py_literal 0.4.0

Read and write Python literals
// Temporary fix for Clippy complaining about EOI and WHITESPACE in code
// generated by Pest. See

use crate::Value;
use num_bigint as numb;
use num_complex as numc;
use num_traits::{Num, ToPrimitive};
use pest::iterators::Pair;
use pest::Parser as ParserTrait;
use pest_derive::Parser;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::num::ParseFloatError;
use std::str::FromStr;

const _GRAMMAR: &str = include_str!("grammar.pest");

#[grammar = "grammar.pest"]
struct Parser;

/// Error parsing a Python literal.
pub enum ParseError {
    /// A syntax error.
    /// An illegal escape sequence in a string or bytes literal.
    /// An error parsing a float. This might happen if the mantissa or exponent
    /// in the float literal has too many digits.
    /// An error in a numeric cast. For example, this might occur while adding
    /// an integer and float if the integer is too large to fit in a float.
    NumericCast(String, String),

impl Error for ParseError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
        use ParseError::*;
        match self {
            Syntax(_) => None,
            IllegalEscapeSequence(_) => None,
            ParseFloat(err) => Some(err),
            NumericCast(_, _) => None,

impl fmt::Display for ParseError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        use ParseError::*;
        match self {
            Syntax(msg) => write!(f, "syntax error: {}", msg),
            IllegalEscapeSequence(msg) => {
                write!(f, "illegal escape sequence in string or bytes: {}", msg)
            ParseFloat(err) => write!(f, "float parsing error: {}", err),
            NumericCast(value, to_type) => {
                write!(f, "error casting number: {} to {}", value, to_type)

impl From<ParseFloatError> for ParseError {
    fn from(err: ParseFloatError) -> ParseError {

impl FromStr for Value {
    type Err = ParseError;

    /// Parses a `Value` from a Python literal. The goal is for the parser to
    /// support everything [`ast.literal_eval()`] does. A few things haven't
    /// been implemented yet:
    /// * `r`/`R` and `u`/`U` prefixes for string and bytes literals.
    /// * [string literal concatenation]
    /// * newlines (except in string literals)
    /// * parentheses (except as tuple delimiters)
    /// * Unicode name escapes in strings (`\N{name}`)
    /// Note that the parser is limited to Python *literals*, not the full
    /// Python AST, so many things are not supported, such as:
    /// * identifiers
    /// * formatted string literals (`f`/`F` prefix)
    /// * binary operators (except for `+` and `-` on numeric literals)
    /// * function calls
    /// [`ast.literal_eval()`]:
    /// [string literal concatenation]:
    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
        let mut parsed =
            Parser::parse(Rule::start, s).map_err(|e| ParseError::Syntax(format!("{}", e)))?;
        let (start,) = parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::start,));
        let (value, _) = parse_pairs_as!(start.into_inner(), (Rule::value, Rule::EOI));

