pyflow 0.0.4

A modern Python dependency manager
use crate::dep_types::{
    Constraint, DependencyError, Lock, LockPackage, Package, Rename, Req, ReqType, Version,
use crate::util::abort;
use crossterm::{Color, Colored};
use install::PackageType::{Source, Wheel};
use regex::Regex;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::{collections::HashMap, env, error::Error, fs, io, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr};

use crate::dep_resolution::WarehouseRelease;
use crate::install::PackageType;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::Path;
use structopt::StructOpt;

mod build;
mod commands;
mod dep_resolution;
mod dep_types;
mod files;
mod install;
mod py_versions;
mod util;

type PackToInstall = ((String, Version), Option<(u32, String)>); // ((Name, Version), (parent id, rename name))

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
/// Used to determine which version of a binary package to download. Assume 64-bit.
pub enum Os {
    //    Mac32,

impl FromStr for Os {
    type Err = dep_types::DependencyError;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        Ok(match s {
            "manylinux1_i686" => Os::Linux32,
            "manylinux1_x86_64" => Os::Linux,
            "linux" => Os::Linux,
            "linux2" => Os::Linux,
            "windows" => Os::Windows,
            "win" => Os::Windows,
            "win32" => Os::Windows32,
            "win_amd64" => Os::Windows,
            "darwin" => Os::Mac,
            "any" => Os::Any,
            _ => {
                if s.contains("mac") {
                } else {
                    return Err(DependencyError::new("Problem parsing Os"));

#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
//#[structopt(raw(setting = "structopt::clap::AppSettings::suggestions"))]
//#[structopt(name = "pyflow", about = "Python packaging and publishing", structopt::clap::AppSettings::suggestions = "false")]
#[structopt(name = "pyflow", about = "Python packaging and publishing")]
struct Opt {
    subcmds: Option<SubCommand>,
    #[structopt(name = "script")]
    //    #[structopt(raw(setting = "structopt::clap::AppSettings::TrailingVarArg"))]
    script: Vec<String>,

#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
enum SubCommand {
    /// Create a project folder with the basics
    #[structopt(name = "new")]
    New {
        #[structopt(name = "name")]
        name: String, // holds the project name.

    /// Install packages from `pyproject.toml`, or ones specified
        name = "install",
        help = "
Install packages from `pyproject.toml`, `pyflow.lock`, or speficied ones. Example:

`pyflow install`: sync your installation with `pyproject.toml`, or `pyflow.lock` if it exists.
`pyflow install numpy scipy`: install `numpy` and `scipy`.
    Install {
        #[structopt(name = "packages")]
        packages: Vec<String>,
    /// Uninstall all packages, or ones specified
    #[structopt(name = "uninstall")]
    Uninstall {
        #[structopt(name = "packages")]
        packages: Vec<String>,
    /// Run python
    #[structopt(name = "python")]
    Python {
        #[structopt(name = "args")]
        args: Vec<String>,
    /// Display all installed packages and console scripts
    #[structopt(name = "list")]
    /// Build the package - source and wheel
    #[structopt(name = "package")]
    Package {
        #[structopt(name = "extras")]
        extras: Vec<String>, // todo: rename features?
    /// Publish to `pypi`
    #[structopt(name = "publish")]
    /// Create a `pyproject.toml` from requirements.txt, pipfile etc, etc
    #[structopt(name = "init")]
    /// Remove the environment, and uninstall all packages
    #[structopt(name = "reset")]
    /// Remove all cached packages.  Eg to free up hard drive space.
    #[structopt(name = "clear")]
    /// Run a CLI script like `ipython` or `black`. Note that you can simply run `pyflow black`
    /// as a shortcut.
    #[structopt(name = "run")] // We don't need to invoke this directly, but the option exists
    Run {
        #[structopt(name = "args")]
        args: Vec<String>,
    /// Run a standalone script not associated with a project
    #[structopt(name = "script")]
    Script {
        #[structopt(name = "args")]
        args: Vec<String>,
    /// Change Python versions for this project. eg `pyflow swtich 3.7`. Equivalent to setting
    /// `py_version` in `pyproject.toml`.
    #[structopt(name = "switch")]
    Switch {
        #[structopt(name = "version")]
        version: String,

