query_builder 0.3.1

Easy to use library for creating SQL-Statements
//! # About
//! This crate is intended to be easy to use for creating
//! SQL-Queries dynamically as you need it.
//! # Usage
//! For creating a simple SELECT-Query you first need to add
//! `query_builder = "*"` to your `Cargo.toml` file (you may of cource replace * with any version)<br>
//! In your code write `extern crate query_builder` and `use query_builder::*` to
//! import all structs and enums. <br>
//! Finally creating the [`SelectQuery`] looks like this:
//! ```
//! use query_builder::SelectQuery;
//! let query = SelectQuery::select(&["*"]).from("users");
//! // make sure the query looks like expected
//! assert_eq!(query.as_string(), "SELECT * FROM users");
//! ```
//! <br>
//! Creating a [`InsertQuery`] works similar:
//! ```
//! use query_builder::{InsertQuery, Value};
//! // create the basic query
//! let mut query = InsertQuery::into("users");
//! // add values to the query
//! query.values.insert("name", Value::Varchar("george"));
//! // make sure that the query looks like expected
//! assert_eq!(query.as_string(), "INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES('george')");
//! ```
//! <br>
//! More detailed explanations and examples can be found at the corresponding sections
//! to the structs and enums
//! [`SelectQuery`]: ./struct.SelectQuery.html
//! [`InsertQuery`]: ./struct.InsertQuery.html
//! [`Value`]: ./enum.Value.html

// std imports
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result as FormatResult};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
/// Enum representing common SQL-datatypes
pub enum Value<'c> {
    Varchar(&'c str),

impl<'c> Value<'c> {
    /// Convert the Value to a [`String`]
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::Value;
    /// // Put single quotes around the varchar to not conflict with e.g. MySQL when inserting data
    /// let v = Value::Varchar("steven");
    /// assert_eq!(v.as_string(), "'steven'");
    /// // Bools are written in caps to make them stand out in queries
    /// let v = Value::Bool(true);
    /// assert_eq!(v.as_string(), "TRUE");
    /// // applies to all numeric Values
    /// let v = Value::Int(42);
    /// assert_eq!(v.as_string(), "42");
    /// ```
    /// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
        match *self {
            Value::Varchar(v) => format!("'{}'", v),
            Value::Bool(b) => if b {
            } else {
            Value::Tinyint(t) => format!("{}", t),
            Value::UnsignedTinyint(ut) => format!("{}", ut),
            Value::Smallint(s) => format!("{}", s),
            Value::UnsignedSmallint(us) => format!("{}", us),
            Value::Int(i) => format!("{}", i),
            Value::UnsignedInt(ui) => format!("{}", ui),
            Value::Bigint(bi) => format!("{}", bi),
            Value::UnsignedBigint(ubi) => format!("{}", ubi),

impl<'c> Display for Value<'c> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        write!(f, "{}", self.as_string())

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// Enum representing the ways to combine conditional parts of a query
pub enum Condition {

impl Display for  Condition {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        match *self {
            Condition::And  => write!(f, "AND"),
            Condition::Or   => write!(f, "OR"),

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
/// Representing the way to format the ORDER BY clause of some queries
pub enum OrderBy<'b> {
    Row(&'b str),
    Expression(&'b str),

impl<'b> OrderBy<'b> {
    /// Display the [`OrderBy`] clause as a [`String`]
    /// Currently it doesen't matter if you used [`OrderBy::Row`] or
    /// [`OrderBy::Expression`] as both result in the exat same [`String`] though
    /// this might change in the future
    /// [`OrderBy`]: ./enum.OrderBy.html
    /// [`String`]: https://www.doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    /// [`OrderBy::Row`]: ./enum.OrderBy.html#variant.Row
    /// [`OrderBy::Expression`]: ./enum.OrderBy.html#variant.Expression
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
        match *self {
            OrderBy::Row(r) => format!("ORDER BY {}", r),
            OrderBy::Expression(e)  => format!("ORDER BY {}", e),

impl<'b> Display for OrderBy<'b> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        write!(f, "{}", self.as_string())

