python-launcher 1.0.0

The Python launcher for Unix
//! Search for Python interpreters in the environment
//! This crate provides the code to both find Python interpreters installed and
//! utilities to implement a CLI which mimic the [Python Launcher for Windows].
//! # Layout
//! At the top-level, the code directly related to searching is provided.
//! The [`RequestedVersion`] enum represents the constraints the user has placed
//! upon what version of Python they are searching for (ranging from any to a
//! `major.minor` version). The [`ExactVersion`] struct represents an exact
//! `major.minor` version of Python which was found.
//! The [`cli`] module contains all code related to providing a CLI like the one
//! the [Python Launcher for Windows] provides.
//! [Python Launcher for Windows]:

pub mod cli;

use std::{
    env, fmt,
    path::{Path, PathBuf},

/// [`std::result::Result`] type with [`Error`] as the error type.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

/// Error enum for the entire crate.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
    /// Parsing a digit component from a string fails.
    ParseVersionComponentError(ParseIntError, String),
    /// String parsing fails due to `.` missing.
    /// A [`Path`] lacks a file name when it is required.
    /// A file name cannot be converted to a string.
    /// A file name is not structured appropriately.
    /// No Python executable could be found based on the constraints provided.
    /// An illegal combination of CLI flags are provided.
    IllegalArgument(PathBuf, String),

impl fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Error::ParseVersionComponentError(int_error, bad_value) => {
                    "Error parsing '{}' as an integer: {}",
                    bad_value, int_error
            Self::DotMissing => write!(f, "'.' missing from the version"),
            Self::FileNameMissing => write!(f, "Path object lacks a file name"),
            Self::FileNameToStrError => write!(f, "Failed to convert file name to `str`"),
            Self::PathFileNameError => write!(f, "File name not of the format `pythonX.Y`"),
            Self::NoExecutableFound(requested_version) => write!(
                "No executable found for {}",
            Self::IllegalArgument(launcher_path, flag) => {
                    "The `{}` flag must be specified on its own; see `{} --help` for details",

impl std::error::Error for Error {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
        match self {
            Self::ParseVersionComponentError(int_error, _) => Some(int_error),
            Self::DotMissing => None,
            Self::FileNameMissing => None,
            Self::FileNameToStrError => None,
            Self::PathFileNameError => None,
            Self::NoExecutableFound(_) => None,
            Self::IllegalArgument(_, _) => None,

impl Error {
    /// Returns the appropriate [exit code](`exitcode::ExitCode`) for the error.
    pub fn exit_code(&self) -> exitcode::ExitCode {
        match self {
            Self::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _) => exitcode::USAGE,
            Self::DotMissing => exitcode::USAGE,
            Self::FileNameMissing => exitcode::USAGE,
            Self::FileNameToStrError => exitcode::SOFTWARE,
            Self::PathFileNameError => exitcode::SOFTWARE,
            Self::NoExecutableFound(_) => exitcode::USAGE,
            Self::IllegalArgument(_, _) => exitcode::USAGE,

/// The integral part of a version specifier (e.g. the `3` or `10` of `3.10`).
pub type ComponentSize = u16;

/// The version of Python being searched for.
/// The constraints of what is being searched for can very from being
/// open-ended/broad (i.e. [`RequestedVersion::Any`]) to as specific as
/// `major.minor` (e.g. [`RequestedVersion::Exact`] to search for Python 3.10).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum RequestedVersion {
    /// Any version of Python is acceptable.
    /// A major version of Python is required (e.g. `3.x`).
    /// A specific `major.minor` version of Python is required (e.g. `3.9`).
    Exact(ComponentSize, ComponentSize),

impl Display for RequestedVersion {
    /// Format to a readable name of the Python version requested, e.g. `Python 3.9`.
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let repr = match self {
            Self::Any => "Python".to_string(),
            Self::MajorOnly(major) => format!("Python {}", major),
            Self::Exact(major, minor) => format!("Python {}.{}", major, minor),
        write!(f, "{}", repr)

impl FromStr for RequestedVersion {
    type Err = Error;

    fn from_str(version_string: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        if version_string.is_empty() {
        } else if version_string.contains('.') {
            let exact_version = ExactVersion::from_str(version_string)?;
            Ok(Self::Exact(exact_version.major, exact_version.minor))
        } else {
            match version_string.parse::<ComponentSize>() {
                Ok(number) => Ok(Self::MajorOnly(number)),
                Err(parse_error) => Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(

