pyo3-asyncio 0.13.2

PyO3 utilities for Python's Asyncio library
# PyO3 Asyncio

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[Rust]( bindings for [Python]('s [Asyncio Library]( This crate facilitates interactions between Rust Futures and Python Coroutines and manages the lifecycle of their corresponding event loops.

* API Documentation: [stable] | [master]

* Contributing Notes: [github]

> PyO3 Asyncio is a _brand new_ part of the broader PyO3 ecosystem. Feel free to open any issues for feature requests or bugfixes for this crate.

## Known Problems

This library can give spurious failures during finalization prior to PyO3 release `v0.13.2`. Make sure your PyO3 dependency is up-to-date!

## Quickstart

Here we initialize the runtime, import Python's `asyncio` library and run the given future to completion using Python's default `EventLoop` and `async-std`. Inside the future, we convert `asyncio` sleep into a Rust future and await it.

More details on the usage of this library can be found in the [API docs](

use pyo3::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    let fut = Python::with_gil(|py| {
        let asyncio = py.import("asyncio")?;

        // convert asyncio.sleep into a Rust Future
        pyo3_asyncio::into_future(asyncio.call_method1("sleep", (1.into_py(py),))?)

