prop 0.1.1

Propositional logic with types in Rust
# Prop
Propositional logic with types in Rust.

A library in Rust for theorem proving with [Intuitionistic Propositional Logic](
Supports theorem proving in [Classical Propositional Logic](

- Used in research on [Path Semantics]
- Brought to you by the [AdvancedResearch Community]
- [Join us on Discord!]

### Motivation

[Path Semantics](
extends dependent types with normal paths and is also used to extend
Classical Propositional Logic with multiple levels of propositions.
It is also used to explore higher dimensional mathematics.
A popular research subject in Path Semantics is [Avatar Extensions](

When researching, in some cases it is useful to figure out whether a proof is
provable in classical logic, but not in constructive logic.
This requires comparing proofs easily.

This library uses a lifting mechanism for making it easier
to produce proofs in classical logic and compare them to
proofs in constructive logic.

### Design

This library contains:

- `Prop`: Propositions that might or might not be decidable (constructive logic)
- `DProp`: Decidable propositions (classical logic)
- Automatic lifting of Excluded Middle to decidable propositions
- Double Negation for proofs of `Prop`
- Formalization of the core axiom of Path Semantics
- Tactics organized in modules by constructs (e.g. `and` or `imply`)

Due to first-order logic requiring dependent types,
which is not yet supported in Rust,
this library is limited to zeroth-order logic (propositional logic).

### Examples

use prop::*;

fn proof<A: Prop, B: Prop>(f: Imply<A, B>, a: A) -> B {
    imply::modus_ponens(f, a)

Notice that there is no `DProp` used here,
which means that it is a constructive proof.

use prop::*;

fn proof<A: DProp, B: DProp>(f: Imply<Not<A>, Not<B>>) -> Imply<B, A> {

Here, `DProp` is needed because `rev_modus_tollens` needs Excluded Middle.
This limits the proof to decidable propositions.

### Path Semantics

Path Semantics is an extremely expressive language for mathematical programming.
It uses a single core axiom, which models semantics of symbols.

Basically, mathematical languages contain a hidden symmetry due to use of symbols.
Counter-intuitively, symbols are not "inherently" in logic.

One way to put it, is that the symbols "themselves" encode laws of mathematics.
The hidden symmetry can be exploited to prove semantics and sometimes
improve performance of automated theorem provers.

For example, path Semantics can be used to boost performance of brute force theorem proving
in Classical Propositional Logic on Type-hierarchy-like problems.
For more information, see the blog post [Improving Brute Force Theorem Proving](

For more information, see the [Path Semantics Project](