qbsdiff 1.0.0

Fast and memory saving bsdiff 4.x compatible delta compressor and patcher.

[![dependency status](https://deps.rs/repo/github/hucsmn/qbsdiff/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/repo/github/hucsmn/qbsdiff)

Fast and memory saving bsdiff 4.x compatible delta compressor and patcher.

Add dependency to `Cargo.toml` under your project:
qbsdiff = "0.1"

Build commands

The commands `qbsdiff` and `qbspatch` could be compiled with:
$ cargo build --release --bins --features cmd
$ target/release/qbsdiff -h
$ target/release/qbspatch -h


Apply patch to source and produce the target data:
use std::io;
use qbsdiff::Bspatch;

fn bspatch(source: &[u8], patch: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let patcher = Bspatch::new(patch)?;
    let mut target = Vec::new(); // More complicated: Vec::with_capacity(patcher.hint_target_size() as usize);
    patcher.apply(source, io::Cursor::new(&mut target))?;

Compare source with target then generate patch:
use std::io;
use qbsdiff::Bsdiff;

fn bsdiff(source: &[u8], target: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut patch = Vec::new();
        .compare(target, io::Cursor::new(&mut patch))?;

Note that `qbsdiff` would not generate exactly the same patch file as `bsdiff`.
Only the patch file format is promised to be compatible.