/// A config, parsed from pyproject.toml
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize)]
// todo: Auto-desr some of these
pub struct Config {
    py_version: Option<Version>,
    reqs: Vec<Req>, // name, requirements.
    name: Option<String>,
    version: Option<Version>,
    author: Option<String>,
    author_email: Option<String>,
    license: Option<String>,
    extras: HashMap<String, String>,
    description: Option<String>,
    classifiers: Vec<String>, //
    keywords: Vec<String>,
    homepage: Option<String>,
    repository: Option<String>,
    repo_url: Option<String>,
    package_url: Option<String>,
    readme_filename: Option<String>,
    //    entry_points: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>, // todo option?
    scripts: HashMap<String, String>, //todo: put under [tool.pyflow.scripts] ?
                                      //    console_scripts: Vec<String>, // We don't parse these; pass them to `` as-entered.

impl Config {
    /// Pull config data from `pyproject.toml`. We use this to deserialize things like Versions
    /// and requirements.
    fn from_file(filename: &str) -> Option<Self> {
        // todo: Lots of tweaks and QC could be done re what fields to parse, and how best to
        // todo parse and store them.
        let toml_str = match fs::read_to_string(filename) {
            Ok(d) => d,
            Err(_) => return None,

        let decoded: files::Pyproject = match toml::from_str(&toml_str) {
            Ok(d) => d,
            Err(_) => {
                abort("Problem parsing `pyproject.toml`");
        let mut result = Self::default();

        // Parse Poetry first, since we'll use pyflow if there's a conflict.
        if let Some(po) = decoded.tool.poetry {
            if let Some(v) = {
       = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = po.authors {
       = Some(v.join(", "));
            if let Some(v) = po.license {
                result.license = Some(v);

            if let Some(v) = po.homepage {
                result.homepage = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = po.description {
                result.description = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = po.repository {
                result.repository = Some(v);

            // todo: Process entry pts, classifiers etc?
            if let Some(v) = po.classifiers {
                result.classifiers = v;
            if let Some(v) = po.keywords {
                result.keywords = v;

            //                        if let Some(v) = po.source {
            //                result.source = v;
            //            }
            //            if let Some(v) = po.scripts {
            //                result.console_scripts = v;
            //            }
            if let Some(v) = po.extras {
                result.extras = v;

            if let Some(v) = po.version {
                result.version = Some(
                    Version::from_str(&v).expect("Problem parsing version in `pyproject.toml`"),

            // todo: DRY (c+p) from pyflow dependency parsing, other than parsing python version here,
            // todo which only poetry does.
            if let Some(deps) = po.dependencies {
                for (name, data) in deps {
                    let constraints;
                    let mut extras = None;
                    let mut python_version = None;
                    match data {
                        files::DepComponentWrapperPoetry::A(constrs) => {
                            constraints = Constraint::from_str_multiple(&constrs)
                                .expect("Problem parsing constraints in `pyproject.toml`.");
                        files::DepComponentWrapperPoetry::B(subdata) => {
                            constraints = Constraint::from_str_multiple(&subdata.constrs)
                                .expect("Problem parsing constraints in `pyproject.toml`.");
                            if let Some(ex) = subdata.extras {
                                extras = Some(ex);
                            if let Some(v) = subdata.python {
                                python_version = Some(
                                        .expect("Problem parsing python version in dependency"),
                            // todo repository etc
                    if name.to_lowercase() == "python" {
                        if let Some(constr) = constraints.get(0) {
                            result.py_version = Some(constr.version)
                    } else {
                        result.reqs.push(Req {
                            extra: None,
                            sys_platform: None,
                            install_with_extras: extras,

        if let Some(pp) = decoded.tool.pyflow {
            if let Some(v) = {
       = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = {
       = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = pp.author_email {
                result.author_email = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = pp.license {
                result.license = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = pp.homepage {
                result.homepage = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = pp.description {
                result.description = Some(v);
            if let Some(v) = pp.repository {
                result.repository = Some(v);

