quantity 0.5.1

Representation of quantites, i.e. of unit valued scalars and arrays.

name = "quantity"

version = "0.5.1"

authors = ["Philipp Rehner <prehner@ethz.ch>",

           "Gernot Bauer <bauer@itt.uni-stuttgart.de>"]

edition = "2018"

license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

description = "Representation of quantites, i.e. of unit valued scalars and arrays."

homepage = "https://github.com/itt-ustutt/quantity"

readme = "README.md"

repository = "https://github.com/itt-ustutt/quantity"

keywords = ["physics", "units", "SI"]

categories = ["data-structures", "science"]

exclude = ["/.github/*", "*.ipynb", "/docs"]


rustdoc-args = [ "--html-in-header", "./src/docs-header.html" ]


ndarray = { version = "0.15", features = ["serde", "approx"] }

approx = "0.4"

lazy_static = "1.4"

thiserror = "1.0"

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

bincode = "1.3"

ang = "0.6"

regex = "1.5"

pyo3 = { version = "0.16", features = ["multiple-pymethods"], optional = true}

numpy = { version = "0.16", optional = true }


default = []

python = ["pyo3", "numpy"]

linalg = []