quinn-proto 0.8.4

State machine for the QUIC transport protocol
use std::ops::Range;

use crate::{frame::NewConnectionId, ConnectionId, ResetToken};

/// DataType stored in CidQueue buffer
type CidData = (ConnectionId, Option<ResetToken>);

/// Sliding window of active Connection IDs
/// May contain gaps due to packet loss or reordering
pub struct CidQueue {
    /// Ring buffer indexed by `self.cursor`
    buffer: [Option<CidData>; Self::LEN],
    /// Index at which circular buffer addressing is based
    cursor: usize,
    /// Sequence number of `self.buffer[cursor]`
    /// The sequence number of the active CID; must be the smallest among CIDs in `buffer`.
    offset: u64,

impl CidQueue {
    pub fn new(cid: ConnectionId) -> Self {
        let mut buffer = [None; Self::LEN];
        buffer[0] = Some((cid, None));
        Self {
            cursor: 0,
            offset: 0,

    /// Handle a `NEW_CONNECTION_ID` frame
    /// Returns a non-empty range of retired sequence numbers and the reset token of the new active
    /// CID iff any CIDs were retired.
    pub fn insert(
        &mut self,
        cid: NewConnectionId,
    ) -> Result<Option<(Range<u64>, ResetToken)>, InsertError> {
        // Position of new CID wrt. the current active CID
        let index = match cid.sequence.checked_sub(self.offset) {
            None => return Err(InsertError::Retired),
            Some(x) => x,

        let retired_count = cid.retire_prior_to.saturating_sub(self.offset);
        if index >= Self::LEN as u64 + retired_count {
            return Err(InsertError::ExceedsLimit);
        if index == 0 && self.buffer[self.cursor].is_some() {
            // This is a duplicate of the active CID, so no action is necessary. Because we always
            // retire CIDs preceding the active CID, retire_prior_to cannot prompt any action
            // either.
            return Ok(None);

        // Discard retired CIDs, if any
        for i in 0..(retired_count.min(Self::LEN as u64) as usize) {
            self.buffer[(self.cursor + i) % Self::LEN] = None;

        // Record the new CID
        let index = ((self.cursor as u64 + index) % Self::LEN as u64) as usize;
        self.buffer[index] = Some((cid.id, Some(cid.reset_token)));

        if retired_count == 0 {
            return Ok(None);

        // The active CID was retired. Find the first known CID with sequence number of at least
        // retire_prior_to, and inform the caller that all prior CIDs have been retired, and of
        // the new CID's reset token.
        self.cursor = ((self.cursor as u64 + retired_count) % Self::LEN as u64) as usize;
        let (i, (_, token)) = self
            .expect("it is impossible to retire a CID without supplying a new one");
        self.cursor = (self.cursor + i) % Self::LEN;
        let orig_offset = self.offset;
        self.offset = cid.retire_prior_to + i as u64;
        // We don't immediately retire CIDs in the range (orig_offset +
        // Self::LEN)..self.offset. These are CIDs that we haven't yet received from a
        // NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame, since having previously received them would violate the
        // connection ID limit we specified based on Self::LEN. If we do receive a such a frame
        // in the future, e.g. due to reordering, we'll retire it then. This ensures we can't be
        // made to buffer an arbitrarily large number of RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frames.
            orig_offset..self.offset.min(orig_offset + Self::LEN as u64),
            token.expect("non-initial CID missing reset token"),

    /// Switch to next active CID if possible, return
    /// 1) the corresponding ResetToken and 2) a non-empty range preceding it to retire
    pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(ResetToken, Range<u64>)> {
        let (i, cid_data) = self.iter().nth(1)?;
        self.buffer[self.cursor] = None;

        let orig_offset = self.offset;
        self.offset += i as u64;
        self.cursor = (self.cursor + i) % Self::LEN;
        let sequence = orig_offset + i as u64;
        Some((cid_data.1.unwrap(), orig_offset..sequence))

    /// Iterate CIDs in CidQueue that are not `None`, including the active CID
    fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, CidData)> + '_ {
        (0..Self::LEN).filter_map(move |step| {
            let index = (self.cursor + step) % Self::LEN;
            self.buffer[index].map(|cid_data| (step, cid_data))

    /// Replace the initial CID
    pub fn update_initial_cid(&mut self, cid: ConnectionId) {
        debug_assert_eq!(self.offset, 0);
        self.buffer[self.cursor] = Some((cid, None));

    /// Return active remote CID itself
    pub fn active(&self) -> ConnectionId {

    /// Return the sequence number of active remote CID
    pub fn active_seq(&self) -> u64 {

    pub const LEN: usize = 5;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum InsertError {
    /// CID was already retired
    /// Sequence number violates the leading edge of the window

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn cid(sequence: u64, retire_prior_to: u64) -> NewConnectionId {
        NewConnectionId {
            id: ConnectionId::new(&[0xAB; 8]),
            reset_token: ResetToken::from([0xCD; crate::RESET_TOKEN_SIZE]),

    fn initial_cid() -> ConnectionId {
        ConnectionId::new(&[0xFF; 8])

    fn next_dense() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());

        for i in 1..CidQueue::LEN as u64 {
            q.insert(cid(i, 0)).unwrap();
        for i in 1..CidQueue::LEN as u64 {
            let (_, retire) = q.next().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), i);
            assert_eq!(retire.end - retire.start, 1);
    fn next_sparse() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
        let seqs = (1..CidQueue::LEN as u64).filter(|x| x % 2 == 0);
        for i in seqs.clone() {
            q.insert(cid(i, 0)).unwrap();
        for i in seqs {
            let (_, retire) = q.next().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), i);
            assert_eq!(retire, (q.active_seq().saturating_sub(2))..q.active_seq());

    fn wrap() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());

        for i in 1..CidQueue::LEN as u64 {
            q.insert(cid(i, 0)).unwrap();
        for _ in 1..(CidQueue::LEN as u64 - 1) {
        for i in CidQueue::LEN as u64..(CidQueue::LEN as u64 + 3) {
            q.insert(cid(i, 0)).unwrap();
        for i in (CidQueue::LEN as u64 - 1)..(CidQueue::LEN as u64 + 3) {
            assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), i);

    fn retire_dense() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());

        for i in 1..CidQueue::LEN as u64 {
            q.insert(cid(i, 0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), 0);

        assert_eq!(q.insert(cid(4, 2)).unwrap().unwrap().0, 0..2);
        assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), 2);
        assert_eq!(q.insert(cid(4, 2)), Ok(None));

        for i in 2..(CidQueue::LEN as u64 - 1) {
            let _ = q.next().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), i + 1);
            assert_eq!(q.insert(cid(i + 1, i + 1)), Ok(None));


    fn retire_sparse() {
        // Retiring CID 0 when CID 1 is not known should retire CID 1 as we move to CID 2
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
        q.insert(cid(2, 0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(q.insert(cid(3, 1)).unwrap().unwrap().0, 0..2,);
        assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), 2);

    fn retire_many() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
        q.insert(cid(2, 0)).unwrap();
            q.insert(cid(1_000_000, 1_000_000)).unwrap().unwrap().0,
            0..CidQueue::LEN as u64,
        assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), 1_000_000);

    fn insert_limit() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
        assert_eq!(q.insert(cid(CidQueue::LEN as u64 - 1, 0)), Ok(None));
            q.insert(cid(CidQueue::LEN as u64, 0)),

    fn insert_duplicate() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
        q.insert(cid(0, 0)).unwrap();
        q.insert(cid(0, 0)).unwrap();

    fn insert_retired() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
            q.insert(cid(0, 0)),
            "reinserting active CID succeeds"
        assert!(q.next().is_none(), "active CID isn't requeued");
        q.insert(cid(1, 0)).unwrap();
            q.insert(cid(0, 0)),
            "previous active CID is already retired"

    fn retire_then_insert_next() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
        for i in 1..CidQueue::LEN as u64 {
            q.insert(cid(i, 0)).unwrap();
        q.insert(cid(CidQueue::LEN as u64, 0)).unwrap();
            q.insert(cid(CidQueue::LEN as u64 + 1, 0)),

    fn always_valid() {
        let mut q = CidQueue::new(initial_cid());
        assert_eq!(q.active(), initial_cid());
        assert_eq!(q.active_seq(), 0);