            // todo: Process entry pts, classifiers etc?
            if let Some(v) = pp.classifiers {
                result.classifiers = v;
            if let Some(v) = pp.keywords {
                result.keywords = v;
            //            if let Some(v) = pp.entry_points {
            //                result.entry_points = v;
            //            } // todo
            if let Some(v) = pp.scripts {
                result.scripts = v;

            if let Some(v) = pp.version {
                result.version = Some(
                    Version::from_str(&v).expect("Problem parsing version in `pyproject.toml`"),

            if let Some(v) = pp.py_version {
                result.py_version = Some(
                        .expect("Problem parsing python version in `pyproject.toml`"),

            if let Some(deps) = pp.dependencies {
                for (name, data) in deps {
                    let constraints;
                    let mut extras = None;
                    let mut python_version = None;
                    match data {
                        files::DepComponentWrapper::A(constrs) => {
                            constraints = Constraint::from_str_multiple(&constrs)
                                .expect("Problem parsing constraints in `pyproject.toml`.");
                        files::DepComponentWrapper::B(subdata) => {
                            constraints = Constraint::from_str_multiple(&subdata.constrs)
                                .expect("Problem parsing constraints in `pyproject.toml`.");
                            if let Some(ex) = subdata.extras {
                                extras = Some(ex);
                            if let Some(v) = subdata.python {
                                python_version = Some(
                                        .expect("Problem parsing python version in dependency"),
                            // todo repository etc
                    //                    let

                    result.reqs.push(Req {
                        extra: None,
                        sys_platform: None,
                        install_with_extras: extras,


    /// Create a new `pyproject.toml` file.
    fn write_file(&self, filename: &str) {
        let file = PathBuf::from(filename);
        if file.exists() {
            abort("`pyproject.toml` already exists")

        let mut result =
            "# See PEP 518: for info on this \
             file's structure.\n"

        if let Some(name) = & {
            result.push_str(&("name = \"".to_owned() + name + "\"\n"));
        } else {
            // Give name, and a few other fields default values.
            result.push_str(&("name = \"\"".to_owned() + "\n"));
        if let Some(py_v) = &self.py_version {
            result.push_str(&("py_version = \"".to_owned() + &py_v.to_string2() + "\"\n"));
        } else {
            result.push_str(&("py_version = \"3.7\"".to_owned() + "\n"));
        if let Some(vers) = self.version {
            result.push_str(&(format!("version = \"{}\"", vers.to_string2()) + "\n"));
        if let Some(author) = & {
            result.push_str(&(format!("author = \"{}\"", author) + "\n"));
        if let Some(v) = &self.author_email {
            result.push_str(&(format!("author_email = \"{}\"", v) + "\n"));
        if let Some(v) = &self.description {
            result.push_str(&(format!("description = \"{}\"", v) + "\n"));
        if let Some(v) = &self.homepage {
            result.push_str(&(format!("homepage = \"{}\"", v) + "\n"));
        // todo: more fields.

        for dep in self.reqs.iter() {
            result.push_str(&(dep.to_cfg_string() + "\n"));

        match fs::write(file, result) {
            Ok(_) => util::print_color("Created `pyproject.toml`", Color::Green),
            Err(_) => abort("Problem writing `pyproject.toml`"),

/// Create a template directory for a python project.
pub fn new(name: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    if !PathBuf::from(name).exists() {
        fs::create_dir_all(&format!("{}/{}", name, name))?;
        fs::File::create(&format!("{}/{}/", name, name))?;
        fs::File::create(&format!("{}/", name))?;
        fs::File::create(&format!("{}/LICENSE", name))?;
        fs::File::create(&format!("{}/pyproject.toml", name))?;
        fs::File::create(&format!("{}/.gitignore", name))?;

    let gitignore_init = r##"# General Python ignores

# Project ignores

    let pyproject_init = &format!(
        r##"#See PEP 518: for info on this file's structure.

name = "{}"
py_version = "3.7"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
author = ""

pyackage_url = ""
# pyackage_url = ""



    // todo: flesh readme out
    let readme_init = &format!("# {}", name);

    fs::write(&format!("{}/.gitignore", name), gitignore_init)?;
    fs::write(&format!("{}/pyproject.toml", name), pyproject_init)?;
    fs::write(&format!("{}/", name), readme_init)?;


/// Read dependency data from a lock file.
fn read_lock(path: &Path) -> Result<(Lock), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let data = fs::read_to_string(path)?;

/// Write dependency data to a lock file.
fn write_lock(path: &Path, data: &Lock) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let data = toml::to_string(data)?;
    fs::write(path, data)?;

