qp2p 0.19.0

Peer-to-peer networking library using QUIC
// Copyright 2020 MaidSafe.net limited.
// This SAFE Network Software is licensed to you under the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT
// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT> or the Modified BSD license <LICENSE-BSD
// https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause>, at your option. This file may not be copied,
// modified, or distributed except according to those terms. Please review the Licences for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations relating to use of the SAFE Network
// Software.

#[cfg(feature = "igd")]
use super::igd::{forward_port, IgdError};
use super::wire_msg::WireMsg;
use super::{
    config::{Config, InternalConfig, RetryConfig},
    connection_deduplicator::{ConnectionDeduplicator, DedupHandle},
    connection_pool::{ConnId, ConnectionPool},
        listen_for_incoming_connections, listen_for_incoming_messages, Connection,
        DisconnectionEvents, RecvStream, SendStream,
        ClientEndpointError, ConnectionError, EndpointError, RecvError, RpcError, SendError,
use backoff::{future::retry, ExponentialBackoff};
use bytes::Bytes;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use tokio::sync::broadcast::{self, Sender};
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, Receiver as MpscReceiver, Sender as MpscSender};
use tokio::time::{timeout, Duration};
use tracing::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};

/// Host name of the Quic communication certificate used by peers
// FIXME: make it configurable
const CERT_SERVER_NAME: &str = "MaidSAFE.net";

// Number of seconds before timing out the IGD request to forward a port.
#[cfg(feature = "igd")]
const PORT_FORWARD_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);

// Number of seconds before timing out the echo service query.
const ECHO_SERVICE_QUERY_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);

/// Standard size of our channel bounds
const STANDARD_CHANNEL_SIZE: usize = 10000;

/// Channel on which incoming messages can be listened to
pub struct IncomingMessages(pub(crate) MpscReceiver<(SocketAddr, Bytes)>);

impl IncomingMessages {
    /// Blocks and returns the next incoming message and the source peer address
    pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(SocketAddr, Bytes)> {

/// Channel on which incoming connections are notified on
pub struct IncomingConnections(pub(crate) MpscReceiver<SocketAddr>);

impl IncomingConnections {
    /// Blocks until there is an incoming connection and returns the address of the
    /// connecting peer
    pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<SocketAddr> {

/// Endpoint instance which can be used to create connections to peers,
/// and listen to incoming messages from other peers.
pub struct Endpoint<I: ConnId> {
    local_addr: SocketAddr,
    public_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
    quic_endpoint: quinn::Endpoint,
    message_tx: MpscSender<(SocketAddr, Bytes)>,
    disconnection_tx: MpscSender<SocketAddr>,
    config: InternalConfig,
    termination_tx: Sender<()>,
    connection_pool: ConnectionPool<I>,
    connection_deduplicator: ConnectionDeduplicator,

impl<I: ConnId> std::fmt::Debug for Endpoint<I> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            .field("local_addr", &self.local_addr)
            .field("quic_endpoint", &"<endpoint omitted>")
            .field("config", &self.config)

impl<I: ConnId> Endpoint<I> {
    /// Create a peer endpoint at the given address.
    /// A peer endpoint, unlike a [client](Self::new_client) endpoint, can receive incoming
    /// connections.
    /// # Bootstrapping
    /// When given a non-empty list of `contacts`, this will attempt to 'bootstrap' against them.
    /// This involves connecting to all the contacts concurrently and selecting the first
    /// successfully connected peer (if any), whose `SocketAddr` will be returned.
    /// If bootstrapping is successful, the connected peer will be used to perform a reachability
    /// check to validate that this endpoint can be reached at its
    /// [`public_addr`](Self::public_addr).
    /// **Note:** if no contacts are given, the [`public_addr`](Self::public_addr) of the endpoint
    /// will not have been validated to be reachable by anyone
    /// # Port forwarding (UPnP)
    /// If configured (via `config.forward_port`), an external port mapping will be set up (using
    /// the IGD UPnP protocol). The established external port will be reflected in
    /// [`public_addr`](Self::public_addr), and the lease will be renewed automatically every
    /// `config.upnp_lease_duration`.
    pub async fn new(
        local_addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>,
        contacts: &[SocketAddr],
        config: Config,
    ) -> Result<
    > {
        let config = InternalConfig::try_from_config(config)?;

        let mut builder = quinn::Endpoint::builder();
        let _ = builder.listen(config.server.clone());

        let (mut endpoint, quic_incoming, channels) =
            Self::build_endpoint(local_addr.into(), config, builder)?;

        let contact = endpoint.connect_to_any(contacts).await;
        let public_addr = endpoint.resolve_public_addr(contact).await?;

