qp2p 0.19.0

Peer-to-peer networking library using QUIC
// Copyright 2019 MaidSafe.net limited.
// This SAFE Network Software is licensed to you under the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT
// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT> or the Modified BSD license <LICENSE-BSD
// https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause>, at your option. This file may not be copied,
// modified, or distributed except according to those terms. Please review the Licences for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations relating to use of the SAFE Network
// Software.

//! Configuration for `Endpoint`s.

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{net::IpAddr, sync::Arc, time::Duration};

/// Default for [`Config::idle_timeout`] (1 minute).
/// This is based on average time in which routers would close the UDP mapping to the peer if they
/// see no conversation between them.
pub const DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);

/// Default for [`Config::keep_alive_interval`] (20 seconds).
pub const DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(20);

/// Default for [`Config::upnp_lease_duration`] (2 minutes).
pub const DEFAULT_UPNP_LEASE_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(120);

/// Default for [`RetryConfig::max_retry_interval`] (500 ms).
/// Together with the default max and multiplier,
/// gives 5-6 retries in ~30 s total retry time.
pub const DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);

/// Default for [`RetryConfig::max_retry_interval`] (15 s).
/// Together with the default min and multiplier,
/// gives 5-6 retries in ~30 s total retry time.
pub const DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(15);

/// Default for [`RetryConfig::retry_interval_multiplier`] (x1.5).
/// Together with the default max and initial,
/// gives 5-6 retries in ~30 s total retry time.

/// Default for [`RetryConfig::retry_delay_rand_factor`] (0.3).

/// Default for [`RetryConfig::retrying_max_elapsed_time`] (30 s).
pub const DEFAULT_RETRYING_MAX_ELAPSED_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);

const MAIDSAFE_DOMAIN: &str = "maidsafe.net";

// Convenience alias – not for export.
type Result<T, E = ConfigError> = std::result::Result<T, E>;

/// Configuration errors.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ConfigError {
    /// An error occurred when generating the TLS certificate.
    #[error("An error occurred when generating the TLS certificate")]
    CertificateGeneration(#[from] CertificateGenerationError),

impl From<rcgen::RcgenError> for ConfigError {
    fn from(error: rcgen::RcgenError) -> Self {

impl From<quinn::ParseError> for ConfigError {
    fn from(error: quinn::ParseError) -> Self {

impl From<rustls::TLSError> for ConfigError {
    fn from(error: rustls::TLSError) -> Self {

/// An error that occured when generating the TLS certificate.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub struct CertificateGenerationError(
    // Though there are multiple different errors that could occur by the code, since we are
    // generating a certificate, they should only really occur due to buggy implementations. As
    // such, we don't attempt to expose more detail than 'something went wrong', which will
    // hopefully be enough for someone to file a bug report...
    Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>,

/// QuicP2p configurations
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
    /// Specify if port forwarding via UPnP should be done or not. This can be set to false if the network
    /// is run locally on the network loopback or on a local area network.
    #[cfg(feature = "igd")]
    pub forward_port: bool,

    /// External port number assigned to the socket address of the program.
    /// If this is provided, QP2p considers that the local port provided has been mapped to the
    /// provided external port number and automatic port forwarding will be skipped.
    pub external_port: Option<u16>,

    /// External IP address of the computer on the WAN. This field is mandatory if the node is the genesis node and
    /// port forwarding is not available. In case of non-genesis nodes, the external IP address will be resolved
    /// using the Echo service.
    pub external_ip: Option<IpAddr>,

    /// How long to wait to hear from a peer before timing out a connection.
    /// In the absence of any keep-alive messages, connections will be closed if they remain idle
    /// for at least this duration.
    /// If unspecified, this will default to [`DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT`].
    pub idle_timeout: Option<Duration>,

    /// Interval at which to send keep-alives to maintain otherwise idle connections.
    /// Keep-alives prevent otherwise idle connections from timing out.
    /// If unspecified, this will default to [`DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL`].
    pub keep_alive_interval: Option<Duration>,

    /// How long UPnP port mappings will last.
    /// Note that UPnP port mappings will be automatically renewed on this interval.
    /// If unspecified, this will default to [`DEFAULT_UPNP_LEASE_DURATION`], which should be
    /// suitable in most cases but some routers may clear UPnP port mapping more frequently.
    pub upnp_lease_duration: Option<Duration>,

    /// Retry configurations for establishing connections and sending messages.
    /// Determines the retry behaviour of requests, by setting the back off strategy used.
    pub retry_config: RetryConfig,

