pygo 0.1.1

Cargo like program for Python
pygo-0.1.1 is not a library.

PyGo is a Cargo like manager for Python

pygo new myproject

Creates a file structure like

- src
| |
| -
- .git
- .gitignore

The file will have a template like

def main():
  print("Hello World")

if __name__ == "__main__":

--bin is a default argument

--lib will create a file structure like

pygo new mylib --lib

- src
| |
| -
- .git
- .gitignore


  • new creates new project with a git repo command with --lib or --bin option where --bin is default.
  • init creates a new project with out a git repo command with --lib or --bin option where --bin is default.
  • run runs python project
  • clean clears all unused files from environment and packages.
  • build zips project and places it into a release directory.
  • test runs custom test for project.
  • Create custom environment for python project.