/// Find the operating system from a wheel filename. This doesn't appear to be available
/// anywhere else on the Pypi Warehouse.
fn os_from_wheel_fname(filename: &str) -> Result<(Os), dep_types::DependencyError> {
    // Format is "name-version-pythonversion-mobileversion?-os.whl"
    // Also works with formats like this:
    // `PyQt5-5.13.0-5.13.0-cp35.cp36.cp37.cp38-none-win32.whl` too.
    // The point is, pull the last part before ".whl".
    let re = Regex::new(r"^(?:.*?-)+(.*).whl$").unwrap();
    if let Some(caps) = re.captures(filename) {
        let parsed = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str();
        return Ok(
            Os::from_str(parsed).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Problem parsing Os: {}", parsed))

        "Problem parsing os from wheel name",

fn parse_lockpack_rename(rename: &str) -> (u32, String) {
    let re = Regex::new(r"^(\d+)\s(.*)$").unwrap();
    let caps = re
        .expect("Problem reading lock file rename");

    let id = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::<u32>().unwrap();
    let name = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str().to_owned();

    (id, name)

/// Find the most appropriate release to download. Ie Windows vs Linux, wheel vs source.
fn find_best_release(
    data: &[WarehouseRelease],
    name: &str,
    version: &Version,
    os: Os,
    python_vers: &Version,
) -> (WarehouseRelease, PackageType) {
    // Find which release we should download. Preferably wheels, and if so, for the right OS and
    // Python version.
    let mut compatible_releases = vec![];
    // Store source releases as a fallback, for if no wheels are found.
    let mut source_releases = vec![];

    for rel in data.iter() {
        let mut compatible = true;
        match rel.packagetype.as_ref() {
            "bdist_wheel" => {
                if let Some(py_ver) = &rel.requires_python {
                    // If a version constraint exists, make sure it's compatible.
                    let py_constrs = Constraint::from_str_multiple(&py_ver)
                        .expect("Problem parsing constraint from requires_python");

                    for constr in py_constrs.iter() {
                        if !constr.is_compatible(&python_vers) {
                            compatible = false;

                let wheel_os =
                    os_from_wheel_fname(&rel.filename).expect("Problem getting os from wheel name");
                if wheel_os != os && wheel_os != Os::Any {
                    compatible = false;

                // Packages that use C code(eg numpy) may fail to load C extensions if installing
                // for the wrong version of python (eg  cp35 when python 3.7 is installed), even
                // if `requires_python` doesn't indicate an incompatibility. Check `python_version`
                // instead of `requires_python`.
                // Note that the result of this parse is an any match.
                match Constraint::from_wh_py_vers(&rel.python_version) {
                    Ok(constrs) => {
                        let mut compat_py_v = false;
                        for constr in constrs.iter() {
                            if constr.is_compatible(python_vers) {
                                compat_py_v = true;
                        if !compat_py_v {
                            compatible = false;
                    Err(_) => {
                            "Unable to match python version from python_version: {}",

                if compatible {
            "sdist" => source_releases.push(rel.clone()),
            // todo: handle dist_egg and bdist_wininst?
            "bdist_egg" => println!("Found bdist_egg... skipping"),
            "bdist_wininst" => (), // Don't execute Windows installers
            "bdist_msi" => (),     // Don't execute Windows installers
            _ => {
                println!("Found surprising package type: {}", rel.packagetype);

    let best_release;
    let package_type;
    // todo: Sort further / try to match exact python_version if able.
    if compatible_releases.is_empty() {
        if source_releases.is_empty() {
                "Unable to find a compatible release for {}: {}",
        } else {
            best_release = source_releases[0].clone();
            package_type = Source;
    } else {
        best_release = compatible_releases[0].clone();
        package_type = Wheel;

    (best_release, package_type)

/// Install/uninstall deps as required from the passed list, and re-write the lock file.
fn sync_deps(
    bin_path: &Path,
    lib_path: &Path,
    cache_path: &Path,
    lock_packs: &[LockPackage],
    installed: &[(String, Version, Vec<String>)],
    os: Os,
    python_vers: &Version,
) {
    let packages: Vec<PackToInstall> = lock_packs
        .map(|lp| {
                    Version::from_str(&lp.version).expect("Problem parsing lock version"),
                match &lp.rename {
                    // todo back to our custom type?
                    Some(rn) => Some(parse_lockpack_rename(&rn)),
                    None => None,