        #[cfg(feature = "igd")]
        if endpoint.config.forward_port {
            .map_err(|_| IgdError::TimedOut)??;


        if let Some(peer) = contact {
            let valid = endpoint
                .endpoint_verification(peer, public_addr)
                .map_err(|error| EndpointError::EndpointVerification { peer, error })?;
            if !valid {
                return Err(EndpointError::Unreachable { public_addr });


    /// Create a client endpoint at the given address.
    /// A client endpoint cannot receive incoming connections, as such they also do not need to be
    /// publicly reachable. They can still communicate over outgoing connections and receive
    /// incoming streams, since QUIC allows for either side of a connection to initiate streams.
    pub fn new_client(
        local_addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>,
        config: Config,
    ) -> Result<(Self, IncomingMessages, DisconnectionEvents), ClientEndpointError> {
        let config = InternalConfig::try_from_config(config)?;

        let (endpoint, _, channels) =
            Self::build_endpoint(local_addr.into(), config, quinn::Endpoint::builder())?;


    // A private helper for initialising an endpoint.
    fn build_endpoint(
        local_addr: SocketAddr,
        config: InternalConfig,
        builder: quinn::EndpointBuilder,
    ) -> Result<(Self, quinn::Incoming, Channels), quinn::EndpointError> {
        let (quic_endpoint, quic_incoming) = builder.bind(&local_addr)?;
        let local_addr = quic_endpoint

        let channels = Channels::new();

        let endpoint = Self {
            public_addr: None,
            message_tx: channels.message.0.clone(),
            disconnection_tx: channels.disconnection.0.clone(),
            termination_tx: channels.termination.0.clone(),
            connection_pool: ConnectionPool::new(),
            connection_deduplicator: ConnectionDeduplicator::new(),

        Ok((endpoint, quic_incoming, channels))

    /// Endpoint local address
    pub fn local_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {

    /// Get the public address of the endpoint.
    pub fn public_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {

    /// Removes all existing connections to a given peer
    pub async fn disconnect_from(&self, peer_addr: &SocketAddr) {
            .for_each(|conn| {
                conn.close(0u8.into(), b"");

    /// Connects to another peer, retries for `config.retry_duration_msec` if the connection fails.
    /// **Note:** this method is intended for use when it's necessary to connect to a specific peer.
    /// See [`connect_to_any`](Self::connect_to_any) if you just need a connection with any of a set
    /// of peers.
    /// Returns `Connection` which is a handle for sending messages to the peer and
    /// `IncomingMessages` which is a stream of messages received from the peer.
    /// The incoming messages stream might be `None`. See the next section for more info.
    /// # Connection pooling
    /// Connection are stored in an internal pool and reused if possible. A connection remains in
    /// the pool while its `IncomingMessages` instances exists and while the connection is open.
    /// When a new connection is established, this function returns both the `Connection` instance
    /// and the `IncomingMessages` stream. If an existing connection is retrieved from the pool,
    /// the incoming messages will be `None`. Multiple `Connection` instances can exists
    /// simultaneously and they all share the same underlying connection resource. On the other
    /// hand, at most one `IncomingMessages` stream can exist per peer.
    /// How to handle the `IncomingMessages` depends on the networking model of the application:
    /// In the peer-to-peer model, where peers can arbitrarily send and receive messages to/from
    /// other peers, it is recommended to keep the `IncomingMessages` around and listen on it for
    /// new messages by repeatedly calling `next` and only drop it when it returns `None`.
    /// On the other hand, there is no need to keep `Connection` around as it can be cheaply
    /// retrieved again when needed by calling `connect_to`. When the connection gets closed by the
    /// peer or it timeouts due to inactivity, the incoming messages stream gets closed and once
    /// it's dropped the connection gets removed from the pool automatically. Calling `connect_to`
    /// afterwards will open a new connection.
    /// In the client-server model, where only the client send requests to the server and then
    /// listens for responses and never the other way around, it's OK to ignore (drop) the incoming
    /// messages stream and only use bi-directional streams obtained by calling
    /// `Connection::open_bi`. In this case the connection won't be pooled and the application is
    /// responsible for caching it.
    /// When sending a message on `Connection` fails, the connection is also automatically removed
    /// from the pool and the subsequent call to `connect_to` is guaranteed to reopen new connection
    /// too.
    pub async fn connect_to(&self, node_addr: &SocketAddr) -> Result<(), ConnectionError> {
        let _ = self.get_or_connect_to(node_addr).await?;