fn parse_string_escape_seq(escape_seq: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<char, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(escape_seq.as_rule(), Rule::string_escape_seq);
    let (seq,) = parse_pairs_as!(escape_seq.into_inner(), (_,));
    match seq.as_rule() {
        Rule::char_escape => Ok(match seq.as_str() {
            "\\" => '\\',
            "'" => '\'',
            "\"" => '"',
            "a" => '\x07',
            "b" => '\x08',
            "f" => '\x0C',
            "n" => '\n',
            "r" => '\r',
            "t" => '\t',
            "v" => '\x0B',
            _ => unreachable!(),
        Rule::octal_escape => ::std::char::from_u32(u32::from_str_radix(seq.as_str(), 8).unwrap())
            .ok_or_else(|| {
                    "Octal escape is invalid: \\{}",
        Rule::hex_escape | Rule::unicode_hex_escape => ::std::char::from_u32(
            u32::from_str_radix(&seq.as_str()[1..], 16).unwrap(),
        .ok_or_else(|| {
            ParseError::IllegalEscapeSequence(format!("Hex escape is invalid: \\x{}", seq.as_str()))
        Rule::name_escape => Err(ParseError::IllegalEscapeSequence(
            "Unicode name escapes are not supported.".into(),
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn parse_string(string: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<String, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(string.as_rule(), Rule::string);
    let (string_body,) = parse_pairs_as!(string.into_inner(), (_,));
    match string_body.as_rule() {
        Rule::short_string_body | Rule::long_string_body => {
            let mut out = String::new();
            for item in string_body.into_inner() {
                match item.as_rule() {
                    | Rule::long_string_non_escape
                    | Rule::string_unknown_escape => out.push_str(item.as_str()),
                    Rule::line_continuation_seq => (),
                    Rule::string_escape_seq => out.push(parse_string_escape_seq(item)?),
                    _ => unreachable!(),
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn parse_bytes_escape_seq(escape_seq: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<u8, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(escape_seq.as_rule(), Rule::bytes_escape_seq);
    let (seq,) = parse_pairs_as!(escape_seq.into_inner(), (_,));
    match seq.as_rule() {
        Rule::char_escape => Ok(match seq.as_str() {
            "\\" => b'\\',
            "'" => b'\'',
            "\"" => b'"',
            "a" => b'\x07',
            "b" => b'\x08',
            "f" => b'\x0C',
            "n" => b'\n',
            "r" => b'\r',
            "t" => b'\t',
            "v" => b'\x0B',
            _ => unreachable!(),
        Rule::octal_escape => u8::from_str_radix(seq.as_str(), 8).map_err(|err| {
                "failed to parse \\{} as u8: {}",
        Rule::hex_escape => Ok(u8::from_str_radix(&seq.as_str()[1..], 16).unwrap()),
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn parse_bytes(bytes: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(bytes.as_rule(), Rule::bytes);
    let (bytes_body,) = parse_pairs_as!(bytes.into_inner(), (_,));
    match bytes_body.as_rule() {
        Rule::short_bytes_body | Rule::long_bytes_body => {
            let mut out = Vec::new();
            for item in bytes_body.into_inner() {
                match item.as_rule() {
                    | Rule::long_bytes_non_escape
                    | Rule::bytes_unknown_escape => out.extend_from_slice(item.as_str().as_bytes()),
                    Rule::line_continuation_seq => (),
                    Rule::bytes_escape_seq => out.push(parse_bytes_escape_seq(item)?),
                    _ => unreachable!(),
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn parse_number_expr(expr: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Value, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(expr.as_rule(), Rule::number_expr);
    let mut result = Value::Integer(0.into());
    let mut neg = false;
    for pair in expr.into_inner() {
        match pair.as_rule() {
            Rule::minus_sign => neg = !neg,
            Rule::number => {
                let num = parse_number(pair)?;
                if neg {
                    result = sub_numbers(result, num).unwrap();
                } else {
                    result = add_numbers(result, num).unwrap();
                neg = false;
            _ => unreachable!(),

fn parse_number(number: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Value, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(number.as_rule(), Rule::number);
    let (inner,) = parse_pairs_as!(number.into_inner(), (_,));
    match inner.as_rule() {
        Rule::imag => parse_imag(inner),
        Rule::float => Ok(Value::Float(parse_float(inner)?)),
        Rule::integer => Ok(Value::Integer(parse_integer(inner))),
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn parse_integer(int: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> numb::BigInt {
    debug_assert_eq!(int.as_rule(), Rule::integer);
    let (inner,) = parse_pairs_as!(int.into_inner(), (_,));
    match inner.as_rule() {
        Rule::bin_integer => {
            let digits: String = inner.into_inner().map(|digit| digit.as_str()).collect();
            numb::BigInt::from_str_radix(&digits, 2).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
                unreachable!("failure parsing binary integer with digits {}", digits)
        Rule::oct_integer => {
            let digits: String = inner.into_inner().map(|digit| digit.as_str()).collect();
            numb::BigInt::from_str_radix(&digits, 8).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
                unreachable!("failure parsing octal integer with digits {}", digits)
        Rule::hex_integer => {
            let digits: String = inner.into_inner().map(|digit| digit.as_str()).collect();
            numb::BigInt::from_str_radix(&digits, 16).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
                unreachable!("failure parsing hexadecimal integer with digits {}", digits)
        Rule::dec_integer => {
            let digits: String = inner.into_inner().map(|digit| digit.as_str()).collect();
                .unwrap_or_else(|_| unreachable!("failure parsing integer with digits {}", digits))
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn parse_float(float: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<f64, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(float.as_rule(), Rule::float);
    let (inner,) = parse_pairs_as!(float.into_inner(), (_,));
    let mut parsable = String::new();
    for pair in inner.into_inner().flatten() {
        match pair.as_rule() {
            Rule::digit => parsable.push_str(pair.as_str()),
            Rule::fraction => parsable.push('.'),
            Rule::pos_exponent => parsable.push('e'),
            Rule::neg_exponent => parsable.push_str("e-"),
            _ => (),