/// Struct representing an WHERE-Clause
pub struct WhereClause<'a, 'b> {
    tbl: &'a str,
    cond: Value<'b>,
    how: Condition,

impl<'a, 'b> WhereClause<'a, 'b> {
    /// Creates a new WHERE-clause
    /// If the Value of `how` is none when initializing the clause, [`Condition::And`]
    /// is assumed and used for the clause.
    /// *Note:* If the [`WhereClause`] is the first one to be inserted in the string of an query, 
    /// the condition will be left out.
    /// [`WhereClause`]: ./struct.WhereClause.html
    /// [`Condition::And`]: ./enum.Condition.html#variant.And
    pub fn new(table: &'a str, cond: Value<'b>, how: Option<Condition>) -> WhereClause<'a, 'b> {
        if let Some(c) = how {
            WhereClause {
                tbl: table,
                cond: cond,
                how: c
        } else {
            WhereClause {
                tbl: table,
                cond: cond,
                how: Condition::And,

    /// Returns a [`String`] representing the [`WhereClause`] with it's condition part
    /// The returned [`String`] is also the default representation returned when calling the 
    /// [`Display`] trait functions on this struct.
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{WhereClause, Condition, Value};
    /// let wclause = WhereClause::new("user", Value::Varchar("gerald"), Some(Condition::Or));
    /// assert_eq!(wclause.as_string(), "OR user = 'gerald'")
    /// ```
    /// [`WhereClause`]: ./struct.WhereClause.html
    /// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    /// [`Display`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.Display.html
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
        format!("{} {} = {}", self.how, self.tbl, self.cond)

    /// Returns a [`String`] representing the [`WhereClause`] without it's condition part
    /// but with the `WHERE` phrase in the beginning
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{WhereClause, Value};
    /// let clause = WhereClause::new("user", Value::Varchar("thomas"), None);
    /// assert_eq!(clause.as_string_no_cond_with_prefix(), "WHERE user = 'thomas'")
    /// ```
    /// [`WhereClause`]: ./struct.WhereClause.html
    /// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    pub fn as_string_no_cond_with_prefix(&self) -> String {
        format!("WHERE {} = {}", self.tbl, self.cond)

    /// Returns a [`String`] representing the [`WhereClause`] without `WHERE` prefix and 
    /// without it's conditional parts
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{WhereClause, Value};
    /// let clause = WhereClause::new("user", Value::Varchar("jeanny"), None);
    /// assert_eq!(clause.as_string_no_cond(), "user = 'jeanny'")
    /// ```
    /// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    /// [`WhereClause`]: ./struct.WhereClause.html
    pub fn as_string_no_cond(&self) -> String {
        format!("{} = {}", self.tbl, self.cond)


impl<'a, 'b> Display for WhereClause<'a, 'b> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        write!(f, "{}", self.as_string())

/// Struct representing a SQL-INSERT Query
/// A simple query to select everything from a table can be created like this:
/// ## Example 
/// ```
/// use query_builder::SelectQuery;
/// // create the query
/// let query = SelectQuery::select(&["*"]).from("users");
/// // make sure it looks like you would expect it to look
/// assert_eq!(query.as_string(), "SELECT * FROM users");
/// ```
pub struct SelectQuery<'a, 'c> {
    select: Vec<&'a str>,
    from: &'a str,
    pub whre: Vec<WhereClause<'a, 'c>>,
    limit: Option<usize>,
    order_by: Option<OrderBy<'c>>

impl<'a, 'c> Display for SelectQuery<'a, 'c> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        write!(f, "{}", self.as_string())

impl<'a, 'c> SelectQuery<'a, 'c> {
    /// Creates a new [`SelectQuery`] that selects data from the row/s `rows`
    /// [`SelectQuery`]: ./struct.SelectQuery.html
    pub fn select(rows: &[&'a str]) -> SelectQuery<'a, 'c> {
        SelectQuery {
            select: rows.to_vec(),
            from: "",
            whre: Vec::new(),
            limit: None,
            order_by: None,

    /// Sets the table to select from to the value of `t`
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::SelectQuery;
    /// let q = SelectQuery::select(&["user"]).from("users");
    /// assert_eq!(q.as_string(), "SELECT user FROM users")
    /// ```
    pub fn from(mut self, t: &'a str) -> Self {
        self.from = t;

    /// Sets the limit value of the Query to the value of `l`
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::SelectQuery;
    /// let mut q = SelectQuery::select(&["user"]).from("users");
    /// q.limit(12);
    /// assert_eq!(q.as_string(), "SELECT user FROM users LIMIT 12")
    /// ```
    pub fn limit(&mut self, l: usize) {
        self.limit = Some(l);

