pyo3-asyncio 0.13.1

PyO3 utilities for Python's Asyncio library

PyO3 Asyncio

Actions Status codecov minimum rustc 1.45

Rust bindings for Python's Asyncio Library. This crate facilitates interactions between Rust Futures and Python Coroutines and manages the lifecycle of their corresponding event loops.

PyO3 Asyncio is a brand new part of the broader PyO3 ecosystem. Feel free to open any issues for feature requests or bugfixes for this crate.

Known Problems

This library can give spurious failures during finalization prior to PyO3 release v0.13.2. Make sure your PyO3 dependency is up-to-date!


Here we initialize the runtime, import Python's asyncio library and run the given future to completion using Python's default EventLoop and async-std. Inside the future, we convert asyncio sleep into a Rust future and await it.

More details on the usage of this library can be found in the API docs.

use pyo3::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    let fut = Python::with_gil(|py| {
        let asyncio = py.import("asyncio")?;

        // convert asyncio.sleep into a Rust Future
        pyo3_asyncio::into_future(asyncio.call_method1("sleep", (1.into_py(py),))?)

