rafx-api 0.0.7

Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

Rafx API is an unsafe graphics API abstraction layer designed specifically for games and tools for games. The goal is to achieve near-native performance with reduced complexity. It may be used directly, or indirectly through other crates in rafx (such as [rafx-resources] and [rafx-assets]).

rafx-api is an opinionated API. It does not expose every possible operation a graphics API might provide. However, the wrapped API-specific objects are exposed in an easily accessible manner.

The API does not track resource lifetimes or states (such as vulkan image layouts) or try to enforce safe usage at compile time or runtime. Safer abstractions are available in rafx-framework and rafx-assets.

Every API call is potentially unsafe. However, the unsafe keyword is only placed on APIs that are particularly likely to cause undefined behavior if used incorrectly.

The general shape of the API is inspired by The Forge. It was chosen for its modern design, multiple working backends, open development model, and track record of shipped games. However, there are some changes in API design, feature set, and implementation details.

Additional high-level documentation is available in the github repo

Main API Objects

  • [RafxApi] - Primary entry point to using the API. Use the new_* functions to initialize the desired backend.
  • [RafxBuffer] - Memory that can be accessed by the rendering API. It may reside in CPU or GPU memory.
  • [RafxCommandBuffer] - A list of commands recorded by the CPU and submitted to the GPU.
  • [RafxCommandPool] - A pool of command buffers. A command pool is necessary to create a command buffer.
  • [RafxDescriptorSetArray] - An array of descriptor sets. These are expected to be pooled and reused.
  • [RafxDeviceContext] - A cloneable, thread-safe handle used to create graphics resources.
  • [RafxFence] - A GPU -> CPU synchronization mechanism.
  • [RafxPipeline] - Represents a complete GPU configuration for executing work.
  • [RafxQueue] - A queue allows work to be submitted to the GPU
  • [RafxRootSignature] - Represents the full "layout" or "interface" of a shader (or set of shaders.)
  • [RafxSampler] - Configures how images will be sampled by the GPU
  • [RafxSemaphore] - A GPU -> GPU synchronization mechanism.
  • [RafxShader] - Represents one or more shader stages, producing an entire "program" to execute on the GPU
  • [RafxShaderModule] - Rrepresents loaded shader code that can be used to create a pipeline.
  • [RafxSwapchain] - A set of images that act as a "backbuffer" of a window.
  • [RafxTexture] - An image that can be used by the GPU.

Usage Summary

In order to interact with a graphics API, construct a RafxApi. A different new_* function exists for each backend.

let api = RafxApi::new_vulkan(...);

After initialization, most interaction will be via RafxDeviceContext Call RafxApi::device_context() on the the api object to obtain a cloneable handle that can be used from multiple threads.

let device_context = api.device_context();

Most objects are created via RafxDeviceContext. For example:

// (See examples for more detail here!)
let texture = device_context.create_texture(...)?;
let buffer = device_context.create_buffer(...)?;
let shader_module = device_context.create_shader_module(...)?;

In order to submit work to the GPU, a RafxCommandBuffer must be submitted to a RafxQueue. Most commonly, this needs to be a "Graphics" queue.

Obtaining a RafxQueue is straightforward. Here we will get a "Graphics" queue. This queue type supports ALL operations (including compute) and is usually the correct one to use if you aren't sure.

let queue = device_context.create_queue(RafxQueueType::Graphics)?;

A command buffer cannot be created directly. It must be allocated out of a pool.

The command pool and all command buffers allocated from it share memory. The standard rust rules about mutability apply but are not enforced at compile time or runtime.

  • Do not modify two command buffers from the same pool concurrently
  • Do not allocate from a command pool while modifying one of its command buffers
  • Once a command buffer is submitted to the GPU, do not modify its pool, or any command buffers created from it, until the GPU completes its work.

In general, do not modify textures, buffers, command buffers, or other GPU resources while a command buffer referencing them is submitted. Additionally, these resources must persist for the entire duration of the submitted workload.

let command_pool = queue.create_command_pool(&RafxCommandPoolDef {
transient: true

let command_buffer = command_pool.create_command_buffer(&RafxCommandBufferDef {
is_secondary: false,

Once a command buffer is obtained, write to it by calling "cmd" functions on it, For example, drawing primitives looks like this. Call begin() before writing to it, and end() after finished writing to it.

// other setup...
command_buffer.cmd_draw(3, 0)?;

For the most part, no actual work is performed when calling these functions. We are just "scheduling" work to happen later when we give the command buffer to the GPU.

After writing the command buffer, it must be submitted to the queue. The "scheduled" work described in the command buffer will happen asynchronously from the rest of the program.

&[], // No semaphores or fences in this example

The command buffer, the command pool it was allocated from, all other command buffers allocated from that pool, and any other resources referenced by this command buffer cannot be dropped until the queued work is complete, and generally speaking must remain immutable.

More fine-grained synchronization is available via RafxFence and RafxSemaphore but that will not be covered here.

Resource Barriers

CPUs generally provide a single "coherent" view of memory, but this is not the case for GPUs. Resources can also be stored in many forms depending on how they are used. (The details of this are device-specific and outside the scope of these docs). Resources must be placed into an appropriate state to use them.

Additionally modifying a resource (or transitioning its state) can result in memory hazards. A memory hazard is when reading/writing to memory occurs in an undefined order, resulting in undefined behavior.

Barriers are used to transition resources into the correct state and to avoid these hazards. Here is an example where we take an image from the swapchain and prepare it for use. (We will also need a barrier after we modify it to transition it back to PRESENT!)

&[], // no buffers to transition
// Transition `texture` from PRESENT state to RENDER_TARGET state

"Definition" structs

Many functions take a "def" parameter. For example, RafxDeviceContext::create_texture() takes a single RafxTextureDef parameter. Here is an example call:

let texture = device_context.create_texture(&RafxTextureDef {
extents: RafxExtents3D {
width: 512,
height: 512,
depth: 1,
array_length: 1,
mip_count: 1,
sample_count: RafxSampleCount::SampleCount1,
format: RafxFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNORM,
resource_type: RafxResourceType::TEXTURE,
dimensions: RafxTextureDimensions::Dim2D,

There are advantages to this approach:

  • The code is easier to read - parameters are clearly labeled
  • Default values can be used
  • When new "parameters" are added, if Default is used, the code will still compile. This avoids boilerplate to implement the builder pattern
let texture = device_context.create_texture(&RafxTextureDef {
extents: RafxExtents3D {
width: 512,
height: 512,
depth: 1,
format: RafxFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNORM,