query-params-derive-0.1.1 doesn't have any documentation.
Transform an arbitrary structs to a http query params
This crate generate a function for serialize the fields of an arbitrary structs
into a http query params String
by the usage of a procedural macro with custom derive.
The query params String
return has for purpose to be use with any rust client http lib.
Getting Start
Add query_params
as a dependency to you Cargo.toml
extern crate query_params;
extern crate query_params_trait;
use query_params_trait::QueryParams;
struct PullRequestsParametersApi {
page: i32,
sort: bool,
direction: String,
state: Vec<String>,
// .. other interesting fields ..
let pr = PullRequestsParametersApi {
page: 2,
sort: true,
direction: "asc".to_string(),
state: vec!["open".to_string(), "closed".to_string()],
What that generate
struct PullRequestsParametersApi {
page: i32,
sort: bool,
direction: String,
state: Vec<String>,
// .. other interesting fields ..
// Code generate
impl PullRequestsParametersApi {
fn query_params(&self) -> String {
let mut buf = String::from("?");
// Stuff to fill buf with the struct fields content
return buf
// expect "?page=2&sort=true&direction=asc&state=open,closed" with the example above