    // todo shim. Use top-level A/R. We discard it temporarily while working other issues.
    let installed: Vec<(String, Version)> = installed
        .map(|t| (util::standardize_name(&t.0), t.1))

    // Filter by not-already-installed.
    let to_install: Vec<&PackToInstall> = packages
        .filter(|(pack, _)| !installed.contains(pack))

    // todo: Once you include rename info in installed, you won't need to use the map logic here.
    let packages_only: Vec<&(String, Version)> = packages.iter().map(|(p, _)| p).collect();
    let to_uninstall: Vec<&(String, Version)> = installed
        .filter(|inst| {
            let inst = (util::standardize_name(&inst.0), inst.1);

    for (name, version) in to_uninstall.iter() {
        // todo: Deal with renamed. Currently won't work correctly with them.
        install::uninstall(name, version, lib_path)

    for ((name, version), rename) in to_install.iter() {
        let data = dep_resolution::get_warehouse_release(&name, &version)
            .expect("Problem getting warehouse data");

        let (best_release, package_type) =
            find_best_release(&data, &name, &version, os, python_vers);

        // Powershell  doesn't like emojis // todo format literal issues
        //        #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
        //            let text = "Installing {}{}{} {} ...";
        //        #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
        //            let text = "⬇️ Installing {}{}{} {} ...";
        //        #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
        //            let text = "⬇️ Installing {}{}{} {} ...";

            "⬇️ Installing {}{}{} {} ...",
        if install::download_and_install_package(
            abort("Problem downloading packages");
    // Perform renames after all packages are installed, or we may attempt to rename a package
    // we haven't yet installed.
    for ((name, version), rename) in to_install.iter() {
        if let Some((id, new)) = rename {
            // Rename in the renamed package
            install::rename_package_files(&lib_path.join(util::standardize_name(new)), name, &new);

            // Rename in the parent calling the renamed package. // todo: Multiple parents?
            let parent = lock_packs
                .find(|lp| == *id)
                .expect("Can't find parent calling renamed package");

            // todo: Handle this more generally, in case we don't have proper semvar dist-info paths.
                &lib_path.join(&format!("{}-{}.dist-info", name, version.to_string2())),

fn already_locked(locked: &[Package], name: &str, constraints: &[Constraint]) -> bool {
    let mut result = true;
    for constr in constraints.iter() {
        if !locked
            .any(|p| util::compare_names(&, name) && constr.is_compatible(&p.version))
            result = false;

/// Execute a python CLI tool, either specified in `pyproject.toml`, or in a dependency.
fn run_cli_tool(
    lib_path: &Path,
    bin_path: &Path,
    vers_path: &Path,
    cfg: &Config,
    args: Vec<String>,
) {
    // Allow both `pyflow run ipython` (args), and `pyflow ipython` (opt.script)
    if args.is_empty() {

    let name = match args.get(0) {
        Some(a) => a.clone(),
        None => {
            abort("`run` must be followed by the script to run, eg `pyflow run black`");

    // If the script we're calling is specified in `pyproject.toml`, ensure it exists.

    // todo: Delete these scripts as required to sync with pyproject.toml.
    let re = Regex::new(r"(.*?):(.*)").unwrap();

    let mut specified_args: Vec<String> = args.into_iter().skip(1).collect();

    // todo: Unable to get it to work by running -c; instead, create a script file, as if one
    // todo for a dependency.

    // If a script name is specified by by this project and a dependency, favor
    // this project.
    if let Some(s) = cfg.scripts.get(&name) {
        //                Some(s) => {
        let abort_msg = format!(
            "Problem running the script {}, specified in `pyproject.toml`",

        match re.captures(s) {
            Some(caps) => {
                let module = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str();
                let function = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str();
                let mut args_to_pass = vec![
                    format!(r#""import {}; {}.{}()""#, module, module, function),

                args_to_pass.append(&mut specified_args);
                if commands::run_python(&bin_path, &lib_path, &args_to_pass).is_err() {
            None => {
                abort(&format!("Problem parsing the following script: {:#?}. Must be in the format module:function_name", s));
    //            None => {
    let abort_msg = format!(
        "Problem running the script {}. Is it installed? \
         Try running `pyflow install {}`",
        name, name
    let script_path = vers_path.join("bin").join(name);
    if !script_path.exists() {

    let mut args_to_pass = vec![script_path
        .expect("Can't find script path")

    args_to_pass.append(&mut specified_args);
    if commands::run_python(&bin_path, &lib_path, &args_to_pass).is_err() {