fn parse_imag(imag: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Value, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(imag.as_rule(), Rule::imag);
    let (inner,) = parse_pairs_as!(imag.into_inner(), (_,));
    let imag: f64 = match inner.as_rule() {
        Rule::float => parse_float(inner)?,
        Rule::digit_part => {
            let digits: String = inner.into_inner().map(|digit| digit.as_str()).collect();
        _ => unreachable!(),
    Ok(Value::Complex(numc::Complex::new(0., imag)))

/// Parses a tuple, list, or set.
fn parse_seq(seq: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Vec<Value>, ParseError> {
    debug_assert!([Rule::tuple, Rule::list, Rule::set].contains(&seq.as_rule()));

fn parse_dict(dict: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Vec<(Value, Value)>, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(dict.as_rule(), Rule::dict);
    let mut out = Vec::new();
    for elem in dict.into_inner() {
        let (key, value) = parse_pairs_as!(elem.into_inner(), (Rule::value, Rule::value));
        out.push((parse_value(key)?, parse_value(value)?));

fn parse_boolean(b: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> bool {
    debug_assert_eq!(b.as_rule(), Rule::boolean);
    match b.as_str() {
        "True" => true,
        "False" => false,
        _ => unreachable!(),

/// NumPy uses [`ast.literal_eval()`] to parse the header dictionary.
/// `literal_eval()` supports only the following Python literals: strings,
/// bytes, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, sets, booleans, and `None`.
/// [`ast.literal_eval()`]:
fn parse_value(value: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Value, ParseError> {
    debug_assert_eq!(value.as_rule(), Rule::value);
    let (inner,) = parse_pairs_as!(value.into_inner(), (_,));
    match inner.as_rule() {
        Rule::string => Ok(Value::String(parse_string(inner)?)),
        Rule::bytes => Ok(Value::Bytes(parse_bytes(inner)?)),
        Rule::number_expr => parse_number_expr(inner),
        Rule::tuple => Ok(Value::Tuple(parse_seq(inner)?)),
        Rule::list => Ok(Value::List(parse_seq(inner)?)),
        Rule::dict => Ok(Value::Dict(parse_dict(inner)?)),
        Rule::set => Ok(Value::Set(parse_seq(inner)?)),
        Rule::boolean => Ok(Value::Boolean(parse_boolean(inner))),
        Rule::none => Ok(Value::None),
        _ => unreachable!(),

fn int_to_f64(int: numb::BigInt) -> Result<f64, ParseError> {
        .ok_or_else(|| ParseError::NumericCast(format!("{}", int), "f64".into()))

/// Adds two numbers.
/// **Panics** if either of the arguments is not a number.
fn add_numbers(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) -> Result<Value, ParseError> {
    use self::Value::*;
    match (lhs, rhs) {
        (Integer(int1), Integer(int2)) => Ok(Integer(int1 + int2)),
        (Float(float1), Float(float2)) => Ok(Float(float1 + float2)),
        (Complex(comp1), Complex(comp2)) => Ok(Complex(comp1 + comp2)),
        (Integer(int), Float(float)) | (Float(float), Integer(int)) => {
            Ok(Float(int_to_f64(int)? + float))
        (Integer(int), Complex(comp)) | (Complex(comp), Integer(int)) => {
            Ok(Complex(int_to_f64(int)? + comp))
        (Float(float), Complex(comp)) | (Complex(comp), Float(float)) => Ok(Complex(float + comp)),
        _ => unimplemented!(),