    /// Connect to any of the given peers.
    /// Often in peer-to-peer networks, it's sufficient to communicate to any node on the network,
    /// rather than having to connect to specific nodes. This method will start connecting to every
    /// peer in `peer_addrs`, and return the address of the first successfully established
    /// connection (the rest are cancelled and discarded). All connection attempts will be retried
    /// for `config.retry_duration_msec` on failure.
    /// The successful connection, if any, will be stored in the connection pool (see
    /// [`connect_to`](Self::connect_to) for more info on connection pooling).
    pub async fn connect_to_any(&self, peer_addrs: &[SocketAddr]) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
        trace!("Connecting to any of {:?}", peer_addrs);
        if peer_addrs.is_empty() {
            return None;

        // Attempt to create a new connection to all nodes and return the first one to succeed
        let tasks = peer_addrs
            .map(|addr| Box::pin(self.get_or_connect_to(addr)));

        match futures::future::select_ok(tasks).await {
            Ok((connection, _)) => Some(connection.remote_address()),
            Err(error) => {
                error!("Failed to bootstrap to the network, last error: {}", error);

    /// Verify if an address is publicly reachable. This will attempt to create
    /// a new connection and use it to exchange a message and verify that the node
    /// can be reached.
    pub async fn is_reachable(&self, peer_addr: &SocketAddr) -> Result<(), RpcError> {
        trace!("Checking is reachable");

        // avoid the connection pool
        let quinn::NewConnection { connection, .. } = self.new_connection(peer_addr).await?;
        let (send_stream, recv_stream) = connection.open_bi().await?;
        let mut send_stream = SendStream::new(send_stream);
        let mut recv_stream = RecvStream::new(recv_stream);


        match timeout(ECHO_SERVICE_QUERY_TIMEOUT, recv_stream.next_wire_msg()).await?? {
            Some(WireMsg::EndpointEchoResp(_)) => Ok(()),
            Some(other) => {
                    "Unexpected message type when verifying reachability: {}",
            None => {
                    "Peer {} did not reply when verifying reachability",

    /// Get the connection ID of an existing connection with the provided socket address
    pub async fn get_connection_id(&self, addr: &SocketAddr) -> Option<I> {
            .map(|(_, remover)| remover.id())

    /// Get the SocketAddr of a connection using the connection ID
    pub async fn get_socket_addr_by_id(&self, addr: &I) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
            .map(|(_, remover)| *remover.remote_addr())

    /// Open a bi-directional peer with a given peer
    /// Priority default is 0. Both lower and higher can be passed in.
    pub async fn open_bidirectional_stream(
        peer_addr: &SocketAddr,
        priority: i32,
    ) -> Result<(SendStream, RecvStream), ConnectionError> {
        let connection = self.get_or_connect_to(peer_addr).await?;

    /// Send a message to a peer over an existing connection.
    /// Priority default is 0. Both lower and higher can be passed in.
    /// # Errors
    /// If a connection with `dest` exists in the pool but the message fails to send,
    /// `Err(Some(_))` will be returned. If there's no connection with `dest` in the pool, then
    /// `Err(None)` will be returned.
    pub async fn try_send_message(
        msg: Bytes,
        dest: &SocketAddr,
        priority: i32,
    ) -> Result<(), Option<SendError>> {
        self.try_send_message_with(msg, dest, priority, None).await

    /// Send a message to a peer over an existing connection.
    /// Priority default is 0. Both lower and higher can be passed in.
    /// Optional retry config is passed in, for custom retry policy.
    /// # Errors
    /// If a connection with `dest` exists in the pool but the message fails to send,
    /// `Err(Some(_))` will be returned. If there's no connection with `dest` in the pool, then
    /// `Err(None)` will be returned.
    pub async fn try_send_message_with(
        msg: Bytes,
        dest: &SocketAddr,
        priority: i32,
        retries: Option<RetryConfig>,
    ) -> Result<(), Option<SendError>> {
        if let Some((conn, guard)) = self.connection_pool.get_by_addr(dest).await {
            trace!("Connection exists in the connection pool: {}", dest);
            let connection = Connection::new(conn, guard);
            let msg_retry_cfg = retries.unwrap_or(self.config.retry_config);
            Self::retry(msg_retry_cfg, || async {
                Ok(connection.send_uni(msg.clone(), priority).await?)
        } else {