impl RequestedVersion {
    /// Returns the [`String`] representing the environment variable for the
    /// requested version (if applicable).
    /// # Examples
    /// Searching for [`RequestedVersion::Any`] provides an environment variable
    /// which can be used to specify the default version of Python to use
    /// (e.g. `3.10`).
    /// ```
    /// let any_version = python_launcher::RequestedVersion::Any;
    /// assert_eq!(Some("PY_PYTHON".to_string()), any_version.env_var());
    /// ```
    /// [`RequestedVersion::MajorOnly`] uses an environment variable which is
    /// scoped to providing the default version for when the major version is
    /// only specified.
    /// ```
    /// let major_version = python_launcher::RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(3);
    /// assert_eq!(Some("PY_PYTHON3".to_string()), major_version.env_var());
    /// ```
    /// When [`RequestedVersion::Exact`] is specified, there is no "default" to
    /// provide/interpreter, and so no environment variable exists.
    /// ```
    /// let exact_version = python_launcher::RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 10);
    /// assert!(exact_version.env_var().is_none());
    /// ```
    pub fn env_var(self) -> Option<String> {
        match self {
            Self::Any => Some("PY_PYTHON".to_string()),
            Self::MajorOnly(major) => Some(format!("PY_PYTHON{}", major)),
            _ => None,

/// Specifies the `major.minor` version of a Python executable.
/// This struct is typically used to represent a found executable's version.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct ExactVersion {
    /// The major version of Python, e.g. `3` of `3.10`.
    pub major: ComponentSize,
    /// The minor version of Python, e.g. `10` of `3.10`.
    pub minor: ComponentSize,

impl From<ExactVersion> for RequestedVersion {
    fn from(version: ExactVersion) -> Self {
        Self::Exact(version.major, version.minor)

impl Display for ExactVersion {
    /// Format to the format specifier, e.g. `3.9`.
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}.{}", self.major, self.minor)

impl FromStr for ExactVersion {
    type Err = Error;

    fn from_str(version_string: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        match version_string.find('.') {
            Some(dot_index) => {
                let major_str = &version_string[..dot_index];
                let major = match major_str.parse::<ComponentSize>() {
                    Ok(number) => number,
                    Err(parse_error) => {
                        return Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(
                let minor_str = &version_string[dot_index + 1..];

                match minor_str.parse::<ComponentSize>() {
                    Ok(minor) => Ok(Self { major, minor }),
                    Err(parse_error) => Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(
            None => Err(Error::DotMissing),

fn acceptable_file_name(file_name: &str) -> bool {
    file_name.len() >= "python3.0".len() && file_name.starts_with("python")

impl ExactVersion {
    /// Construct an instance of [`ExactVersion`].
    pub fn new(major: ComponentSize, minor: ComponentSize) -> Self {
        ExactVersion { major, minor }

    /// Constructs a [`ExactVersion`] from a `pythonX.Y` file path.
    /// # Errors
    /// If the [`Path`] is missing a file name component,
    /// [`Error::FileNameMissing`] is returned.
    /// If the file name is not formatted appropriately,
    /// [`Error::PathFileNameError`] is returned.
    /// When the [`Path`] cannot be converted to a [`&str`],
    /// [`Error::FileNameToStrError`] is returned.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let expected = python_launcher::ExactVersion::new(3, 10);
    /// let executable_path = std::path::Path::new("python3.10");
    /// let exact_version = python_launcher::ExactVersion::from_path(executable_path);
    /// assert_eq!(Ok(expected), exact_version);
    /// ```
    pub fn from_path(path: &Path) -> Result<Self> {
            .and_then(|raw_file_name| match raw_file_name.to_str() {
                Some(file_name) if acceptable_file_name(file_name) => {
                Some(_) => Err(Error::PathFileNameError),
                None => Err(Error::FileNameToStrError),

    /// Tests whether this [`ExactVersion`] satisfies the [`RequestedVersion`].
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let py3_10 = python_launcher::ExactVersion::new(3, 10);
    /// let any_version = python_launcher::RequestedVersion::Any;
    /// let py3_version = python_launcher::RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(3);
    /// let py3_10_version = python_launcher::RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 10);
    /// assert!(py3_10.supports(any_version));
    /// assert!(py3_10.supports(py3_version));
    /// assert!(py3_10.supports(py3_10_version));
    /// ```
    pub fn supports(&self, requested: RequestedVersion) -> bool {
        match requested {
            RequestedVersion::Any => true,
            RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(major_version) => self.major == major_version,
            RequestedVersion::Exact(major_version, minor_version) => {
                self.major == major_version && self.minor == minor_version

fn env_path() -> Vec<PathBuf> {
    // Would love to have a return type of `impl Iterator<Item = PathBuf>
    // and return just SplitPaths and iter::empty(), but Rust
    // complains about differing return types.
    match env::var_os("PATH") {
        Some(path_val) => env::split_paths(&path_val).collect(),
        None => Vec::new(),

fn flatten_directories(
    directories: impl IntoIterator<Item = PathBuf>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = PathBuf> {
        .filter_map(|p| p.read_dir().ok()) // Filter to Ok(ReadDir).
        .flatten() // Flatten out `for DirEntry in ReadDir`.
        .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) // Filter to Ok(DirEntry).
        .map(|e| e.path()) // Get the PathBuf from the DirEntry.