    /// Return whether or not the [`SelectQuery`] has a limit
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::SelectQuery;
    /// let mut q = SelectQuery::select(&["user"]).from("users");
    /// q.limit(12);
    /// assert!(q.has_limit());
    /// q.clear_limit();
    /// assert!(!q.has_limit());
    /// ```
    /// [`SelectQuery`]: ./struct.SelectQuery.html
    pub fn has_limit(&self) -> bool {
        if let Some(_) = self.limit {
            return true;


    /// Returns the value of the Limit of the [`SelectQuery`] if there is one
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::SelectQuery;
    /// let mut q = SelectQuery::select(&["user"]).from("users");
    /// assert_eq!(q.get_limit(), None);
    /// q.limit(12);
    /// assert_eq!(q.get_limit(), Some(12));
    /// ```
    /// [`SelectQuery`]: ./struct.SelectQuery.html
    pub fn get_limit(&self) -> Option<usize> {

    /// Removes the limit from the query
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::SelectQuery;
    /// let mut q = SelectQuery::select(&["user"]).from("users");
    /// // set the limit
    /// q.limit(42);
    /// assert_eq!(q.as_string(), "SELECT user FROM users LIMIT 42");
    /// // clear limit
    /// q.clear_limit();
    /// assert_eq!(q.as_string(), "SELECT user FROM users");
    /// ```
    pub fn clear_limit(&mut self) {
        self.limit = None;

    /// Adds a ORDER BY clause to the query
    pub fn order_by(&mut self, ob: OrderBy<'c>) {
        self.order_by = Some(ob);
    /// Creates the string representation of the query
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::SelectQuery;
    /// let mut q = SelectQuery::select(&["*"]).from("users");
    /// assert_eq!(q.as_string(), "SELECT * FROM users")
    /// ```
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
        let mut res: String = String::new();
        if !self.select.is_empty() {
            res = format!("SELECT {}", self.select[0]);
            if self.select.len() > 1 {
                for s in self.select[1..].iter() {
                    res = format!("{}, {}", res, s);

        if self.from.len() > 1 {
            res = format!("{} FROM {}", res, self.from);

        if !self.whre.is_empty() {
            let c = &self.whre[0];
            res = format!("{} {}", res, c.as_string_no_cond_with_prefix());
            for clause in &self.whre[1..] {
                res = format!("{} {}", res, clause);

        if let Some(l) = self.limit {
            res = format!("{} LIMIT {}", res, l);

        if let Some(ref ob) = self.order_by {
            res = format!("{} {}", res, ob);


/// Struct representing an SQL Insert Statement
/// Creating a query that works requires at least to function calls.
/// ## Examples
/// ```
/// use query_builder::{InsertQuery, Value};
/// // construct the InsertQuery to insert into table 'users'
/// let mut q = InsertQuery::into("users");
/// // add the value 'jonathan' to be added into the row 'name'
/// q.values.insert("name", Value::Varchar("jonathan"));
/// assert_eq!(q.as_string(), "INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES('jonathan')");
/// ```
pub struct InsertQuery<'a> {
    into: &'a str,
    /// A map of the values to inserted into the table. 
    /// The map is intended to be <row, value>
    pub values: BTreeMap<&'a str, Value<'a>>,

impl<'a> Display for InsertQuery<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        write!(f, "{}", self.as_string())

impl<'a> InsertQuery<'a> {
    /// Creates a new [`InsertQuery`] that puts data into `table`.
    /// [`InsertQuery`]: ./struct.InsertQuery.html
    pub fn into(table: &'a str) -> InsertQuery<'a> {
        InsertQuery {
            into: table,
            values: BTreeMap::new(),

    /// Returns a [`String`] that represents the [`InsertQuery`] in a valid SQL statement
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{Value, InsertQuery};
    /// let mut q = InsertQuery::into("users");
    /// q.values.insert("name", Value::Varchar("greg"));
    /// assert_eq!(q.as_string(), "INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES('greg')")
    /// ```
    /// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    /// [`InsertQuery`]: ./struct.InsertQuery.html
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
        let mut res = String::new();
        let (mut vals, mut vals_list) = (String::new(), String::new());

        res = format!("INSERT INTO {}", self.into);

        if !self.values.is_empty() {
            let mut keys = self.values.keys();
            let key = keys.next().unwrap();
            vals = format!("{}", key);
            vals_list = format!("{}", self.values[key]);

            for k in keys {
                vals = format!("{}, {}", vals, k);
                vals_list = format!("{}, {}", vals_list, self.values[k]);

        format!("{}({}) VALUES({})", res, vals, vals_list)

