`const fn`](struct.Ranged.html#method.i8)s allows const conversions to 
//! any integer primitive except for `u128`:
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let x = r!([0 200] 20);
//! let y = x.u8(); // y is u8
//! let z = x.i16(); // z is i16
//! let w = x.usize(); // w is usize
//! ```
//! ```compile_fail
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let x = r!([0 200] 20);
//! let err = x.i8();  // Error: 0..=200 doesn't fit i8
//! ```
//! ## Array indexing, slicing and iteration
//! The [`ConstInclusiveRange<MIN,MAX>`] zero-size type is a range `MIN..=MAX`
//! capable to create the iterator ([`IntoIterator`] trait implemented)
//! with `Ranged<MIN, MAX>` output type. The [`r!`] macro can be used instead.
//! The [`Ranged::iter_up`](struct.Ranged.html#method.iter_up) method creates an
//! iterator from the current value up to `MAX`.
//! The arrays `[T; N]` may be indexed with `Ranged<0, {N-1}>` and sliced
//! with `r!(MIN..END)` range with a reference to fixed-size array output.
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let arr = [r!([1 6] 2), r!([] 3), r!([] 4), r!([] 5)];
//! assert_eq!(arr[r!(1..3)], [3,4]);  // Slicing with array reference output
//! assert_eq!(arr[r!([0 3] 1)], 3);  // Slicing with array reference output
//! // Not recommended to use this:
//!     for i in ConstInclusiveRange::<0, 3> {
//!         move_player(arr[i])  // iters through 0,1,2,3
//!     }
//! for i in r!(0..4) {
//!     move_player(arr[i])  // iters through 0,1,2,3
//! }
//! for i in r!(0..=3) {
//!     move_player(arr[i])  // iters through 0,1,2,3
//! }
//! for mv in r!([1 6] 3).iter_up() {
//!     move_player(mv)  // calls with 3,4,5,6
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Comparison
//! All `Eq` and `Ord` operations between different Ranged types are allowed,
//! so as `Ranged` vs integer comparisons:
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! assert!(r!([1 6] 4) == r!([1 10] 4));
//! assert!(r!([1 6] 4) != r!([1 6] 5));
//! assert!(r!(4) == 4);
//! assert!(5 != r!([1 6] 4));
//! assert!(r!(5) > r!([1 6] 4));
//! assert!(4 < r!([1 6] 5));
//! ```
//! ## Arithmetics
//! The bounds of arithmetic operations results are automatically recalculated.
//! Currently supported:
//! * The basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /)
//! * [`div_euclid()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.div_euclid) and [`rem_euclid()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.rem_euclid)
//! * [`min()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.min) and [`max()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.max)
//! * [`abs()`](struct.Ranged.html#method.abs)
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let x = r!([1 6] 5);
//! let y = r!([1 6] 4);
//! let a = x + y;  // The minimum is (1+1)=2, the maximum is (6+6)=12
//! let check_add: Ranged<2, 12> = a;  // Range assertion assignment
//! assert_eq!(check_add, r!(9));
//! let s = x - y;  // The minimum is (1-6)=-5, the maximum is (6-1)=5
//! let check_sub: Ranged<-5, 5> = s;  // Range assertion assignment
//! assert_eq!(check_sub, r!(1));
//! let m = x * y;  // The minimum is (1*1)=1, the maximum is (6*6)=36
//! let check_mul: Ranged<1, 36> = m;  // Range assertion assignment
//! assert_eq!(check_mul, r!(20));
//! let d = x / y;  // The minimum is (1/6)=0, the maximum is (6/1)=6
//! let check_div: Ranged<0, 6> = d;  // Range assertion assignment
//! assert_eq!(check_div, r!(1));
//! let r = x % y;
//! let check_rem: Ranged<0, 5> = r;  // Range assertion assignment
//! assert_eq!(check_rem, r!(1));
//! let n = -x;
//! let check_neg: Ranged<-6, -1> = n;  // Range assertion assignment
//! assert_eq!(check_neg, r!(-5));
//! let min: Ranged<1,6> = x.min(a);
//! let max: Ranged<2,12> = x.max(a);
//! let abs: Ranged<0,6> = r!([-1 6] -1).abs();
//! ```
//! The division and remainder are allowed only if it's impossible to store "0" in the divisor:
//! ```compile_fail
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! let x = r!([1 6] 4);
//! let y = r!([0 6] 5);
//! let z = r!([-1 6] 5);
//! let d = x / y; // Error: y can be 0
//! let e = x % z; // Error: z can be 0
//! ```
//! The true bounds calculation routine for `Rem` operation is far too complex.
//! In this library the calculated bounds will never exceed `1-DMAXABS..=DMAXABS-1` where `DMAXABS` is the 
//! maximum of the divisor absolute value.
//! This kind of `Rem` followed by `expand` is available for any dividend:
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*;
//! let x = r!([-1000 1000] 500);
//! let y = r!([-1 1000] 500);
//! let d = r!([1 10] 7);
//! let r: Ranged<-9, 9> = (x%d).expand();
//! // In this case, it expands just from Ranged<-9, 9> to itself
//! let r: Ranged<-9, 9> = (y%d).expand();
//! // In this case, it expands from Ranged<-1, 9>
//! ```
//! But the actual calculation routine can produce smaller bounds:
//! ```
//! # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; fn move_player(dice_roll: Ranged<1, 6>) {}
//! // In the general case the output is Ranged<1-MAX, MAX-1>, MAX from divisor (by absolute value)
//! let x: Ranged<-9, 9> = (r!([-1000 1000] 500) % r!([1 10] 7));
//! let x: Ranged<-9, 9> = (r!([-1000 1000] 500) % r!([-10 -1] -7));
//! // If the dividend is nonnegative or nonpositive,
//! // the output range is limited to 0.
//! let x: Ranged<0, 9> = r!([0 100] 15) % r!(10);
//! let x: Ranged<-9, 0> = r!([-100 0] -15) % r!(10);
//! // The limit can't exceed the dividend's MIN(if negative) or MAX(if positive):
//! let x: Ranged<-10, 10> = r!([-10 10] 4) % r!([1 1000] 70);
//! // If the divisor is "constant", the output bounds are the true bounds:
//! let x: Ranged<4, 7> = r!([14 17] 15) % r!(10);
//! // In particular, if both operands are "constant", the result is "constant"
//! let x: Ranged<5, 5> = r!(15) % r!(10);
//! ```
//! Following these rules, the calculated bounds may be wider than the true ones, like 
//! `Ranged<36289, 36292> % Ranged<6, 9> = Ranged<0, 8>` while the
//! result never exceeds `Ranged<1, 4>`.
//! ## Pattern matching
//! A limited version is implemented with [`rmatch!`] macro.





extern crate std;

mod tests;

pub mod value_check;
use value_check::{Assert, IsAllowed, OperationPossibility};

mod holder;

// An alias integer representing the largest possible ranged integer
type irang = i128;

/// Pick out the "smallest" IntLayout that fits the min..=max range.
/// To be evaluated at compile time.
/// Panics to emit an error when min>max.
pub const fn memlayout(min: irang, max: irang) -> holder::IntLayout {
    macro_rules! layout_variants {
        ($($t:ident)+) => {
            $(   if core::$t::MIN as irang <= min && max <= core::$t::MAX as irang {return holder::IntLayout::$t}   )+
    if min == max {
        return holder::IntLayout::Trivial;
    assert!(min <= max, "Ranged error: MIN cannot be greater than MAX");
    layout_variants! {i8 u8 i16 u16 i32 u32 i64 u64}

/// A value restricted to the given bounds
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Ranged<const MIN: irang, const MAX: irang>
where [u8; memlayout(MIN, MAX).bytes()]:,
    v: holder::NumberBytes<{ memlayout(MIN, MAX) }>,

pub const fn allow_creation(min: irang, v: irang, max: irang) -> bool {
    min <= v && v <= max

impl<const MIN: irang, const MAX: irang> Ranged<MIN, MAX>
    [u8; memlayout(MIN, MAX).bytes()]: ,
    #[allow(clippy::inline_always)] #[must_use] #[inline(always)]
    const unsafe fn __unsafe_new(n: irang) -> Self {
        Self {
            v: holder::NumberBytes::from_irang(n),

    #[allow(clippy::inline_always)] #[must_use] #[inline(always)]
    /// Convert Ranged to a primitive
    const fn get(self) -> irang {
        if MIN == MAX {MIN}
        else {self.v.to_irang()}

