process_vm_io 1.0.10

I/O access to virtual memory contents of processes
// Copyright (c) 2020-2024 MicroDoc Software GmbH.
// See the "LICENSE.txt" file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the MIT license. This file may not be copied, modified,
// or distributed except according to those terms.

// TODO:

#![doc = include_str!("../")]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]


mod errors;
mod tests;

pub use errors::*;

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::io::{IoSlice, IoSliceMut, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
use std::os::raw::c_ulong;
use std::{cmp, io, panic, slice};

use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use smallvec::SmallVec;

lazy_static! {
    /// Size in bytes of the smallest possible virtual memory page.
    /// Failure to fetch the information will result in a size
    /// of `u64::max_value()`.
    static ref MIN_SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE: u64 =
        match unsafe { libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_PAGE_SIZE) } {
            -1 => u64::max_value(),
            result => result as u64,

    /// Maximum number of the `iovec` structures that can be provided to
    /// one system call.
    /// Failure to fetch the information will result in a count of `1`.
    static ref SYSTEM_IOV_MAX: usize =
        match unsafe { libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_IOV_MAX) } {
            -1 => 1,
            result => result as usize,

/// Align a given number down to a specified alignment boundary.
const fn align_down(n: u64, alignment: u64) -> u64 {
    // Notice that the calculation below never causes an overflow.
    n & !(alignment - 1)

/// Prototype of the APIs `process_vm_readv()` and `process_vm_writev()`.
type ProcessVMReadVProc = unsafe extern "C" fn(
    *const libc::iovec,
    *const libc::iovec,
) -> isize;

/// An address range which is split, at page boundaries, over multiple sections.
/// The address range spans as follows:
/// 1. A possibly empty part of a first page, then
/// 2. Zero or more full pages, then
/// 3. A possibly empty part of a last page.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
struct PageAwareAddressRange {
    start_address: u64,
    size_in_first_page: u64, // end_of_first_page = start_address + size_in_first_page
    size_of_inner_pages: u64, // start_of_last_page = end_of_first_page + size_of_inner_pages
    size_in_last_page: u64,  // end_address = start_of_last_page + size_in_last_page

impl PageAwareAddressRange {
    /// Convert a plain address range into an address range which is split,
    /// at page boundaries, over multiple sections.
    fn new(start_address: u64, mut size: u64) -> Self {
        if size == 0 {
            return Self {
                size_in_first_page: 0,
                size_of_inner_pages: 0,
                size_in_last_page: 0,

        let min_page_size = *MIN_SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE;
        let distance_to_preceeding_page_boundary =
            start_address - align_down(start_address, min_page_size);

        let inside_one_page = (size <= min_page_size)
            && ((distance_to_preceeding_page_boundary + size) <= min_page_size);

        if inside_one_page {
            //             | -- distance_to_preceeding_page_boundary -- v ---- size ---- v                  |
            // preceeding_page_boundary           -->             start_address --> end_address --> next_page_boundary
            return if distance_to_preceeding_page_boundary == 0 && size == min_page_size {
                Self {
                    size_in_first_page: 0,
                    size_of_inner_pages: size,
                    size_in_last_page: 0,
            } else {
                Self {
                    size_in_first_page: size,
                    size_of_inner_pages: 0,
                    size_in_last_page: 0,

        //                                                          v --------------- size --------------- v
        // preceeding_page_boundary            -->           start_address     -->    next_page_boundary --> end_address
        //             | -- distance_to_preceeding_page_boundary -- ^ -- size_in_first_page -- |

        let size_in_first_page = if distance_to_preceeding_page_boundary == 0 {
        } else {
            min_page_size - distance_to_preceeding_page_boundary

        size -= size_in_first_page;

        //                                                         v ----- size ----- v
        // preceeding_page_boundary --> start_address --> next_page_boundary --> end_address
        //             |                                           |

        let size_of_inner_pages = align_down(size, min_page_size);
        let size_in_last_page = size - size_of_inner_pages;

