pyo3 0.5.0-alpha.3

Bindings to Python interpreter
// Copyright (c) 2017-present PyO3 Project and Contributors

//! Free allocation list

use crate::err::PyResult;
use crate::ffi;
use crate::python::Python;
use std::mem;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use crate::typeob::{pytype_drop, PyObjectAlloc, PyTypeInfo};

/// Implementing this trait for custom class adds free allocation list to class.
/// The performance improvement applies to types that are often created and deleted in a row,
/// so that they can benefit from a freelist.
pub trait PyObjectWithFreeList: PyTypeInfo {
    fn get_free_list() -> &'static mut FreeList<*mut ffi::PyObject>;

pub enum Slot<T> {

pub struct FreeList<T> {
    entries: Vec<Slot<T>>,
    split: usize,
    capacity: usize,

impl<T> FreeList<T> {
    /// Create new `FreeList` instance with specified capacity
    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> FreeList<T> {
        let entries = (0..capacity).map(|_| Slot::Empty).collect::<Vec<_>>();

        FreeList {
            split: 0,

    /// Pop first non empty item
    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        let idx = self.split;
        if idx == 0 {
        } else {
            match mem::replace(&mut self.entries[idx - 1], Slot::Empty) {
                Slot::Filled(v) => {
                    self.split = idx - 1;
                _ => panic!("FreeList is corrupt"),

    /// Insert a value into the list
    pub fn insert(&mut self, val: T) -> Option<T> {
        let next = self.split + 1;
        if next < self.capacity {
            self.entries[self.split] = Slot::Filled(val);
            self.split = next;
        } else {

impl<T> PyObjectAlloc<T> for T
    T: PyObjectWithFreeList,
    unsafe fn alloc(_py: Python) -> PyResult<*mut ffi::PyObject> {
        let obj = if let Some(obj) = <T as PyObjectWithFreeList>::get_free_list().pop() {
            ffi::PyObject_Init(obj, <T as PyTypeInfo>::type_object());
        } else {
            ffi::PyType_GenericAlloc(<T as PyTypeInfo>::type_object(), 0)


    unsafe fn dealloc(py: Python, obj: *mut ffi::PyObject) {
        pytype_drop::<T>(py, obj);

        if ffi::PyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc(obj) < 0 {

        if let Some(obj) = <T as PyObjectWithFreeList>::get_free_list().insert(obj) {
            match (*T::type_object()).tp_free {
                Some(free) => free(obj as *mut c_void),
                None => {
                    let ty = ffi::Py_TYPE(obj);
                    if ffi::PyType_IS_GC(ty) != 0 {
                        ffi::PyObject_GC_Del(obj as *mut c_void);
                    } else {
                        ffi::PyObject_Free(obj as *mut c_void);

                    // For heap types, PyType_GenericAlloc calls INCREF on the type objects,
                    // so we need to call DECREF here:
                    if ffi::PyType_HasFeature(ty, ffi::Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) != 0 {
                        ffi::Py_DECREF(ty as *mut ffi::PyObject);

    unsafe fn dealloc(py: Python, obj: *mut ffi::PyObject) {
        pytype_drop::<T>(py, obj);

        if let Some(obj) = <T as PyObjectWithFreeList>::get_free_list().insert(obj) {
            match (*T::type_object()).tp_free {
                Some(free) => free(obj as *mut c_void),
                None => {
                    let ty = ffi::Py_TYPE(obj);
                    if ffi::PyType_IS_GC(ty) != 0 {
                        ffi::PyObject_GC_Del(obj as *mut c_void);
                    } else {
                        ffi::PyObject_Free(obj as *mut c_void);

                    // For heap types, PyType_GenericAlloc calls INCREF on the type objects,
                    // so we need to call DECREF here:
                    if ffi::PyType_HasFeature(ty, ffi::Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) != 0 {
                        ffi::Py_DECREF(ty as *mut ffi::PyObject);