q_compress 0.2.0

Good data compression for numerical sequences
pub const MAGIC_HEADER: [u8; 4] = [113, 99, 111, 33]; // ascii for qco!
pub const MAX_ENTRIES: u64 = (1_u64 << 32) - 1;
pub const BITS_TO_ENCODE_N_ENTRIES: u32 = 32; // should be >=(MAX_ENTRIES + 1).log2().ceil()
pub const MAX_MAX_DEPTH: u32 = 15;
pub const BITS_TO_ENCODE_PREFIX_LEN: u32 = 4; // should be >=(MAX_MAX_DEPTH + 1).log2().ceil()
pub const MAX_JUMPSTART: usize = 31;
pub const BITS_TO_ENCODE_JUMPSTART: u32 = 5; // should be >=(MAX_REPS + 1).log2().ceil()