/// Subtracts two numbers.
/// **Panics** if either of the arguments is not a number.
fn sub_numbers(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) -> Result<Value, ParseError> {
    use self::Value::*;
    match (lhs, rhs) {
        (Integer(int1), Integer(int2)) => Ok(Integer(int1 - int2)),
        (Integer(int), Float(float)) => Ok(Float(int_to_f64(int)? - float)),
        (Integer(int), Complex(comp)) => Ok(Complex(int_to_f64(int)? - comp)),
        (Float(float), Integer(int)) => Ok(Float(float - int_to_f64(int)?)),
        (Float(float1), Float(float2)) => Ok(Float(float1 - float2)),
        (Float(float), Complex(comp)) => Ok(Complex(float - comp)),
        (Complex(comp), Integer(int)) => Ok(Complex(comp - int_to_f64(int)?)),
        (Complex(comp), Float(float)) => Ok(Complex(comp - float)),
        (Complex(comp1), Complex(comp2)) => Ok(Complex(comp1 - comp2)),
        _ => unimplemented!(),

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn parse_string_example() {
        for &(input, correct) in &[
            ("''", ""),
        ] {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::string, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let s = parse_string(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::string,)).0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(s, correct);

    fn parse_bytes_example() {
        for &(input, correct) in &[
            ("b''", &b""[..]),
        ] {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::bytes, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let bytes = parse_bytes(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::bytes,)).0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(bytes, correct);

    fn parse_number_expr_example() {
        let input = "+-23 + 4.5 -+- -5j - 3e2 + 1.2 - 9";
        let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::number_expr, input)
            .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
        let expr = parse_number_expr(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::number_expr,)).0).unwrap();
            Value::Complex(-23. + 4.5 - numc::Complex::new(0., 5.) - 3e2 + 1.2 - 9.)

    fn parse_integer_example() {
        let inputs = ["0b_1001_0010_1010", "0o44_52", "0x9_2a", "2_346"];
        for input in &inputs {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::integer, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let int = parse_integer(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::integer,)).0);
            assert_eq!(int, numb::BigInt::from(2346));

    fn parse_float_example() {
        let input = "3_51.4_6e-2_7";
        let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::float, input)
            .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
        let float = parse_float(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::float,)).0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(float, 351.46e-27);

    fn parse_tuple_example() {
        use self::Value::*;
        for &(input, ref correct) in &[
            ("()", Tuple(vec![])),
            ("(5, )", Tuple(vec![Integer(5.into())])),
            ("(1, 2)", Tuple(vec![Integer(1.into()), Integer(2.into())])),
            ("(1, 2,)", Tuple(vec![Integer(1.into()), Integer(2.into())])),
        ] {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::value, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let tuple = parse_value(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::value,)).0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(tuple, *correct);

    fn parse_list_example() {
        use self::Value::*;
        for &(input, ref correct) in &[
            ("[]", List(vec![])),
            ("[3]", List(vec![Integer(3.into())])),
            ("[5,]", List(vec![Integer(5.into())])),
            ("[1, 2]", List(vec![Integer(1.into()), Integer(2.into())])),
                "[5, 6., \"foo\", 2+7j,]",
                    Complex(numc::Complex::new(2., 7.)),
        ] {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::value, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let list = parse_value(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::value,)).0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(list, *correct);

    fn parse_dict_example() {
        use self::Value::*;
        for &(input, ref correct) in &[
            ("{}", Dict(vec![])),
            ("{ 3: None}", Dict(vec![(Integer(3.into()), None)])),
                "{5: 6., \"foo\" : True, b'bar' :False }",
                    (Integer(5.into()), Float(6.)),
                    (String("foo".into()), Boolean(true)),
                    (Bytes("bar".into()), Boolean(false)),
        ] {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::value, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let dict = parse_value(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::value,)).0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(dict, *correct);

    fn parse_set_example() {
        use self::Value::*;
        for &(input, ref correct) in &[
            ("{3}", Set(vec![Integer(3.into())])),
            ("{5,}", Set(vec![Integer(5.into())])),
            ("{1, 2}", Set(vec![Integer(1.into()), Integer(2.into())])),
        ] {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::value, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let set = parse_value(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::value,)).0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(set, *correct);

    fn parse_list_of_tuples_example() {
        use self::Value::*;
        for &(input, ref correct) in &[
                "[('big', '>i4'), ('little', '<i4')]",
                    Tuple(vec![String("big".into()), String(">i4".into())]),
                    Tuple(vec![String("little".into()), String("<i4".into())]),
                "[(1, 2, 3), (4,)]",
        ] {
            let mut parsed = Parser::parse(Rule::value, input)
                .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to parse: {}", err));
            let list = parse_value(parse_pairs_as!(parsed, (Rule::value,)).0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(list, *correct);