prql-compiler 0.4.2

PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};

use anyhow::Result;
use itertools::Itertools;
use sqlparser::ast::{
    self as sql_ast, ExceptSelectItem, ExcludeSelectItem, ObjectName, SelectItem,

use crate::ast::rq::{CId, RelationColumn};

use crate::error::{Error, Span};
use crate::sql::context::ColumnDecl;

use super::context::AnchorContext;
use super::dialect::ColumnExclude;
use super::{gen_expr::*, Context};

pub(super) fn try_into_exprs(
    cids: Vec<CId>,
    ctx: &mut Context,
    span: Option<Span>,
) -> Result<Vec<sql_ast::Expr>> {
    let (cids, excluded) = translate_wildcards(&ctx.anchor, cids);

        .map(|cid| {
            let decl = ctx.anchor.column_decls.get(&cid).unwrap();

            let ColumnDecl::RelationColumn(tiid, _, RelationColumn::Wildcard) = decl else {
                // base case
                return translate_cid(cid, ctx)

            // wildcard
            let t = &ctx.anchor.table_instances[tiid];
            let table_name =;

            let ident = translate_ident(table_name, Some("*".to_string()), ctx);
            if let Some(excluded) = excluded.get(&cid) {
                if !excluded.is_empty() {
                    return Err(Error::new_simple(
                        "Excluding columns not supported as this position",


type Excluded = HashMap<CId, HashSet<CId>>;

/// Convert RQ wildcards to SQL stars.
/// Note that they don't have the same semantics:
/// - wildcard means "other columns that we don't have the knowledge of"
/// - star means "all columns of the table"
pub(super) fn translate_wildcards(ctx: &AnchorContext, cols: Vec<CId>) -> (Vec<CId>, Excluded) {
    let mut star = None;
    let mut excluded: Excluded = HashMap::new();

    // When compiling:
    // from employees | group department (take 3)
    // Row number will be computed in a CTE that also contains a star.
    // In the main query, star will also include row number, which was not
    // requested.
    // This function adds that column to the exclusion list.
    fn exclude(star: &mut Option<(CId, HashSet<CId>)>, excluded: &mut Excluded) {
        let Some((cid, in_star)) = star.take() else { return };
        if in_star.is_empty() {

        excluded.insert(cid, in_star);

    let mut output = Vec::new();
    for cid in cols {
        if let ColumnDecl::RelationColumn(tiid, _, col) = &ctx.column_decls[&cid] {
            if matches!(col, RelationColumn::Wildcard) {
                exclude(&mut star, &mut excluded);

                let table_ref = &ctx.table_instances[tiid];
                let in_star: HashSet<_> = (table_ref.columns)
                    .filter_map(|c| match c {
                        (RelationColumn::Wildcard, _) => None,
                        (_, cid) => Some(*cid),
                star = Some((cid, in_star));

                // remove preceding cols that will be included with this star
                if let Some((_, in_star)) = &mut star {
                    while let Some(prev) = output.pop() {
                        if !in_star.remove(&prev) {

        // don't use cols that have been included by preceding star
        let in_star = star.as_mut().map(|s| s.1.remove(&cid)).unwrap_or_default();
        if !in_star {

    exclude(&mut star, &mut excluded);
    (output, excluded)

pub(super) fn translate_select_items(
    cols: Vec<CId>,
    mut excluded: Excluded,
    ctx: &mut Context,
) -> Result<Vec<SelectItem>> {
        .map(|cid| {
            let decl = ctx.anchor.column_decls.get(&cid).unwrap();

            let ColumnDecl::RelationColumn(tiid, _, RelationColumn::Wildcard) = decl else {
                // general case
                return translate_select_item(cid, ctx)

            // wildcard case
            let t = &ctx.anchor.table_instances[tiid];
            let table_name =;

            let ident = translate_ident(table_name, Some("*".to_string()), ctx);

            // excluded columns
            let opts = (excluded.remove(&cid))
                .and_then(|excluded| translate_exclude(ctx, excluded))

            Ok(if ident.len() > 1 {
                let mut object_name = ident;
                SelectItem::QualifiedWildcard(ObjectName(object_name), opts)
            } else {

fn translate_exclude(
    ctx: &mut Context,
    excluded: HashSet<CId>,
) -> Option<WildcardAdditionalOptions> {
    let excluded = as_col_names(&excluded, &ctx.anchor);

    let Some(supported) = ctx.dialect.column_exclude() else {
        // TODO: eventually this should throw an error
        //   I don't want to do this now, because we have no way around it.
        //   We could also ask the user to add table definitions.
        if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Warn) {
            let excluded = excluded.join(", ");

            log::warn!("Columns {excluded} will be included with *, but were not requested.")
        return None;

    let mut excluded = excluded
        .map(|name| translate_ident_part(name.to_string(), ctx))

    Some(match supported {
        ColumnExclude::Exclude => WildcardAdditionalOptions {
            opt_exclude: Some(ExcludeSelectItem::Multiple(excluded)),
        ColumnExclude::Except => WildcardAdditionalOptions {
            opt_except: Some(ExceptSelectItem {
                first_element: excluded.remove(0),
                additional_elements: excluded,

fn as_col_names<'a>(cids: &'a HashSet<CId>, ctx: &'a AnchorContext) -> Vec<&'a str> {
        .sorted_by_key(|c| c.get())
        .map(|c| {
                .and_then(|c| match c {
                    ColumnDecl::RelationColumn(_, _, rc) => rc.as_single().map(|o| o.as_ref()),
                    _ => None,
                .map(|n| n.as_str())