Crate prqlc

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Compiler for PRQL language. Targets SQL and exposes PL and RQ abstract syntax trees.

You probably want to start with compile wrapper function.

For more granular access, refer to this diagram:


   (parse) │ ▲
prql_to_pl │ │ pl_to_prql
           │ │
           ▼ │      json::from_pl
          PL AST            PL JSON
           │        json::to_pl
 (resolve) │
  pl_to_rq │
           ▼        json::from_rq
          RQ AST            RQ JSON
           │        json::to_rq
 rq_to_sql │


§Common use-cases

  • Compile PRQL queries to SQL at run time.

    let sql = prqlc::compile(
        "from albums | select {title, artist_id}",
    assert_eq!(&sql[..35], "SELECT title, artist_id FROM albums");
  • Compile PRQL queries to SQL at build time.

    For inline strings, use the prqlc-macros crate; for example:

    let sql: &str = prql_to_sql!("from albums | select {title, artist_id}");

    For compiling whole files (.prql to .sql), call prqlc from See this example project.

  • Compile, format & debug PRQL from command line.

    $ cargo install --locked prqlc
    $ prqlc compile query.prql

§Feature flags

The following feature flags are available:

  • cli: enables the prqlc CLI binary. This is enabled by default. When consuming this crate from another rust library, it can be disabled.
  • test-dbs: enables the prqlc in-process test databases as part of the crate’s tests. This significantly increases compile times so is not enabled by default.
  • test-dbs-external: enables the prqlc external test databases, requiring a docker container with the test databases to be running. Check out the integration tests for more details.
  • serde_yaml: Enables serialization and deserialization of ASTs to YAML.

§Large binary sizes

For Linux users, the binary size contributed by this crate will probably be quite large (>20MB) by default. That is because it includes a lot of debuginfo symbols from our parser. They can be removed by adding the following to Cargo.toml, reducing the contribution to around 7MB:

strip = "debuginfo"


  • Debugging and unstable API functions
  • Intermediate Representations of Abstract Syntax Tree
  • JSON serialization and deserialization functions
  • Semantic resolver (name resolution, type checking and lowering to RQ)
  • Backend for translating RQ into SQL





Type Aliases§