    /// Sends a message to a peer. This will attempt to use an existing connection
    /// to the peer first. If this connection is broken or doesn't exist
    /// a new connection is created and the message is sent.
    /// Priority default is 0. Both lower and higher can be passed in.
    pub async fn send_message(
        msg: Bytes,
        dest: &SocketAddr,
        priority: i32,
    ) -> Result<(), SendError> {
        self.send_message_with(msg, dest, priority, None).await

    /// Sends a message to a peer. This will attempt to use an existing connection
    /// to the peer first. If this connection is broken or doesn't exist
    /// a new connection is created and the message is sent.
    /// Priority default is 0. Both lower and higher can be passed in.
    /// Optional retry config is passed in, for custom retry policy.
    pub async fn send_message_with(
        msg: Bytes,
        dest: &SocketAddr,
        priority: i32,
        retries: Option<RetryConfig>,
    ) -> Result<(), SendError> {
        let connection = self.get_or_connect_to(dest).await?;
        let msg_retry_cfg = retries.unwrap_or(self.config.retry_config);
        Self::retry(msg_retry_cfg, || async {
            Ok(connection.send_uni(msg.clone(), priority).await?)


    /// Close all the connections of this endpoint immediately and stop accepting new connections.
    pub fn close(&self) {
        let _ = self.termination_tx.send(());
        self.quic_endpoint.close(0_u32.into(), b"")

    /// Get a connection from the pool, or create one, for the given `addr`.
    pub(crate) async fn get_or_connect_to(
        addr: &SocketAddr,
    ) -> Result<Connection<I>, ConnectionError> {
        let completion = loop {
            if let Some((conn, remover)) = self.connection_pool.get_by_addr(addr).await {
                trace!("We are already connected to this peer: {}", addr);
                return Ok(Connection::new(conn, remover));

            // Check if a connect attempt to this address is already in progress.
            match self.connection_deduplicator.query(addr).await {
                DedupHandle::Dup(Ok(())) => continue, // the connection should now be in the pool
                DedupHandle::Dup(Err(error)) => return Err(error), // cannot connect
                DedupHandle::New(completion) => break completion,

        match self.new_connection(addr).await {
            Ok(new_connection) => {
                trace!("Successfully connected to peer: {}", addr);

                let connection = new_connection.connection;
                let id = ConnId::generate(&connection.remote_address());
                let remover = self
                    .insert(id, connection.remote_address(), connection.clone())


                let _ = completion.complete(Ok(()));
                Ok(Connection::new(connection, remover))
            Err(error) => {
                let _ = completion.complete(Err(error.clone()));

    /// Attempt a connection to a node_addr.
    /// All failures are retried with exponential back-off. This doesn't use the connection pool, it
    /// will always try to open a new connection.
    async fn new_connection(
        node_addr: &SocketAddr,
    ) -> Result<quinn::NewConnection, ConnectionError> {
        Self::retry(self.config.retry_config, || async {
            trace!("Attempting to connect to {:?}", node_addr);
            let connecting = match self.quic_endpoint.connect_with(
            ) {
                Ok(conn) => Ok(conn),
                Err(error) => {
                    warn!("Connection attempt failed due to {:?}", error);

            let new_conn = match connecting.await {
                Ok(new_conn) => {
                    debug!("okay was had");
                Err(error) => {
                    error!("some error: {:?}", error);


    // set an appropriate public address based on `config` and a reachability check.
    async fn resolve_public_addr(
        &mut self,
        contact: Option<SocketAddr>,
    ) -> Result<SocketAddr, EndpointError> {
        let mut public_addr = self.local_addr;

        // get the IP seen for us by our contact
        let visible_addr = if let Some(peer) = contact {
                    .map_err(|error| EndpointError::EndpointEcho { peer, error })?,
        } else {

        if let Some(external_ip) = self.config.external_ip {
            // set the public IP based on config

            if let Some(visible_addr) = visible_addr {
                // if we set a different external IP than peers can see, we will have a bad time
                if visible_addr.ip() != external_ip {
                        "Configured external IP ({}) does not match that seen by peers ({})",
        } else if let Some(visible_addr) = visible_addr {
            // set the public IP based on that seen by the peer
        } else {
            // we have no good source for public IP, leave it as the local IP and warn
                "Could not determine better public IP than local IP ({})",

        if let Some(external_port) = self.config.external_port {
            // set the public port based on config

            if let Some(visible_addr) = visible_addr {
                // if we set a different external IP than peers can see, we will have a bad time
                if visible_addr.port() != external_port {
                        "Configured external port ({}) does not match that seen by peers ({})",
        } else if let Some(visible_addr) = visible_addr {
            // set the public port based on that seen by the peer
        } else {
            // we have no good source for public port, leave it as the local port and warn
                "Could not determine better public port than local port ({})",

        self.public_addr = Some(public_addr);

