pypackage 0.0.1

A modern Python dependency manager
pypackage-0.0.1 is not a library.

Py Packages

Early release - missing features, and will not work for some dependencies

This tool implements PEP 582 -- Python local packages directory. It manages dependencies, keeping them isolated in the project directory, and runs python in an environment which uses this directory. Per PEP 582, dependencies are stored in the project directory → __pypackages__3.7(etc) → lib. A virtual environment is created in the same diretory as lib, and is used transparently.

Python ≥ 3.4 is required.


There are 2 main ways to install:

  • Download a binary from the releases page. On Debian or Ubuntu, download and run This deb.

On other Operating systems, download the appropriate binary, and place it somewhere accessible by the system path. For example, place it under /usr/bin in linux, or ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\bin in Windows.

  • If you have Rust installed, the most convenient way is to run cargo install pypackage.


  • Create a pyproject.toml file in your project directory. See PEP 518 for details.

Example contents:

py_version = "3.7"
name = "runcible"
version = "0.1.0"
author = "John Hackworth"

numpy = "^1.16.4"
diffeqpy = "1.1.0"

The [tool.pypackage] section is used for metadata, and isn't required unless building and distributing a package. The [tool.pypyackage.dependencies'] section contains all dependencies, and is an analog to requirements.txt. For details on how to specify dependencies in this Cargo.toml-inspired semvar format, reference this guide.

Example use

Managing dependencies:

  • pypackage install - Install all packages in pyproject.toml, and remove ones not (recursively) specified
  • pypackage install toolz - If you specify one or more packages after install, only those packages will be installed, and will be added to pyproject.toml.
  • pypackage install numpy==1.16.4 matplotlib>=3.1. - Example with multiple dependencies, and specified versions
  • pypackage uninstall toolz - Remove a dependency

Running REPL and Python files in the environment:

  • pypackage python - Run a Python REPL
  • pypackage python - Run a python file

Building and publishing:

  • pypackage package - Package for distribution (uses setuptools internally, and builds both source and binary if applicable.)
  • pypackage publish - Upload to PyPi (Repo specified in pyproject.toml. Uses Twine internally.) ``


  • pypackage new projname - Create a directory containing the basics for
  • pypackage init - Create a pyproject.toml file in an existing project directory. Pull info from requirements.text, Pipfile etc as required. a project: a readme, pyproject.toml, and directory for source code
  • pypackage -V - Get the current version of this tool
  • pypackage help Get help, including a list of available commands

How dependencies are resolved

Running pypackage install loads the project's requirements from pyproject.toml. Adding a package name via the CLI, eg pypackage install matplotlib simply adds that requirement before proceeding. Compatible versions of dependencies are determined using info from the PyPi Warehosue (available versions, and hash info), and the pydeps database. We use pydeps, which is built specifically for this project, due to inconsistent dependency information stored on pypi. A dependency graph is built using this cached database. We attempt to use the newest compatible version of each package, but older ones are used if needed to satisfy the dependency occuring with different requirements.

This tool downloads and unpacks wheels from pypi, or builds wheels from source if none are availabile. It verifies the integrity of the downloaded file against that listed on pypi using SHA256, and the exact versions used are stored in a lock file.

If a lockfile already exists, package versions stored in it which are compatible with those in pyproject.toml and resolved subdependencies are used.

Important caveat: There appears to be no way install multiple versions of a package simultaneously without renaming them; this is a factor when encountering incompatible sub-dependencies. Perhaps this can be sorted around through behind-the-scenes renaming and import-line edits, but for now may result in unresolvable trees.

When a dependency is removed from pyproject.toml, it, and its subdependencies not also required by other packages are removed from the __pypackages__ folder.


Using a Python installation directly when installing dependencies can become messy. If using a system-level Python, which is ubiqutious in Linux, altering dependencies may break the OS. Virtual environments correct this, but are cumbersome to use. An example workflow:


cd ~/.virtualenvs
python -m venv "myproject"
cd myproject/bin
source activate
cd ~/myproject
python install -r requirements.txt


cd ~/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin
source activate
cd ~/myproject

This signifcantly impacts the usability of Python, especially for new users. IDEs like PyCharm abstract this away, but are a specific solution to a general problem. See this section of PEP 582.

If multiple versions of Python are installed, verifying you're using the one you want may be difficult.

When building and deploying packages, a set of other, redudant files are traditionally used:, setup.cfg, and

Why add another Python dependency manager?

Pipenv and Poetry both address this problem. Some reasons why this tool is different:

  • It keeps dependencies in the project directory, in __pypackages__, and doesn't modify files outside the project directory.

  • It doesn't use Pip.

  • Its dependency resolution and locking is faster due to using a cached database of dependencies, vice downloading and checking each package, or relying on the incomplete data available on the pypi warehouse.

  • Multiple versions of a dependency can be installed, allowing resolution of conflicting sub-dependencies.

  • By not requiring Python to install or run, it remains intallation-agnostic. This is especially important on Linux, where there may be several versions of Python installed, with different versions and access levels. This avoids complications, especially for new users. It's common for Python-based CLI tools to not run properly when installed from pip due to the PATH not being configured in the expected way. Rust is both a natural choice for making a standalone CLI app, and an example of well-designed dependency management.

  • If multiple Python installations are found, it allows the user to select the desired one to set up the environment with.

Conda addresses this as well, but focuses on maintining a separate repository of binaries from PyPi.


  • Executable script installations (Important feature!)
  • Installing extra dependencies for features
  • Installing from sources other than pypi (eg repos)
  • The lock file is missing some info like dependencies and hashes.
  • Windows installer and Mac binaries.
  • Adding a dependency via the CLI with a specific version.
  • Installing multiple versions of a sub-dependency when there's no other way to resolve.
  • There are some resolvable dependency graphs (ie that don't require renaming/multiple-versions) that will currently not be resolved.
  • Developer requirements

Building and uploading your project to PyPi.

In order to build and publish your project, additional info is needed in pyproject.toml, that mimics what would be in Example:

name = "everythingkiller"
py_version = "3.6"
version = "0.1.0"
author = "Fraa Erasmas"
author_email = "raz@edhar.math"
description = "Small, but packs a punch!"
homepage = "https://everything.math"
repository = ""
license = "MIT"

numpy = "^1.16.4"
django = "2.0.0"

Building this from source

If you’d like to build from source, download and install Rust, clone the repo, and in the repo directory, run cargo build --release.

Ie on Linux:

curl -sSf | sh
git clone
cd pypackage
cargo build --release


If installed via Cargo, run cargo install pypackage --force.


If you notice unexpected behavior or missing features, please post an issue, or submit a PR. There are probably multiple problems with the dependency resolver. If you see unexpected behavior, it's probably a bug! Post an issue listing the dependencies that did not install correctly.

Dependency cache repo:

  • Github Example API call: This pulls all top-level dependencies for the numpy package. The first time this command is run for a package/version combo, it may be slow. Subsequent calls, by anyone, should be fast. This is due to having to download and install each package on the server to properly determine dependencies, due to unreliable information on the pypi warehouse.


  • Make sure the pypackage binary is accessible in your path. If installing via a deb or Cargo, this should be set up automatically.
  • Make sure __pypackages__ and .venv are in your .gitignore file.
