quicksilver 0.3.5

A simple game framework for 2D games in pure Rust
//! The quicksilver tutorials, generated through Rustdoc
//! While this isn't a traditional way of hosting a tutorial, Rustdoc ensures that all the code in
//! the tutorials is checked when CI runs, keeping it nice and up-to-date.
//! Before you jump into the tutorials below, make sure your development environment is ready. If
//! you're just targeting desktop, all you need is the latest stable Rust. If you're targeting the
//! web, make sure you install cargo-web first (cargo install -f cargo-web).

pub mod _01_basic;
pub mod _02_drawing;
pub mod _03_input;
pub mod _04_lifecycle;
pub mod _05_images;
pub mod _06_asset_combinators;
pub mod _07_font;
pub mod _08_sound;
pub mod _09_animations_and_atlases;
pub mod _10_views;
pub mod _11_mesh;