python-objects 0.0.7

rust crate that implements the architecture of the CPython objects. with this crate you can crate a list with any data type from rust


blank_lines_upper_bound = 2
brace_style = "PreferSameLine"
edition = "2021"
empty_item_single_line = false
fn_args_layout = "Tall"
format_code_in_doc_comments = true

imports_layout = "Vertical"

# adds comma to match block
match_block_trailing_comma = true
max_width = 70
chain_width = 70
merge_derives = false
newline_style = "Unix"

# /* sit amet: */ converts this comment into // single line
normalize_comments = true
remove_nested_parens = true
reorder_impl_items = true
reorder_imports = false
reorder_modules = false

# struct Foo {
#     x:   u32,
#     yy:  u32,
#     zzz: u32,
# }
struct_field_align_threshold = 20
struct_lit_single_line = false
# trailing_comma = "Vertical"