    /// Create a Ranged value checking the bounds at runtime
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; 
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let input = "42".to_string();
    /// let user_input = input.parse()?;
    /// if let Some(input) = Ranged::<1, 100>::new(user_input){
    ///     println!("The value is in range 1..=100")
    /// }
    /// else {
    ///     println!("The value is too high :(")
    /// }
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    pub const fn new(n: irang) -> Option<Self> {
        if (MIN <= n) && (n <= MAX) {
            Some(unsafe { Self::__unsafe_new(n) })
        } else {

    /// Create a Ranged constant checking the bounds at compile time
    /// Consider using [`r!`] macro instead
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*; 
    /// let a = Ranged::<0, 100>::create_const::<42>();
    /// let a = r!([0 100] 42);
    /// ```
    pub const fn create_const<const V: irang>() -> Self
    where Assert<{ OperationPossibility::allow_if(allow_creation(MIN, V, MAX)) }>: IsAllowed,
        unsafe { Self::__unsafe_new(V) }

    /// Iterate up from current value to `Self::MAX` (inclusively) using `Self` as output
    pub const fn iter_up(self) -> iter::Iter<MIN, MAX> {
        iter::Iter::<MIN,MAX>{current: Some(self)}

mod conversions;
pub use conversions::AsRanged;
mod arithmetics;
mod iter;
pub use iter::ConstRange as ConstInclusiveRange;

/// Create a ranged value or a range at compile time
/// **Warning**: ensure `#![feature(adt_const_params)]` is enabled.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #![feature(adt_const_params, generic_const_exprs)] use ranged_integers::*;
/// // Explicit bounds:
/// let a = r!([0 42] 23);  // Ranged<0, 42> with a value 23
/// // Type inference:
/// let b: Ranged<0, 100> = r!([] 42);  // Ranged<0, 100> with a value 42
/// // "Constant" value:
/// let c = r!(10);  // Zero-sized Ranged<10, 10> with a value 10
/// //Range:
/// for i in r!(0..10){
///     let v: Ranged<0,9> = i; 
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! r {
    ([$min:literal $max:literal] $x:expr) => {
        $crate::Ranged::<$min, $max>::create_const::<$x>()
    ([] $v:expr) => {
    ($min:tt..$end:tt) => {
        $crate::ConstInclusiveRange::<{$min}, {$end-1}>
    (-$min:tt..-$end:tt) => {
        $crate::ConstInclusiveRange::<{-$min}, {-$end-1}>
    (-$min:tt..$end:tt) => {
        $crate::ConstInclusiveRange::<{-$min}, {$end-1}>
    (-$min:tt..=$max:tt) => {
        $crate::ConstInclusiveRange::<{-$min}, {$max}>
    (-$min:tt..=-$max:tt) => {
        $crate::ConstInclusiveRange::<{-$min}, {-$max}>
    ($min:tt..=$max:tt) => {
        $crate::ConstInclusiveRange::<{$min}, {$max}>
    ($v:literal) => {
        $crate::Ranged::<$v, $v>::create_const::<$v>()
    ($v:tt) => {
        $crate::Ranged::<$v, $v>::create_const::<{$v}>()

impl<const MIN: irang, const MAX: irang> core::fmt::Display for Ranged<MIN, MAX>
where [(); memlayout(MIN, MAX).bytes()]: ,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.get())

impl<const MIN: irang, const MAX: irang> core::fmt::Debug for Ranged<MIN, MAX>
where [(); memlayout(MIN, MAX).bytes()]: ,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        if MIN == MAX {
            write!(f, "r!({})", MIN)
        } else {
            write!(f, "r!([{} {}] {})", MIN, MAX, self.get())