/// Config that has passed validation.
/// Generally this is a copy of [`Config`] without optional values where we would use defaults.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct InternalConfig {
    pub(crate) client: quinn::ClientConfig,
    pub(crate) server: quinn::ServerConfig,
    #[cfg(feature = "igd")]
    pub(crate) forward_port: bool,
    pub(crate) external_port: Option<u16>,
    pub(crate) external_ip: Option<IpAddr>,
    pub(crate) upnp_lease_duration: Duration,
    pub(crate) retry_config: RetryConfig,

/// Retry configurations for establishing connections and sending messages.
/// Determines the retry behaviour of requests, by setting the back off strategy used.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RetryConfig {
    /// The initial retry interval.
    /// This is the first delay before a retry, for establishing connections and sending messages.
    /// The subsequent delay will be decided by the `retry_delay_multiplier`.
    pub initial_retry_interval: Duration,
    /// The maximum value of the back off period. Once the retry interval reaches this
    /// value it stops increasing.
    /// This is the longest duration we will have,
    /// for establishing connections and sending messages.
    /// Retrying continues even after the duration times have reached this duration.
    /// The number of retries before that happens, will be decided by the `retry_delay_multiplier`.
    /// The number of retries after that, will be decided by the `retrying_max_elapsed_time`.
    pub max_retry_interval: Duration,
    /// The value to multiply the current interval with for each retry attempt.
    pub retry_delay_multiplier: f64,
    /// The randomization factor to use for creating a range around the retry interval.
    /// A randomization factor of 0.5 results in a random period ranging between 50% below and 50%
    /// above the retry interval.
    pub retry_delay_rand_factor: f64,
    /// The maximum elapsed time after instantiating
    /// Retrying continues until this time has elapsed.
    /// The number of retries before that happens, will be decided by the other retry config options.
    pub retrying_max_elapsed_time: Duration,

impl Default for RetryConfig {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            initial_retry_interval: DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_INTERVAL,
            max_retry_interval: DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL,
            retry_delay_multiplier: DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER,
            retry_delay_rand_factor: DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_RAND_FACTOR,
            retrying_max_elapsed_time: DEFAULT_RETRYING_MAX_ELAPSED_TIME,

impl InternalConfig {
    pub(crate) fn try_from_config(config: Config) -> Result<Self> {
        let idle_timeout = config.idle_timeout.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT);
        let keep_alive_interval = config
        let upnp_lease_duration = config

        let transport = Self::new_transport_config(idle_timeout, keep_alive_interval);
        let client = Self::new_client_config(transport.clone());
        let server = Self::new_server_config(transport)?;

        Ok(Self {
            #[cfg(feature = "igd")]
            forward_port: config.forward_port,
            external_port: config.external_port,
            external_ip: config.external_ip,
            retry_config: config.retry_config,

    fn new_transport_config(
        idle_timeout: Duration,
        keep_alive_interval: Duration,
    ) -> Arc<quinn::TransportConfig> {
        let mut config = quinn::TransportConfig::default();

        // QUIC encodes idle timeout in a varint with max size 2^62, which is below what can be
        // represented by Duration. For now, just ignore too large idle timeouts.
        // FIXME: don't ignore (e.g. clamp/error/panic)?
        let _ = config.max_idle_timeout(Some(idle_timeout)).ok();
        let _ = config.keep_alive_interval(Some(keep_alive_interval));


    fn new_client_config(transport: Arc<quinn::TransportConfig>) -> quinn::ClientConfig {
        let mut config = quinn::ClientConfig {
        Arc::make_mut(&mut config.crypto)

    fn new_server_config(transport: Arc<quinn::TransportConfig>) -> Result<quinn::ServerConfig> {
        let (cert, key) = Self::generate_cert()?;

        let mut config = quinn::ServerConfig::default();
        config.transport = transport;

        let mut config = quinn::ServerConfigBuilder::new(config);
        let _ = config.certificate(quinn::CertificateChain::from_certs(vec![cert]), key)?;


    fn generate_cert() -> Result<(quinn::Certificate, quinn::PrivateKey)> {
        let cert = rcgen::generate_simple_self_signed(vec![MAIDSAFE_DOMAIN.to_string()])?;

        let cert_der = cert.serialize_der()?;
        let key_der = cert.serialize_private_key_der();


struct SkipCertificateVerification;

impl rustls::ServerCertVerifier for SkipCertificateVerification {
    fn verify_server_cert(
        _roots: &rustls::RootCertStore,
        _presented_certs: &[rustls::Certificate],
        _dns_name: webpki::DNSNameRef,
        _ocsp_response: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<rustls::ServerCertVerified, rustls::TLSError> {