pzem004t 0.1.7

An embedded-hal driver for the PZEM004T energy monitor.


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An embedded-hal driver for the PZEM004T energy monitor.

A CLI for the library is available and can be run on all major operating systems (uses serialport crate).


Examples can be found in the examples/ directory.

Read the measurements off the sensor every second

let mut pzem = pzem004t::Pzem::new(serial, None).unwrap();
let mut m = pzem004t::Measurement::default();
loop {
    match pzem.read(&mut m, Some((&mut tim, TIMEOUT))) {
        Err(e) => hprintln!("Could not read PZEM004T: {}", e).unwrap(),
        Ok(()) => {
            hprintln!("Voltage: {:.1} V", m.voltage).unwrap();
            hprintln!("Current: {:.3} A", m.current).unwrap();
            hprintln!("Power: {:.1} W", m.power).unwrap();
            hprintln!("Energy: {:.3} kWh", m.energy).unwrap();
            hprintln!("Frequency: {:.1} Hz", m.frequency).unwrap();
            hprintln!("Power factor: {:.2}", m.pf).unwrap();
            hprintln!("Alarm: {}\n", m.alarm).unwrap();



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