#[doc(hidden)] #[must_use]
pub const fn min_irang(x: irang, y: irang) -> irang {
    if x < y {x} else {y}
#[doc(hidden)] #[must_use]
pub const fn max_irang(x: irang, y: irang) -> irang {
    if x > y {x} else {y}

impl<T, const N: usize> core::ops::Index<Ranged<0, {N as i128 - 1}>> for [T; N]
    [u8; memlayout(0, N as i128 - 1).bytes()]:,
    Assert<{conversions::converter_checkers::usize(0, N as i128 - 1)}>: IsAllowed
    type Output = T;
    fn index(&self, index: Ranged<0, {N as i128 - 1}>) -> &Self::Output {

impl<T, const N: usize> core::ops::IndexMut<Ranged<0, {N as i128 - 1}>> for [T; N]
    [u8; memlayout(0, N as i128 - 1).bytes()]:,
    Assert<{conversions::converter_checkers::usize(0, N as i128 - 1)}>: IsAllowed
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Ranged<0, {N as i128 - 1}>) -> &mut Self::Output {

impl<T, const N: usize, const MIN: irang, const MAX: irang>
core::ops::Index<iter::ConstRange<MIN, MAX>> for [T; N] 
    [(); memlayout(MIN, MAX).bytes()]:,
    [T; (MAX-MIN+1) as usize]:,
    Assert<{conversions::converter_checkers::usize(MIN, MAX)}>: IsAllowed
    type Output = [T; (MAX-MIN+1) as usize];
    fn index(&self, _index: iter::ConstRange<MIN, MAX>) -> &Self::Output {
            let ptr = self.get_unchecked((MIN as usize)..=(MAX as usize)).as_ptr().cast();
impl<T, const N: usize, const MIN: irang, const MAX: irang>
core::ops::IndexMut<iter::ConstRange<MIN, MAX>> for [T; N] 
    [(); memlayout(MIN, MAX).bytes()]:,
    [T; (MAX-MIN+1) as usize]:,
    Assert<{conversions::converter_checkers::usize(MIN, MAX)}>: IsAllowed
    fn index_mut(&mut self, _index: iter::ConstRange<MIN, MAX>) -> &mut Self::Output {
            let ptr = self.get_unchecked_mut((MIN as usize)..=(MAX as usize)).as_mut_ptr().cast();
            &mut *ptr

/// Ranged pattern matching macro
/// Allows to match a [`Ranged`] value over a range it covers. The feature has
/// the following limitations:
/// - The bounds must be explicitly specified; they are checked, but not inferred
/// - The macro syntax supports a subset of Rust pattern matching syntax
/// - `i128::MIN` and `i128::MAX` values must not be in range
/// - The unclear error reporting
/// ```
/// # #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;
/// fn ranged_to_bool(r: Ranged<0,1>) -> bool {
///     rmatch!{[0 1] r  // Bounds and expression (token tree, 
///                      // complex expressions must be in parentheses)
///         0 => {false}
///         1 => {true}  // Complex patterns like 1..5 | 12..14 are supported
///     }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! rmatch {
    ([$min:literal $max:literal] $val:tt
            $p:pat => { $e:expr }
    ) => {
            const _MINF: i128 = $min - 1;
            const _PINF: i128 = $max + 1;
            let _v: Ranged<$min, $max> = $val;
            match _v.i128() {
                i128::MIN..=_MINF => unsafe {core::hint::unreachable_unchecked()}
                _PINF..=i128::MAX => unsafe {core::hint::unreachable_unchecked()}
                $( $p => { $e } )*

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(const_panic)] #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(generic_const_exprs)]
# #[macro_use] extern crate ranged_integers; use ranged_integers::*;
let a = r![[100 1000] 500] / r![[1 6] 5];
# #![feature(const_panic)] #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(generic_const_exprs)]
# #[macro_use] extern crate ranged_integers; use ranged_integers::*;
let a = r![[100 1000] 500] / r![[0 6] 5];
# #![feature(const_panic)] #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(generic_const_exprs)]
# #[macro_use] extern crate ranged_integers; use ranged_integers::*;
let a = r![[100 1000] 500] / r![[-1 6] 5];

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;
let x: Ranged::<0,1> = Ranged::<0,1>::new(1).unwrap();

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;
let x: Ranged::<0,1> = Ranged::new(1).unwrap();

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;
let a = r!([-10 10] 0);
rmatch!{[-10 10] a
    _ => {()}

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;
let a = r!([-170141183460469231731687303715884105728 10] 0);
rmatch!{[-170141183460469231731687303715884105728 10] a
    _ => {()}

# #![feature(adt_const_params)] #![feature(const_panic)] use ranged_integers::*;
let a = r!([-10 170141183460469231731687303715884105727] 0);
rmatch!{[-10 170141183460469231731687303715884105727] a
    _ => {()}
struct Failtests;