/// Struct representing a SQL Delete Statement
pub struct DeleteQuery<'a, 'c> {
    from: &'a str,
    pub whre: Vec<WhereClause<'a, 'c>>,
    limit: Option<usize>,
    order_by: Option<OrderBy<'c>>,

impl<'a, 'c> Display for DeleteQuery<'a, 'c> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        write!(f, "{}", self.as_string())

impl<'a, 'c> DeleteQuery<'a, 'c> {
    /// Return a new [`DeleteQuery`] that deletes data from table `table`
    /// [`DeleteQuery`]: ./struct.DeleteQuery.html
    pub fn from(table: &'a str) -> DeleteQuery {
        DeleteQuery {
            from: table,
            whre: Vec::new(),
            limit: None,
            order_by: None,

    /// Sets the limit of items to delete
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{DeleteQuery, Value, WhereClause};
    /// let mut query = DeleteQuery::from("users");
    /// // add values to delete
    /// query.whre.push(WhereClause::new("name", Value::Varchar("gregory"), None));
    /// // add the limit
    /// query.limit(1);
    /// // make sure the query looks like expected
    /// assert_eq!(query.as_string(), "DELETE FROM users WHERE name = 'gregory' LIMIT 1");
    /// ```
    pub fn limit(&mut self, limit: usize) {
        self.limit = Some(limit);

    /// Returns the limit of the [`DeleteQuery`]
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{DeleteQuery, Value};
    /// // create query
    /// let mut query = DeleteQuery::from("users");
    /// // set the limit
    /// query.limit(12);
    /// assert_eq!(query.get_limit(), Some(12));
    /// ```
    /// [`DeleteQuery`]: ./struct.DeleteQuery.html
    pub fn get_limit(&self) -> Option<usize> {

    /// Removes the limit from the [`DeleteQuery`]
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::DeleteQuery;
    /// let mut query = DeleteQuery::from("users");
    /// /* add limit to the query */
    /// query.limit(12);
    /// assert_eq!(query.get_limit(), Some(12));
    /// /* clear the limit */
    /// query.clear_limit();
    /// assert_eq!(query.get_limit(), None);
    /// ```
    /// [`DeleteQuery`]: ./struct.DeleteQuery.html
    pub fn clear_limit(&mut self) {
        self.limit = None;

    /// Adds a [`OrderBy`] clause to the query
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{DeleteQuery, OrderBy};
    /// let mut query = DeleteQuery::from("continents");
    /// query.order_by(OrderBy::Row("population"));
    /// assert_eq!(query.as_string(), "DELETE FROM continents ORDER BY population");
    /// ```
    /// [`OrderBy`]: ./enum.OrderBy.html
    pub fn order_by(&mut self, ob: OrderBy<'c>) {
        self.order_by = Some(ob);

    /// Returns either `true` or `false` depending on whether
    /// or not the [`DeleteQuery`] contains a [`OrderBy`] clause
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{DeleteQuery, OrderBy};
    /// let mut query = DeleteQuery::from("states");
    /// query.order_by(OrderBy::Row("population"));
    /// assert!(query.is_ordered());
    /// ```
    /// [`DeleteQuery`]: ./struct.DeleteQuery.html
    /// [`OrderBy`]: ./enum.OrderBy.html
    pub fn is_ordered(&self) -> bool {
        if let Some(_) = self.order_by {
        else {

    /// Removes the ORDER BY clause from the query
    pub fn clear_order_by(&mut self) {
        self.order_by = None;

    /// Return a [`String`] representing the [`DeleteQuery`]
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{DeleteQuery, Value, WhereClause, Condition};
    /// // create basic query
    /// let mut query = DeleteQuery::from("people");
    /// // set parameter of the query
    /// query.whre.push(WhereClause::new("name", Value::Varchar("justine"), None));
    /// query.whre.push(WhereClause::new("age", Value::Int(24), Some(Condition::And)));
    /// query.limit(1);
    /// assert_eq!(query.as_string(), "DELETE FROM people WHERE name = 'justine' AND age = 24 LIMIT 1");
    /// ```
    /// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
        let mut res = String::new();

        res = format!("DELETE FROM {}", self.from);

        if !self.whre.is_empty() {
            /* get the first element from the vector */
            let c = &self.whre[0];
            res = format!("{} {}", res, c.as_string_no_cond_with_prefix());
            for clause in &self.whre[1..] {
                res = format!("{} {}", res, clause);

        if let Some(ref o) = self.order_by {
            res = format!("{} {}", res, o);

        if let Some(l) = self.limit {
            res = format!("{} LIMIT {}", res, l);