/// Find a script's dependencies from a variable: `__requires__ = [dep1, dep2]`
fn find_deps_from_script(file_path: &Path) -> Vec<String> {
    // todo: Helper for this type of logic? We use it several times in the program.
    let f = fs::File::open(file_path).expect("Problem opening the Python script file.");

    let re = Regex::new(r"^__requires__\s*=\s*\[(.*?)\]$").unwrap();

    let mut result = vec![];
    for line in BufReader::new(f).lines() {
        if let Ok(l) = line {
            if let Some(c) = re.captures(&l) {
                let deps_list = c.get(1).unwrap().as_str().to_owned();
                let deps: Vec<&str> = deps_list.split(',').collect();
                result = deps
                    .map(|d| {
                            .replace(" ", "")
                            .replace("\"", "")
                            .replace("'", "")


/// Run a standalone script file, with package management
/// // todo: Perhaps move this logic to its own file, if it becomes long.
/// todo: We're using script name as unique identifier; address this in the future,
/// todo perhaps with an id in a comment at the top of a file
fn run_script(script_env_path: &Path, cache_path: &Path, os: Os, args: &mut Vec<String>) {
    // todo: DRY with run_cli_tool and subcommand::Install
    let filename = match args.get(0) {
        Some(a) => a.clone(),
        None => {
            abort("`run` must be followed by the script to run, eg `pyflow script`");

    let filename = util::standardize_name(&filename);

    // todo: Consider a metadata file, but for now, we'll use folders
    //    let scripts_data_path = script_env_path.join("scripts.toml");

    let env_path = script_env_path.join(&filename);
    if !env_path.exists() {
        fs::create_dir_all(&env_path).expect("Problem creating environment for the script");

    // Write the version we found to a file.
    let cfg_vers;
    let py_vers_path = env_path.join("py_vers.txt");

    if py_vers_path.exists() {
        cfg_vers = Version::from_str(
                .expect("Problem reading Python version for this script")
                .replace("\n", ""),
        .expect("Problem parsing version from file");
    } else {
        cfg_vers = {
            // Ask the user, and write it to `pyproject.toml`.
                "Please enter the Python version for this project:",
            let mut input = String::new();
                .read_line(&mut input)
                .expect("Unable to read user input for version");

            input.pop(); // Remove trailing newline.

            match Version::from_str(&input) {
                Ok(v) => v,
                Err(_) => {
                    util::abort("Problem parsing the Python version you entered. It should look like this: 3.7 or 3.7.1");

            .expect("Problem creating a file to store the Python version for this script");
        fs::write(py_vers_path, &cfg_vers.to_string2())
            .expect("Problem writing Python version file.");

    // todo DRY
    let pyflows_dir = env_path.join("__pypackages__");
    let (vers_path, py_vers) = util::find_venv_info(&cfg_vers, &pyflows_dir);

    let bin_path = vers_path.join(".venv").join("bin");
    let lib_path = vers_path.join("lib");
    let lock_path = env_path.join("pyproject.lock");

    let deps = find_deps_from_script(&PathBuf::from(&filename));

    let lock = match read_lock(&lock_path) {
        Ok(l) => l,
        Err(_) => Lock::default(),

    let lockpacks = lock.package.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]);

    let reqs: Vec<Req> = deps
        .map(|name| {
            let (fmtd_name, version) = match lockpacks
                .find(|lp| util::compare_names(&, name))
                Some(lp) => (
                    Version::from_str(&lp.version).expect("Problem getting version"),
                None => {
                    let vinfo = dep_resolution::get_version_info(&name)
                        .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Problem getting version info for {}", &name));
                    (vinfo.0, vinfo.1)

                vec![Constraint::new(ReqType::Caret, version)],


    if commands::run_python(&bin_path, &lib_path, args).is_err() {
        abort("Problem running this script")