        // Return the address so callers can avoid the optionality of `self.public_addr`

    /// Perform the endpoint echo RPC with the given peer.
    async fn endpoint_echo(&self, peer: SocketAddr) -> Result<SocketAddr, RpcError> {
        let (mut send, mut recv) = self.open_bidirectional_stream(&peer, 0).await?;


        match timeout(ECHO_SERVICE_QUERY_TIMEOUT, recv.next_wire_msg()).await?? {
            Some(WireMsg::EndpointEchoResp(addr)) => Ok(addr),
            msg => Err(RecvError::Serialization(SerializationError::unexpected(msg)).into()),

    /// Perform the endpoint verification RPC with the given peer.
    async fn endpoint_verification(
        peer: SocketAddr,
        public_addr: SocketAddr,
    ) -> Result<bool, RpcError> {
        let (mut send, mut recv) = self.open_bidirectional_stream(&peer, 0).await?;


        match timeout(ECHO_SERVICE_QUERY_TIMEOUT, recv.next_wire_msg()).await?? {
            Some(WireMsg::EndpointVerificationResp(valid)) => Ok(valid),
            msg => Err(RecvError::Serialization(SerializationError::unexpected(msg)).into()),

    fn retry<R, E, Fn, Fut>(cfg: RetryConfig, op: Fn) -> impl futures::Future<Output = Result<R, E>>
        Fn: FnMut() -> Fut,
        Fut: futures::Future<Output = Result<R, backoff::Error<E>>>,
        let backoff = ExponentialBackoff {
            initial_interval: cfg.initial_retry_interval,
            randomization_factor: cfg.retry_delay_rand_factor,
            multiplier: cfg.retry_delay_multiplier,
            max_interval: cfg.max_retry_interval,
            max_elapsed_time: Some(cfg.retrying_max_elapsed_time),
        retry(backoff, op)

// a private helper struct for passing a bunch of channel-related things
type Msg = (SocketAddr, Bytes);
struct Channels {
    connection: (MpscSender<SocketAddr>, MpscReceiver<SocketAddr>),
    message: (MpscSender<Msg>, MpscReceiver<Msg>),
    disconnection: (MpscSender<SocketAddr>, MpscReceiver<SocketAddr>),
    termination: (Sender<()>, broadcast::Receiver<()>),

impl Channels {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            connection: mpsc::channel(STANDARD_CHANNEL_SIZE),
            message: mpsc::channel(STANDARD_CHANNEL_SIZE),
            disconnection: mpsc::channel(STANDARD_CHANNEL_SIZE),
            termination: broadcast::channel(1),

mod tests {
    use super::Endpoint;
    use crate::{tests::local_addr, Config};
    use color_eyre::eyre::Result;
    use std::net::SocketAddr;

    async fn new_without_external_addr() -> Result<()> {
        let (endpoint, _, _, _, _) = Endpoint::<[u8; 32]>::new(
            Config {
                external_ip: None,
                external_port: None,
        assert_eq!(endpoint.public_addr(), endpoint.local_addr());


    async fn new_with_external_ip() -> Result<()> {
        let (endpoint, _, _, _, _) = Endpoint::<[u8; 32]>::new(
            Config {
                external_ip: Some([123u8, 123, 123, 123].into()),
                external_port: None,
            SocketAddr::new([123u8, 123, 123, 123].into(), endpoint.local_addr().port())


    async fn new_with_external_port() -> Result<()> {
        let (endpoint, _, _, _, _) = Endpoint::<[u8; 32]>::new(
            Config {
                external_ip: None,
                external_port: Some(123),
            SocketAddr::new(endpoint.local_addr().ip(), 123)


    async fn new_with_external_addr() -> Result<()> {
        let (endpoint, _, _, _, _) = Endpoint::<[u8; 32]>::new(
            Config {
                external_ip: Some([123u8, 123, 123, 123].into()),
                external_port: Some(123),
        assert_eq!(endpoint.public_addr(), "".parse()?);
