ranged_integers 0.7.0

An integer restricted to a compile-time defined bounds driven by const generics
//! The internals for `Ranged` type


use super::irang;

// A trait implemented for any struct that may represent
// a ranged integer. It may be converted to and from irang.
pub trait Shrinkable: Sized + Copy + ~const core::marker::Destruct {
    fn shrinkfrom(_: irang) -> Self;
    fn shrinkinto(self) -> irang;

// A type-resolving trait specifying the integer size
pub trait IntSize {
    type Primitive: ~const Shrinkable;

macro_rules! wrap_primitive {
    ($($name:ident $repr:ident,)*) => {
            #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
            pub struct $name {inner: $repr}

            impl const Shrinkable for $name {
                fn shrinkfrom(v: irang) -> Self { Self{inner: v as $repr} }
                fn shrinkinto(self) -> irang { self.inner as irang }

            impl const IntSize for IntSizeWrap<{ IntLayout::$repr }> {
                type Primitive = $name;

    U8 u8,
    U16 u16,
    U32 u32,
    U64 u64,
    I8 i8,
    I16 i16,
    I32 i32,
    I64 i64,
    I128 i128,

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Trivial;
impl const Shrinkable for Trivial {
    fn shrinkfrom(_: irang) -> Self { Self }
    fn shrinkinto(self) -> irang { unreachable!() }

// A helper enum specifying the amount of bytes needed for a Ranged
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum IntLayout {Trivial, i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, i128}

impl IntLayout {
    pub const fn bytes(self) -> usize {
        macro_rules! get_typesize {
            (  $($tt:ident)* ) => {
                match self {
                        Self::$tt => {core::mem::size_of::<$tt>()}

        get_typesize! {Trivial i8 u8 i16 u16 i32 u32 i64 u64 i128 }

// Convert the IntLayout into the corresponding type
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct IntSizeWrap<const N: IntLayout>;

impl<const N: IntLayout> const IntSize for IntSizeWrap<N> {
    default type Primitive = I128;

impl const IntSize for IntSizeWrap<{ IntLayout::Trivial }> {
    type Primitive = Trivial;

// The internal representation of Ranged
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct NumberBytes<const LAYOUT: IntLayout>
    bytes: <IntSizeWrap<LAYOUT> as IntSize>::Primitive,

// Convert NumberBytes to and from integers.
impl<const LAYOUT: IntLayout> NumberBytes<LAYOUT>
    pub(crate) const fn from_irang(v: irang) -> Self {
        Self {bytes: <IntSizeWrap<LAYOUT> as IntSize>::Primitive::shrinkfrom(v)}

    pub(crate) const fn to_irang(self) -> irang {