        Self {

    /// Transform this address range into a vector of `iovec`s.
    /// Each returned `iovec` describes a page (or a part of a page).
    /// Due to system/memory limits, some suffix of this address range might not
    /// be included in the returned vector of `iovec`s. The size of that suffix
    /// (if any) is also returned. Returning a vector of `iovec`s that covers
    /// only a prefix of this address range is not considered a failure.
    fn into_iov_buffers(mut self) -> Result<(SmallVec<[libc::iovec; 3]>, u64)> {
        let min_page_size = *MIN_SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE;
        let max_iov_count = *SYSTEM_IOV_MAX;
        let mut size_of_not_covered_suffix = 0;

        let mut inner_pages_count = usize::try_from(self.size_of_inner_pages / min_page_size)?;
        let mut total_count = usize::from(self.size_in_first_page != 0)
            + usize::from(self.size_in_last_page != 0)
            + inner_pages_count;

        let mut count = {
            if total_count > max_iov_count && self.size_in_last_page != 0 {
                // Skip the last page.
                self.size_in_last_page = 0;
                size_of_not_covered_suffix += self.size_in_last_page;
                total_count -= 1;

            if total_count > max_iov_count && self.size_of_inner_pages != 0 {
                // Skip as many inner pages as necessary.
                let excess_pages = total_count - max_iov_count;
                let excess_size = min_page_size * excess_pages as u64;
                self.size_of_inner_pages -= excess_size;
                size_of_not_covered_suffix += excess_size;
                inner_pages_count -= excess_pages;
                total_count -= excess_pages;

        let mut result = loop {
            if count <= 3 {
                // This allocates on the stack. It should never fail.
                break SmallVec::with_capacity(count);

            match panic::catch_unwind(|| SmallVec::with_capacity(count)) {
                Ok(result) => {
                    // Successfully allocated on the heap.
                    break result;

                Err(_err) => {
                    if self.size_in_last_page != 0 {
                        // Retry without allocating the `iovec` of the last page.
                        self.size_in_last_page = 0;
                        size_of_not_covered_suffix += self.size_in_last_page;
                        count -= 1;
                    } else if inner_pages_count >= 2 {
                        // Retry without allocating half the `iovec`s of the inner pages.
                        let half_inner_pages = inner_pages_count / 2;
                        let size_of_half_inner_pages = min_page_size * half_inner_pages as u64;
                        self.size_of_inner_pages -= size_of_half_inner_pages;
                        size_of_not_covered_suffix += size_of_half_inner_pages;
                        inner_pages_count -= half_inner_pages;
                        count -= half_inner_pages;

        if self.size_in_first_page != 0 {
            result.push(libc::iovec {
                iov_base: usize::try_from(self.start_address)? as *mut c_void,
                iov_len: usize::try_from(self.size_in_first_page)?,

        let mut page_address = self.start_address.wrapping_add(self.size_in_first_page);
        let start_of_last_page = page_address.wrapping_add(self.size_of_inner_pages);

        let mut remaining_size = self.size_of_inner_pages;
        while remaining_size != 0 {
            result.push(libc::iovec {
                iov_base: usize::try_from(page_address)? as *mut c_void,
                iov_len: usize::try_from(min_page_size)?,
            remaining_size -= min_page_size;
            page_address = page_address.wrapping_add(min_page_size);

        if self.size_in_last_page != 0 {
            result.push(libc::iovec {
                iov_base: usize::try_from(start_of_last_page)? as *mut c_void,
                iov_len: usize::try_from(self.size_in_last_page)?,
        Ok((result, size_of_not_covered_suffix))

/// Input/Output object transferring data to/from the virtual memory contents
/// of a particular process.
/// For better performance, consider doing buffered I/O based on the standard
/// [`BufReader`](std::io::BufReader) and [`BufWriter`](std::io::BufWriter).
pub struct ProcessVirtualMemoryIO {
    process_id: libc::pid_t,

    /// Current virtual memory address where I/O happens in the target process.
    /// A value of `None` means we are **past** the end of the address space.
    address: Option<u64>,

impl ProcessVirtualMemoryIO {
    /// Create a new object to perform input/output of data from/to the virtual
    /// memory contents of the process identified by `process_id`.
    /// The initial virtual memory address where data transfers initially
    /// happen is specified by `initial_address`. Inquiring the system for the
    /// layout of the process address space can help specify this value.
    /// On Linux, the file `/proc/[process_id]/maps` can help with this.
    /// # Common errors
    /// If the specified process does not exist, or this process does not have
    /// the right to send signals to the specified process, then an error is
    /// returned.
    /// # Safety
    /// Writing to the virtual memory of a process is a potentially unsafe
    /// operation because it may introduce memory unsafety in that process,
    /// and may lead to unexpected states in that process. This is even more
    /// dangerous when the target process is the currently running process.
    /// # Running processes
    /// Apart from the process identifier, there is no strong link between the
    /// specified process and this [`ProcessVirtualMemoryIO`] instance.
    /// If the specified process runs and terminates, then further I/O
    /// operations involving this instance may fail.
    /// If the process identifier of the dead process is reused by another
    /// process, then I/O may successfully continue with the new process,
    /// which might not be the desired behavior.
    pub unsafe fn new(process_id: u32, initial_address: u64) -> Result<Self> {
        let process_id = process_id as libc::pid_t;
        if process_id <= 0 {
            return Err(Error::from_io3(