/// Function used by `Install` and `Uninstall` subcommands to syn dependencies with
/// the config and lock files.
fn sync(
    bin_path: &Path,
    lib_path: &Path,
    cache_path: &Path,
    lockpacks: &[LockPackage],
    reqs: &[Req],
    os: Os,
    py_vers: &Version,
    lock_path: &Path,
) {
    let installed = util::find_installed(&lib_path);
    // We control the lock format, so this regex will always match
    let dep_re = Regex::new(r"^(.*?)\s(.*)\s.*$").unwrap();

    // We don't need to resolve reqs that are already locked.
    let locked: Vec<Package> = lockpacks
        .map(|lp| {
            let mut deps = vec![];
            for dep in lp.dependencies.as_ref().unwrap_or(&vec![]) {
                let caps = dep_re
                    .expect("Problem reading lock file dependencies");
                let name = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().to_owned();
                let vers = Version::from_str(caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str())
                    .expect("Problem parsing version from lock");
                deps.push((999, name, vers)); // dummy id

            Package {
                id:, // todo
                parent: 0, // todo
                version: Version::from_str(&lp.version).expect("Problem parsing lock version"),
                rename: Rename::No, // todo

    // Powershell  doesn't like emojis
    #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
    println!("Resolving dependencies...");
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
    println!("🔍 Resolving dependencies...");
    #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
    println!("🔍 Resolving dependencies...");

    let resolved = match dep_resolution::resolve(&reqs, &locked, os, &py_vers) {
        Ok(r) => r,
        Err(_) => {
            abort("Problem resolving dependencies");

    // Now merge the existing lock packages with new ones from resolved packages.
    // We have a collection of requirements; attempt to merge them with the already-locked ones.
    let mut updated_lock_packs = vec![];

    for package in resolved.iter() {
        let dummy_constraints = vec![Constraint::new(ReqType::Exact, package.version)];
        if already_locked(&locked, &, &dummy_constraints) {
            let existing: Vec<&LockPackage> = lockpacks
                .filter(|lp| util::compare_names(&, &
            let existing2 = existing[0];


        let deps = package
            .map(|(_, name, version)| {
                    "{} {} pypi+{}/{}/json",

        updated_lock_packs.push(LockPackage {
            version: package.version.to_string(),
            source: Some(format!(
            dependencies: Some(deps),
            rename: match &package.rename {
                Rename::Yes(parent_id, _, name) => Some(format!("{} {}", parent_id, name)),
                Rename::No => None,

    let updated_lock = Lock {
        //        metadata: Some(lock_metadata),
        metadata: HashMap::new(), // todo: Problem with toml conversion.
        package: Some(updated_lock_packs.clone()),
    if write_lock(lock_path, &updated_lock).is_err() {
        abort("Problem writing lock file");

    // Now that we've confirmed or modified the lock file, we're ready to sync installed
    // depenencies with it.
        //                &bin_path, &lib_path, &packages, &installed, &os, &py_vers, &resolved,

fn main() {
    let cfg_filename = "pyproject.toml";
    let lock_filename = "pyflow.lock";
    let python_installs_dir = dirs::home_dir()
        .expect("Problem finding home directory")
    let cache_path = python_installs_dir.join("dependency-cache");
    let script_env_path = python_installs_dir.join("script-envs");

    #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
    let os = Os::Windows;
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
    let os = Os::Linux;
    #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
    let os = Os::Mac;

    let opt = Opt::from_args();
    let subcmd = match opt.subcmds {
        Some(sc) => sc,
        None => SubCommand::Run { args: opt.script },

    if let SubCommand::Script { mut args } = subcmd {
        run_script(&script_env_path, &cache_path, os, &mut args);

    let pypackages_dir = env::current_dir()
        .expect("Can't find current path")

    let mut cfg = Config::from_file(cfg_filename).unwrap_or_default();

