quickcheck 1.0.3

Automatic property based testing with shrinking.
// This is a buggy quick sort implementation, QuickCheck will find the bug for
// you.

use quickcheck::quickcheck;

fn smaller_than<T: Clone + Ord>(xs: &[T], pivot: &T) -> Vec<T> {
    xs.iter().filter(|&x| *x < *pivot).map(|x| x.clone()).collect()

fn larger_than<T: Clone + Ord>(xs: &[T], pivot: &T) -> Vec<T> {
    xs.iter().filter(|&x| *x > *pivot).map(|x| x.clone()).collect()

fn sortk<T: Clone + Ord>(x: &T, xs: &[T]) -> Vec<T> {
    let mut result: Vec<T> = sort(&*smaller_than(xs, x));
    let last_part = sort(&*larger_than(xs, x));
    result.extend(last_part.iter().map(|x| x.clone()));

fn sort<T: Clone + Ord>(list: &[T]) -> Vec<T> {
    if list.is_empty() {
    } else {
        sortk(&list[0], &list[1..])

fn main() {
    fn is_sorted(xs: Vec<isize>) -> bool {
        for win in xs.windows(2) {
            if win[0] > win[1] {
                return false;

    fn keeps_length(xs: Vec<isize>) -> bool {
        xs.len() == sort(&*xs).len()
    quickcheck(keeps_length as fn(Vec<isize>) -> bool);

    quickcheck(is_sorted as fn(Vec<isize>) -> bool)