        Ok(Self {
            address: Some(initial_address),

    /// Return the process identifier of the target process.
    pub fn process_id(&self) -> u32 {
        self.process_id as u32

    /// Ensure that the process, identified by the given process identifier,
    /// currently exists in the system.
    fn ensure_process_exists(process_id: libc::pid_t) -> Result<()> {
        if unsafe { libc::kill(process_id, 0) } != -1 {
            return Ok(());

        let mut err = io::Error::last_os_error();
        err = match err.raw_os_error() {
            Some(libc::ESRCH) => io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound),
            Some(libc::EINVAL) => io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput),
            Some(libc::EPERM) => io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied),
            _ => err,
        Err(Error::from_io3(err, "kill", process_id))

    /// Perform vectored (i.e., scatter/gather) I/O on the virtual memory of the
    /// target process.
    fn io_vectored(
        &mut self,
        process_vm_io_v: ProcessVMReadVProc,
        local_io_vectors: &[libc::iovec],
        mut byte_count: u64,
    ) -> Result<usize> {
        if byte_count == 0 || self.address.is_none() {
            return Ok(0);

        let address = self.address.unwrap();

        // Do not overflow the address space.
        let mut max_remaining_bytes = u64::max_value() - address;
        if max_remaining_bytes < u64::max_value() {
            max_remaining_bytes += 1;
        byte_count = cmp::min(byte_count, max_remaining_bytes);

        let (remote_io_vectors, _size_of_not_covered_suffix) =
            PageAwareAddressRange::new(address, byte_count).into_iov_buffers()?;

        let transferred_bytes_count = unsafe {
                local_io_vectors.len() as c_ulong,
                remote_io_vectors.len() as c_ulong,

        if transferred_bytes_count == -1 {
            return Err(Error::from_io3(

        self.address = if (transferred_bytes_count as u64) < max_remaining_bytes {
            Some(address + (transferred_bytes_count as u64))
        } else {
            None // End of file (actually, address space).

        Ok(transferred_bytes_count as usize)

impl Seek for ProcessVirtualMemoryIO {
    /// Seek to an address in the virtual memory address space of the associated
    /// process.
    /// If the seek operation completed successfully, this method returns
    /// the new position from the start of the stream.
    /// The target address need not be readable/writable or even mapped.
    /// Seeking beyond the address space size puts the cursor after the end
    /// of the address space.
    fn seek(&mut self, pos: SeekFrom) -> io::Result<u64> {
        self.address = match (self.address, pos) {
            (_, SeekFrom::Start(n)) => Some(n),

            (None, SeekFrom::Current(n)) if n >= 0 => None,
            (_, SeekFrom::End(n)) if n >= 0 => None,

            (Some(address), SeekFrom::Current(n)) if n >= 0 => {
                let forward = n as u64;

            (None, SeekFrom::Current(n)) /* if n < 0 */ => {
                let backward = n.wrapping_neg() as u64;
                Some((u64::max_value() - backward) + 1)
            (_, SeekFrom::End(n)) /* if n < 0 */ => {
                let backward = n.wrapping_neg() as u64;
                Some((u64::max_value() - backward) + 1)

            (Some(address), SeekFrom::Current(n)) /* if n < 0 */ => {
                let backward = n.wrapping_neg() as u64;
                address.checked_sub(backward).ok_or_else(|| io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput)).map(Some)?


impl Read for ProcessVirtualMemoryIO {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let local_io_vector = libc::iovec {
            iov_base: buf.as_ptr() as *mut c_void,
            iov_len: buf.len(),

        self.io_vectored(libc::process_vm_readv, &[local_io_vector], buf.len() as u64)
            .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))

    fn read_vectored(&mut self, bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let bytes_to_read = bufs.iter().map(|buf| buf.len() as u64).sum();
        let local_io_vectors =
            unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(bufs.as_ptr() as *const _, bufs.len()) };

        self.io_vectored(libc::process_vm_readv, local_io_vectors, bytes_to_read)
            .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))

impl Write for ProcessVirtualMemoryIO {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let local_io_vector = libc::iovec {
            iov_base: buf.as_ptr() as *mut c_void,
            iov_len: buf.len(),

            buf.len() as u64,
        .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))

    fn write_vectored(&mut self, bufs: &[IoSlice]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let bytes_to_write = bufs.iter().map(|buf| buf.len() as u64).sum();
        let local_io_vectors =
            unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(bufs.as_ptr() as *const _, bufs.len()) };

        self.io_vectored(libc::process_vm_writev, local_io_vectors, bytes_to_write)
            .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))

    fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {