pyo3-derive-backend 0.12.1

Code generation for PyO3 package
// Copyright (c) 2017-present PyO3 Project and Contributors
use crate::utils::print_err;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
use syn::Token;

// TODO:
//   Add lifetime support for args with Rptr
pub enum MethodProto {
    Free {
        name: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,
    Unary {
        name: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,
    UnaryS {
        name: &'static str,
        arg: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,
    Binary {
        name: &'static str,
        arg: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,
    BinaryS {
        name: &'static str,
        arg1: &'static str,
        arg2: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,
    Ternary {
        name: &'static str,
        arg1: &'static str,
        arg2: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,
    TernaryS {
        name: &'static str,
        arg1: &'static str,
        arg2: &'static str,
        arg3: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,
    Quaternary {
        name: &'static str,
        arg1: &'static str,
        arg2: &'static str,
        arg3: &'static str,
        proto: &'static str,

impl MethodProto {
    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            MethodProto::Free { ref name, .. } => name,
            MethodProto::Unary { ref name, .. } => name,
            MethodProto::UnaryS { ref name, .. } => name,
            MethodProto::Binary { ref name, .. } => name,
            MethodProto::BinaryS { ref name, .. } => name,
            MethodProto::Ternary { ref name, .. } => name,
            MethodProto::TernaryS { ref name, .. } => name,
            MethodProto::Quaternary { ref name, .. } => name,

pub(crate) fn impl_method_proto(
    cls: &syn::Type,
    sig: &mut syn::Signature,
    meth: &MethodProto,
) -> syn::Result<TokenStream> {
    let ret_ty = match &sig.output {
        syn::ReturnType::Default => quote! { () },
        syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => {
            let mut ty = ty.clone();
            insert_lifetime(&mut ty);

    let toks = match *meth {
        MethodProto::Free { proto, .. } => {
            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();
            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {}
        MethodProto::Unary { proto, .. } => {
            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();

            let tmp: syn::ItemFn = syn::parse_quote! {
                fn test(&self) -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}
            sig.output = tmp.sig.output;

            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {
                    type Result = #ret_ty;
        MethodProto::UnaryS { proto, arg, .. } => {
            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();

            let slf_name = syn::Ident::new(arg, Span::call_site());
            let slf_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 0)?;
            let tmp: syn::ItemFn = syn::parse_quote! {
                fn test(&self) -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}
            sig.output = tmp.sig.output;

            if let syn::FnArg::Typed(ref mut arg) = sig.inputs[0] {
                arg.ty = Box::new(syn::parse_quote! {
                    <#cls as #p<'p>>::#slf_name

            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {
                    type #slf_name = #slf_ty;
                    type Result = #ret_ty;
        MethodProto::Binary { name, arg, proto } => {
            if sig.inputs.len() <= 1 {
                println!("Not enough arguments for {}", name);
                return Ok(TokenStream::new());

            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();
            let arg_name = syn::Ident::new(arg, Span::call_site());
            let arg_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 1)?;

            let tmp = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {
                fn test(&self,arg: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg_name)-> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}

            let tmp2 = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {
                fn test(&self, arg: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg_name>) -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}

            modify_arg_ty(sig, 1, &tmp, &tmp2)?;

            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {
                    type #arg_name = #arg_ty;
                    type Result = #ret_ty;
        MethodProto::BinaryS {
        } => {
            if sig.inputs.len() <= 1 {
                print_err(format!("Not enough arguments {}", name), quote!(sig));
                return Ok(TokenStream::new());
            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();
            let arg1_name = syn::Ident::new(arg1, Span::call_site());
            let arg1_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 0)?;
            let arg2_name = syn::Ident::new(arg2, Span::call_site());
            let arg2_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 1)?;

            // rewrite ty
            let tmp = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name,
            arg2: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            let tmp2 = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name>,
            arg2: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name>)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 0, &tmp, &tmp2)?;
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 1, &tmp, &tmp2)?;

            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {
                    type #arg1_name = #arg1_ty;
                    type #arg2_name = #arg2_ty;
                    type Result = #ret_ty;
        MethodProto::Ternary {
        } => {
            if sig.inputs.len() <= 2 {
                print_err(format!("Not enough arguments {}", name), quote!(sig));
                return Ok(TokenStream::new());
            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();
            let arg1_name = syn::Ident::new(arg1, Span::call_site());
            let arg1_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 1)?;
            let arg2_name = syn::Ident::new(arg2, Span::call_site());
            let arg2_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 2)?;

            // rewrite ty
            let tmp = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name,
            arg2: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            let tmp2 = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name>,
            arg2: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name>)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 1, &tmp, &tmp2)?;
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 2, &tmp, &tmp2)?;

            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {
                    type #arg1_name = #arg1_ty;
                    type #arg2_name = #arg2_ty;
                    type Result = #ret_ty;
        MethodProto::TernaryS {
        } => {
            if sig.inputs.len() <= 2 {
                print_err(format!("Not enough arguments {}", name), quote!(sig));
                return Ok(TokenStream::new());
            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();
            let arg1_name = syn::Ident::new(arg1, Span::call_site());
            let arg1_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 0)?;
            let arg2_name = syn::Ident::new(arg2, Span::call_site());
            let arg2_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 1)?;
            let arg3_name = syn::Ident::new(arg3, Span::call_site());
            let arg3_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 2)?;

            // rewrite ty
            let tmp = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name,
            arg2: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name,
            arg3: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg3_name)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            let tmp2 = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name>,
            arg2: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name>,
            arg3: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg3_name>)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 0, &tmp, &tmp2)?;
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 1, &tmp, &tmp2)?;
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 2, &tmp, &tmp2)?;

            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {
                    type #arg1_name = #arg1_ty;
                    type #arg2_name = #arg2_ty;
                    type #arg3_name = #arg3_ty;
                    type Result = #ret_ty;
        MethodProto::Quaternary {
        } => {
            if sig.inputs.len() <= 3 {
                print_err(format!("Not enough arguments {}", name), quote!(sig));
                return Ok(TokenStream::new());
            let p: syn::Path = syn::parse_str(proto).unwrap();
            let arg1_name = syn::Ident::new(arg1, Span::call_site());
            let arg1_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 1)?;
            let arg2_name = syn::Ident::new(arg2, Span::call_site());
            let arg2_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 2)?;
            let arg3_name = syn::Ident::new(arg3, Span::call_site());
            let arg3_ty = get_arg_ty(sig, 3)?;

            // rewrite ty
            let tmp = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name,
            arg2: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name,
            arg3: <#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg3_name)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            let tmp2 = extract_decl(syn::parse_quote! {fn test(
            arg1: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg1_name>,
            arg2: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg2_name>,
            arg3: Option<<#cls as #p<'p>>::#arg3_name>)
                -> <#cls as #p<'p>>::Result {}});
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 1, &tmp, &tmp2)?;
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 2, &tmp, &tmp2)?;
            modify_arg_ty(sig, 3, &tmp, &tmp2)?;

            quote! {
                impl<'p> #p<'p> for #cls {
                    type #arg1_name = #arg1_ty;
                    type #arg2_name = #arg2_ty;
                    type #arg3_name = #arg3_ty;
                    type Result = #ret_ty;

/// Some hacks for arguments: get `T` from `Option<T>` and insert lifetime
fn get_arg_ty(sig: &syn::Signature, idx: usize) -> syn::Result<syn::Type> {
    fn get_option_ty(path: &syn::Path) -> Option<syn::Type> {
        let seg = path.segments.last()?;
        if seg.ident == "Option" {
            if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref data) = seg.arguments {
                if let Some(syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref ty)) = data.args.last() {
                    return Some(ty.to_owned());

    let mut ty = match &sig.inputs[idx] {
        syn::FnArg::Typed(ref cap) => match &*cap.ty {
            // For `Option<T>`, we use `T` as an associated type for the protocol.
            syn::Type::Path(ref ty) => get_option_ty(&ty.path).unwrap_or_else(|| *cap.ty.clone()),
            _ => *cap.ty.clone(),
        ty => {
            return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(
                format!("Unsupported argument type: {:?}", ty),
    insert_lifetime(&mut ty);

/// Insert lifetime `'p` to `PyRef<Self>` or references (e.g., `&PyType`).
fn insert_lifetime(ty: &mut syn::Type) {
    fn insert_lifetime_for_path(path: &mut syn::TypePath) {
        if let Some(seg) = path.path.segments.last_mut() {
            if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref mut args) = seg.arguments {
                let mut has_lifetime = false;
                for arg in &mut args.args {
                    match arg {
                        // Insert `'p` recursively for `Option<PyRef<Self>>` or so.
                        syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref mut ty) => insert_lifetime(ty),
                        syn::GenericArgument::Lifetime(_) => has_lifetime = true,
                        _ => {}
                // Insert lifetime to PyRef (i.e., PyRef<Self> -> PyRef<'p, Self>)
                if !has_lifetime && (seg.ident == "PyRef" || seg.ident == "PyRefMut") {
                    args.args.insert(0, syn::parse_quote! {'p});

    match ty {
        syn::Type::Reference(ref mut r) => {
            r.lifetime.get_or_insert(syn::parse_quote! {'p});
            insert_lifetime(&mut *r.elem);
        syn::Type::Path(ref mut path) => insert_lifetime_for_path(path),
        _ => {}

fn extract_decl(spec: syn::Item) -> syn::Signature {
    match spec {
        syn::Item::Fn(f) => f.sig,
        _ => panic!(),

// modify method signature
fn modify_arg_ty(
    sig: &mut syn::Signature,
    idx: usize,
    decl1: &syn::Signature,
    decl2: &syn::Signature,
) -> syn::Result<()> {
    let arg = sig.inputs[idx].clone();
    match arg {
        syn::FnArg::Typed(ref cap) => match *cap.ty {
            syn::Type::Path(ref typath) => {
                let seg = typath.path.segments.last().unwrap().clone();
                if seg.ident == "Option" {
                    sig.inputs[idx] = fix_name(&cap.pat, &decl2.inputs[idx])?;
                } else {
                    sig.inputs[idx] = fix_name(&cap.pat, &decl1.inputs[idx])?;
            _ => {
                sig.inputs[idx] = fix_name(&cap.pat, &decl1.inputs[idx])?;
        _ => return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(arg, "not supported")),

    sig.output = decl1.output.clone();

fn modify_self_ty(sig: &mut syn::Signature) {
    match sig.inputs[0] {
        syn::FnArg::Receiver(ref mut slf) => {
            slf.reference = Some((Token![&](Span::call_site()), syn::parse_quote! {'p}));
        syn::FnArg::Typed(_) => {}

fn fix_name(pat: &syn::Pat, arg: &syn::FnArg) -> syn::Result<syn::FnArg> {
    if let syn::FnArg::Typed(ref cap) = arg {
        Ok(syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType {
            attrs: cap.attrs.clone(),
            pat: Box::new(pat.clone()),
            colon_token: cap.colon_token,
            ty: cap.ty.clone(),
    } else {
        Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(arg, "Expected a typed argument"))