/// Struct representing an SQL Update statement
pub struct UpdateQuery<'a, 'c> {
    update: &'a str,
    /// A Map containing the field to set with the appropiate values to them
    pub set: BTreeMap<&'a str, Value<'c>>,
    /// All [`WhereClause`]s for conditional Updating in this 
    /// [`UpdateQuery`]
    /// [`WhereClause`]: ./struct.WhereClause.html
    /// [`UpdateQuery`]: ./struct.UpdateQuery.html
    pub whre: Vec<WhereClause<'a, 'c>>,
    limit: Option<usize>,

impl<'a, 'c> Display for UpdateQuery<'a, 'c> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FormatResult {
        write!(f, "{}", self.as_string())

impl<'a, 'c> UpdateQuery<'a, 'c> {
    /// Returns a new [`UpdateQuery`] that updates the table `table`
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::UpdateQuery;
    /// let query = UpdateQuery::update("town");
    /// assert_eq!(query.as_string(), "UPDATE town");
    /// ```
    /// [`UpdateQuery`]: ./struct.UpdateQuery.html
    pub fn update(table: &'a str) -> UpdateQuery {
        UpdateQuery {
            update: table,
            set: BTreeMap::new(),
            whre: Vec::new(),
            limit: None,

    /// Set the limit of the Query to the value of `l`
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{UpdateQuery, Value};
    /// let mut query = UpdateQuery::update("users");
    /// // set the limit
    /// query.limit(12);
    /// // assert that the limit is actually there
    /// assert_eq!(query.get_limit(), Some(12))
    /// ```
    pub fn limit(&mut self, l: usize) {
        self.limit = Some(l);

    /// Returns whether or not the [`UpdateQuery`] has a limit
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::UpdateQuery;
    /// // create the query
    /// let mut query = UpdateQuery::update("cities");
    /// assert_eq!(query.has_limit(), false);
    /// // set limit
    /// query.limit(1);
    /// assert_eq!(query.has_limit(), true);
    /// ```
    /// [`UpdateQuery`]: ./struct.UpdateQuery.html
    pub fn has_limit(&self) -> bool {
        if let Some(_) = self.limit {
            return true;

    /// Returns the limit of the [`UpdateQuery`] if there is one
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::UpdateQuery;
    /// // create the query
    /// let mut query = UpdateQuery::update("countries");
    /// assert_eq!(query.get_limit(), None);
    /// // set the limit
    /// query.limit(12);
    /// assert_eq!(query.get_limit(), Some(12));
    /// ```
    /// [`UpdateQuery`]: ./struct.UpdateQuery.html
    pub fn get_limit(&self) -> Option<usize> {

    /// Returns the [`String`] representation of the [`UpdateQuery`]
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// use query_builder::{UpdateQuery, Value};
    /// let mut query = UpdateQuery::update("users");
    /// query.set.insert("name", Value::Varchar("jeff")); 
    /// query.limit(1);
    /// assert_eq!(query.as_string(),"UPDATE users SET name = 'jeff' LIMIT 1");
    /// ```
    /// [`UpdateQuery`]: ./struct.UpateQuery.html
    /// [`String`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/string/struct.String.html
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
        let mut res = String::new();

        res = format!("UPDATE {}", self.update);

        if !self.set.is_empty() {
            let mut keys = self.set.keys();
            let key = keys.next().unwrap();

            res = format!("{} SET {} = {}", res, key, self.set[key]);

            for k in keys {
                res = format!("{}, {} = {}", res, k, self.set[k]);

        if !self.whre.is_empty() {
            let c = &self.whre[0];
            res = format!("{} {}", res, c.as_string_no_cond_with_prefix());
            for clause in &self.whre[1..] {
                res = format!("{} {}", res, clause);

        if let Some(l) = self.limit {
            res = format!("{} LIMIT {}", res, l);
