quick-calc 0.3.0

A cli tool for quick decimal, hexadecimal, binary, and octal basic formatting and calculations
use crate::operations;

pub fn run() -> Result<(), ()> {
    // Define valid cli commands
    let commands = ["format", "add", "sub", "mul", "div", "endian", "len", "bytelen", "charlen"];

    // Grab useful cli args
    let mut args = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<String>>();

    // If no arguments are given, panic.
    if args.is_empty() {
        panic!("Give me some numbers to format");

    // If an invliad command is given, panic.
    if !args.iter().any(|x| commands.contains(&x.as_str())) {
        panic!("Give me a valid command");

    // If a valid command but no arguments are given, panic.
    if args.iter().any(|x| commands.contains(&x.as_str())) && args.len() == 1 {
        panic!("Give me some numbers to format");

    match args.remove(0).as_str() {
        "format"    => operations::format_args(&mut args),
        "add"       => operations::calculate_operation(&mut args, |acc, x| acc + x),
        "sub"       => operations::calculate_operation(&mut args, |acc, x| acc - x),
        "mul"       => operations::calculate_operation(&mut args, |acc, x| acc * x),
        "div"       => operations::calculate_operation(&mut args, |acc, x| acc / x),
        "len" | "bytelen"   => operations::calculate_length(&mut args, true),
        "charlen"   => operations::calculate_length(&mut args, false),
        "endian"    => operations::swap_endianness(&mut args),
        _           => panic!("Give me a valid command"),