random-string 0.1.2

Allows to generate random strings based on a given charset and length.


A simple crate that allows you to generate random strings based on a given charset and length.


This is just a test crate for my personal use, and I don't think that there would be more updates. If you would like to change or add something, or even create a better version feel free to do so. I've learned some new things and wanted to avoid humiliation from 0.1.1


Generating 3 times 100000 results with length 10 and Letters charset.

version 0.1.1

Benchmark: 3.3298s
Benchmark: 3.3292s
Benchmark: 3.3292s

version 0.1.2

Benchmark: 0.659s
Benchmark: 0.634s
Benchmark: 0.635s

test src

mod tests {

    fn execute() {
        use crate::{RandomString, Charset, Charsets};
        use chrono::prelude::*;

        let time_start = Utc::now();

        let charset = Charset::from_charsets(Charsets::Letters);
        for _ in 0..100000 {
            let _ = RandomString::generate(10, &charset);

        let time_end = Utc::now() - time_start;
        println!("Benchmark: {}.{}s", time_end.num_seconds(), time_end.num_milliseconds());

    fn main_test() {
        for _ in 0..3 {


Add a dependence in Cargo.toml

random-string = "0.1.2"


Charset::from_charsets(Charsets) -> Vec<char> Get a ready charset by passing an enum Charsets. The output is a Vector containing certain characters that will be used in the generation.

Charset::from_str(&str) -> Vec<char> Create a charset by passing an &str. The output is a Vector containing certain characters that will be used in the generation.

RandomString::generate(i32, &Vec<char>) -> GenerationResult Generate a random Vector containing characters with a certain length as i32 and based on a &Vec<char> charset. The output is a GenerationResult.

GenerationResult.to_string() -> String Convert the GenerationResult into a String.


Use this enum in RandomString::get_charset function to get a charset.

enum Charsets {
    ASCII,              // ASCII characters
    Letters,            // All lowercase and uppercase letters
    LettersLowercase,   // Lowercase letters from a to z
    LettersUppercase,   // Uppercase letters from A to Z
    Numbers,            // Numbers from 0 to 9
    Special             // All the special characters I could find on my keyboard


use random_string::{RandomString, Charset, Charsets};

fn main() {
    let charset = Charset::from_charsets(Charsets::Numbers);
    // or
    let charset = Charset::from_str("1234567890");
    let data = RandomString::generate(6, &charset);
    println!("Generated: {}", data);

    let data_string = RandomString::generate(6, &charset).to_string();
    println!("Generated: {}", data_string);