fn all_executables_in_paths(
    paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = PathBuf>,
) -> HashMap<ExactVersion, PathBuf> {
    let mut executables = HashMap::new();
    paths.into_iter().for_each(|path| {
        ExactVersion::from_path(&path).map_or((), |version| {

    log::debug!("Found executables: {:?}", executables.values());

/// Finds all possible Python executables on `PATH`.
pub fn all_executables() -> HashMap<ExactVersion, PathBuf> {
    log::info!("Checking PATH environment variable");
    let path_entries = env_path();
    log::debug!("PATH: {:?}", path_entries);
    let paths = flatten_directories(path_entries);

fn find_executable_in_hashmap(
    requested: RequestedVersion,
    found_executables: &HashMap<ExactVersion, PathBuf>,
) -> Option<PathBuf> {
    let mut iter = found_executables.iter();
    match requested {
        RequestedVersion::Any => iter.max(),
        RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(_) => iter.filter(|pair| pair.0.supports(requested)).max(),
        RequestedVersion::Exact(_, _) => iter.find(|pair| pair.0.supports(requested)),
    .map(|pair| pair.1.clone())

/// Attempts to find an executable that satisfies a specified
/// [`RequestedVersion`] on `PATH`.
pub fn find_executable(requested: RequestedVersion) -> Option<PathBuf> {
    let found_executables = all_executables();
    find_executable_in_hashmap(requested, &found_executables)

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use std::cmp::Ordering;

    use test_case::test_case;

    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Any => "Python" ; "Any")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(3) => "Python 3" ; "Major")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 8) => "Python 3.8" ; "Exact/major.minor")]
    fn requestedversion_to_string_tests(requested_version: RequestedVersion) -> String {

    #[test_case(".3" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "missing major version is an error")]
    #[test_case("3." => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "missing minor version is an error")]
    #[test_case("h" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "non-number, non-emptry string is an error")]
    #[test_case("3.b" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "major.minor where minor is a non-number is an error")]
    #[test_case("a.7" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "major.minor where major is a non-number is an error")]
    #[test_case("" => Ok(RequestedVersion::Any) ; "empty string is Any")]
    #[test_case("3" => Ok(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(3)) ; "major-only version")]
    #[test_case("3.8" => Ok(RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 8)) ; "major.minor")]
    #[test_case("42.13" => Ok(RequestedVersion::Exact(42, 13)) ; "double digit version components")]
    #[test_case("3.6.5" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "specifying a micro version is an error")]
    fn requestedversion_from_str_tests(version_str: &str) -> Result<RequestedVersion> {

    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Any => Some("PY_PYTHON".to_string()) ; "Any is PY_PYTHON")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(3) => Some("PY_PYTHON3".to_string()) ; "major-only is PY_PYTHON{major}")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(42) => Some("PY_PYTHON42".to_string()) ; "double-digit major component")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(42, 13) => None ; "exact/major.minor has no environment variable")]
    fn requstedversion_env_var_tests(requested_version: RequestedVersion) -> Option<String> {

    fn test_requestedversion_from_exactversion() {
            RequestedVersion::from(ExactVersion {
                major: 42,
                minor: 13
            RequestedVersion::Exact(42, 13)

    #[test] // For some reason, having Ordering breaks test-case 1.0.0.
    fn exactversion_comparisons() {
        let py2_7 = ExactVersion { major: 2, minor: 7 };
        let py3_0 = ExactVersion { major: 3, minor: 0 };
        let py3_6 = ExactVersion { major: 3, minor: 6 };
        let py3_10 = ExactVersion {
            major: 3,
            minor: 10,

        // ==
        assert_eq!(py3_10.cmp(&py3_10), Ordering::Equal);
        // <
        assert_eq!(py3_0.cmp(&py3_6), Ordering::Less);
        // >
        assert_eq!(py3_6.cmp(&py3_0), Ordering::Greater);
        // Differ by major version.
        assert_eq!(py2_7.cmp(&py3_0), Ordering::Less);
        assert_eq!(py3_0.cmp(&py2_7), Ordering::Greater);
        // Sort order different from lexicographic order.
        assert_eq!(py3_6.cmp(&py3_10), Ordering::Less);
        assert_eq!(py3_10.cmp(&py3_6), Ordering::Greater);

    #[test_case(3, 8 => "3.8" ; "single digits")]
    #[test_case(42, 13 => "42.13" ; "double digits")]
    fn exactversion_to_string_tests(major: ComponentSize, minor: ComponentSize) -> String {
        ExactVersion { major, minor }.to_string()

    #[test_case("" => Err(Error::DotMissing) ; "empty string is an error")]
    #[test_case("3" => Err(Error::DotMissing) ; "major-only version is an error")]
    #[test_case(".7" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "missing major version is an error")]
    #[test_case("3." => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "missing minor version is an error")]
    #[test_case("3.Y" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "non-digit minor version is an error")]
    #[test_case("X.7" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "non-digit major version is an error")]
    #[test_case("42.13" => Ok(ExactVersion {major: 42, minor: 13 }) ; "double digit version components")]
    fn exactversion_from_str_tests(version_str: &str) -> Result<ExactVersion> {

    #[test_case("/" => Err(Error::FileNameMissing) ; "path missing a file name is an error")]
    #[test_case("/notpython" => Err(Error::PathFileNameError) ; "path not ending with 'python' is an error")]
    #[test_case("/python3" => Err(Error::PathFileNameError) ; "filename lacking a minor component is an error")]
    #[test_case("/pythonX.Y" => matches Err(Error::ParseVersionComponentError(_, _)) ; "filename with non-digit version is an error")]
    #[test_case("/python42.13" => Ok(ExactVersion { major: 42, minor: 13 }) ; "double digit version components")]
    fn exactversion_from_path_tests(path: &str) -> Result<ExactVersion> {

    fn exactversion_from_path_invalid_utf8() {
        // From
        use std::ffi::OsStr;
        use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;

        let source = [0x66, 0x6f, 0x80, 0x6f];
        let os_str = OsStr::from_bytes(&source[..]);
        let path = PathBuf::from(os_str);

    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Any => true ; "Any supports all versions")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(2) => false ; "major-only mismatch")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(3) => true ; "major-only match")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(2, 7) => false ; "older major version")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 5) => false ; "older minor version")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(4, 0) => false ; "newer major version")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 7) => false ; "newer minor version")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 6) => true ; "same version")]
    fn exactversion_supports_tests(requested_version: RequestedVersion) -> bool {
        let example = ExactVersion { major: 3, minor: 6 };

    #[test_case(2, 7, "/dir1/python2.7" ; "first directory")]
    #[test_case(3, 6, "/dir1/python3.6" ; "matches in multiple directories")]
    #[test_case(3, 7, "/dir2/python3.7" ; "last directory")]
    fn all_executables_in_paths_tests(major: ComponentSize, minor: ComponentSize, path: &str) {
        let python27_path = PathBuf::from("/dir1/python2.7");
        let python36_dir1_path = PathBuf::from("/dir1/python3.6");
        let python36_dir2_path = PathBuf::from("/dir2/python3.6");
        let python37_path = PathBuf::from("/dir2/python3.7");
        let files = vec![

        let executables = all_executables_in_paths(files.into_iter());
        assert_eq!(executables.len(), 3);

        let version = ExactVersion { major, minor };
        assert_eq!(executables.get(&version), Some(&PathBuf::from(path)));

    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Any => Some(PathBuf::from("/python3.7")) ; "Any version chooses newest version")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(42) => None ; "major-only version newer than any options")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::MajorOnly(3) => Some(PathBuf::from("/python3.7")) ; "matching major version chooses newest minor version")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 8) => None ; "version not available")]
    #[test_case(RequestedVersion::Exact(3, 6) => Some(PathBuf::from("/python3.6")) ; "exact version match")]
    fn find_executable_in_hashmap_tests(requested_version: RequestedVersion) -> Option<PathBuf> {
        let mut executables = HashMap::new();
            find_executable_in_hashmap(RequestedVersion::Any, &executables),

        let python36_path = PathBuf::from("/python3.6");
        executables.insert(ExactVersion { major: 3, minor: 6 }, python36_path);

        let python37_path = PathBuf::from("/python3.7");
        executables.insert(ExactVersion { major: 3, minor: 7 }, python37_path);

        find_executable_in_hashmap(requested_version, &executables)