quicksilver 0.3.5

A simple game framework for 2D games in pure Rust
//! A collection of polling input structures
//! The Keyboard is indexed by Keys, allowing polling of a button state. The Mouse tracks the
//! standard three buttons, the mouse wheel, and the mouse position. 

mod button_state;
mod gamepad;
mod key;
mod keyboard;
mod mouse;
mod mouse_cursor;

pub(crate) const LINES_TO_PIXELS: f32 = 15.0;

pub use self::{
    gamepad::{Gamepad, GamepadAxis, GamepadButton},
    mouse::{Mouse, MouseButton},
pub(crate) use self::key::KEY_LIST;
#[cfg(all(not(any(target_arch="wasm32", target_os="macos")), feature = "gamepads"))]
pub(crate) use self::gamepad::GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LIST;