    // Run subcommands that don't require info about the environment.
    match subcmd {
        SubCommand::New { name } => {
            new(&name).expect("Problem creating project");
                &format!("Created a new Python project named {}", name),
        SubCommand::Init {} => {
            files::parse_req_dot_text(&mut cfg);
            files::parse_pipfile(&mut cfg);

            if PathBuf::from(cfg_filename).exists() {
                abort("pyproject.toml already exists - not overwriting.")
            // Don't return here; let the normal logic create the venv now.
        SubCommand::Reset {} => {
            if pypackages_dir.exists() && fs::remove_dir_all(&pypackages_dir).is_err() {
                abort("Problem removing `__pypackages__` directory")
            if Path::new(lock_filename).exists() && fs::remove_file(lock_filename).is_err() {
                abort("Problem removing `pyflow.lock`")
            util::print_color("Reset complete", Color::Green);
        SubCommand::Switch { version } => {
            // Updates `pyproject.toml` with a new python version
            let specified = match Version::from_str(&version) {
                Ok(v) => v,
                Err(_) => {
                    util::abort("Problem parsing the Python version you entered. It should look like this: 3.7 or 3.7.1");
            files::change_py_vers(&PathBuf::from(&cfg_filename), &specified);
                    "Switched to Python version {}.{}",
                    &specified.major, &specified.minor
        SubCommand::Clear {} => {
        _ => (),

    // Check for environments. Create one if none exist. Set `vers_path`.

    let cfg_vers = match cfg.py_version {
        Some(v) => v,
        None => {
            // Ask the user, and write it to `pyproject.toml`.
                "Please enter the Python version for this project:",
            // todo: Utility fn for this type promp? Shared with prompt_alias.
            let mut input = String::new();
                .read_line(&mut input)
                .expect("Unable to read user input for version");

            input.pop(); // Remove trailing newline.

            let specified = match Version::from_str(&input) {
                Ok(v) => v,
                Err(_) => {
                    util::abort("Problem parsing the Python version you entered. It should look like this: 3.7 or 3.7.1");

            if !PathBuf::from(cfg_filename).exists() {
            files::change_py_vers(&PathBuf::from(&cfg_filename), &specified);


    let (vers_path, py_vers) = util::find_venv_info(&cfg_vers, &pypackages_dir);

    let lib_path = vers_path.join("lib");
    let bin_path = util::find_bin_path(&vers_path);

    let mut found_lock = false;
    let lock = match read_lock(&PathBuf::from(lock_filename)) {
        Ok(l) => {
            found_lock = true;
        Err(_) => Lock::default(),

    let lockpacks = lock.package.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]);

    // Now handle subcommands that require info about the environment
    match subcmd {
        // Add pacakge names to `pyproject.toml` if needed. Then sync installed packages
        // and `pyproject.lock` with the `pyproject.toml`.
        // We use data from three sources: `pyproject.toml`, `pyflow.lock`, and
        // the currently-installed packages, found by crawling metadata in the `lib` path.
        // See the readme section `How installation and locking work` for details.
        SubCommand::Install { packages } => {
            if !PathBuf::from(cfg_filename).exists() {

            if found_lock {
                println!("Found lockfile");
            // Merge reqs added via cli with those in `pyproject.toml`.
            let updated_reqs = util::merge_reqs(&packages, &cfg, cfg_filename);

            util::print_color("Installation complete", Color::Green);

        SubCommand::Uninstall { packages } => {
            // Remove dependencies specified in the CLI from the config, then lock and sync.

            let removed_reqs: Vec<String> = packages
                .map(|p| {
                    Req::from_str(&p, false)
                        .expect("Problem parsing req while uninstalling")
            println!("(dbg) to remove {:#?}", &removed_reqs);

            files::remove_reqs_from_cfg(cfg_filename, &removed_reqs);

            // Filter reqs here instead of re-reading the config from file.
            let updated_reqs: Vec<Req> = cfg
                .filter(|req| !removed_reqs.contains(&

            util::print_color("Uninstall complete", Color::Green);

        SubCommand::Python { args } => {
            if commands::run_python(&bin_path, &lib_path, &args).is_err() {
                abort("Problem running Python");
        SubCommand::Package { extras } => {
            build::build(&lockpacks, &bin_path, &lib_path, &cfg, extras)
        SubCommand::Publish {} => build::publish(&bin_path, &cfg),
        SubCommand::Run { args } => {
            run_cli_tool(&lib_path, &bin_path, &vers_path, &cfg, args);
        SubCommand::List {} => util::show_installed(&lib_path),
        //        SubCommand::Script { mut args } => {
        ////            let mut args = args2.clone();
        //            run_script(&script_env_path, &cache_path, os, &mut args);
        //        }
        _ => (),

pub mod tests {}