python3-dll-a 0.1.0

Standalone python3.dll import library generator

Standalone python3.dll import library generator

Generates import libraries for the Stable ABI Python DLL for MinGW-w64 cross-compile targets.

See for details.

This crate does not require Python 3 distribution files to be present on the cross-compile host system.

Example script

The following script can be used to cross-compile Stable ABI PyO3 extension modules for Windows:

fn main() {
    if std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap() == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" {
        let libdir = std::env::var("PYO3_CROSS_LIB_DIR")
            .expect("PYO3_CROSS_LIB_DIR is not set when cross-compiling");
            .expect("python3.dll import library generator failed");

A compatible python3.dll import library will be automatically created in the directory pointed by PYO3_CROSS_LIB_DIR environment variable.

Example cargo build invocation

PYO3_CROSS_LIB_DIR=target/python3-dll cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu